

by Sherry Gillam

A great deal of talk is occurring regarding manners in this world. In every industry, sport – you name it – the loss of normal, traditional manners has finally happened, and the business world is experiencing some heavy-duty backlash because of it.


When it comes to a business you want to make money. Bottom line. This isn’t exactly a hard concept to understand. However, when the realm of customer service began to change about five years ago, businesses soon understood that their lack in this area was what was costing them ROI.


Manners are essential for the outside world as well as the digital one. And seeing as that this is a social media driven world, manners are more necessary when it comes to a company’s customer service. Each business must find a way to show their customer appreciation; they must help the disappointed customer fix whatever problem they may have, and pat clients on the back who rave about the company and Twitter all their friends regarding your great products. After all, without them, your company will basically fall to the bottom of the industry pack and wallow there until the doors of the company close.


The holiday season is the perfect time to right the wrongs of a company. And when it comes to marketing and social media campaigns, the social media/PR team that watches over your company should be telling you that NOW is the time to make your mark.


Christmas is the season to speak to your customers. This is the time to hold events, give away free prizes, do huge marketing campaigns for gift cards or certificates for your products and services: This is the time to give thanks and give back, focusing on that target audience you need to follow you into 2014.


Social media is out there to offer these Season’s Greetings, and the social media/PR professionals you hire must be of the high caliber that can understand exactly how to manipulate the various channels in order for your message to reach your client.


There are strengths in each of the main channels including, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube. Each of these ‘most beloved’ locales that billions of people head to each and every day, offer you a ton of creative ways to reach your audience and put a smile on their faces.


The social media/PR team will be able to take all of them into consideration They know the obvious options of adding your photos, personal thoughts, comments, and events to Facebook. Quick, simple, Facebook is still the top dog in the social media race and posting joyful greetings will go a long way.


Your expert team should also know about how to create a holiday album on Facebook. It’s very true that consumers are far more discerning than they used to be with the advent of the World Wide Web. They want to feel as if they are a part of the company they love so much; so the CEO or owner posting a holiday themed album reaches out to them as if that company is focusing on their happiness, which garners you complete customer loyalty.


Pinterest is the visual icon for one and all as 2013 comes to a close. Holiday albums, messages of thanks, free giveaways – Pinterest can bring your products and services to the masses, while making your company name one that remains in their mind long after the holidays are over.


Your social media/PR team also knows how you can go all out by creating that video for YouTube. Not only will the client get the visual, but they will literally have a face-to-face meeting and learn all about the company that’s trying to turn them from viewer into customer.


All of these represent the good-old hometown ways that everyone is longing for in this day and age.


Bring back your GOOD MANNERS and offer your customers a gift of thanks!

For more information Please visit BeFirst Media Group.




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