9-2-2012 *BOBGETZ6 ~This is not rocket science, it is political and financial posturing and timing. We can do nothing about it but wait...I expeect nothing at least until early tomorrow morning at the earliest. YOU WILL KNOW JUST AS SOON AS WE FIND OUT!
9-2-2012 *Vic1 ~there is so much GOOD news...I will however help many understand if not defunk the "Talabani RIDDLE"! Talabani has always been in IRAQ'S land territory!!! He was in The semi-autonomous REGION of IRAQ Called KURDISTAN!!! Get it!!! So when they say he is Germany...YEA, ok! He is In IRAQ...again has never left...but is not in IRAQ... HE is in KURDISTAN!!! he will becoming to IRAQ...meaning BAGHDAD...is a Journalistic Twist!! Get it? Talabani is going to SHOW To KICK MALIKI'S BEHIND!!! You Think V/P JOSEPH BIDEN is on his way there to TALK TO MALIKI?
9-2-2012 *Blaino ~I see large international dollar movement, extra large iqd buys happening in the middle east, i (blaino) am very excited...we are holding at...alert level 5+.
9-3-2012 *SWFloridaGuy ~Shabibi did have one report years ago when he said the goal was to eventually return their currency to previous levels. He never once mentioned the mechanisms by which they will achieve that RV, RI, RD etc. I do believe a RV is what we will see. I am continually perplexed...seeing people...reference a 100,000% increase as a "Small RV." ...1 to 1 is nothing to scoff at imo. ...eventually I think Iraq will be able to...justify a high exchange rate. For Iraq to pull it off it's my belief they will change the peg. They've already made adjustments and none of them came close to 1 to 1 but we hope that will change. The hope is that a big change is on the way.
9-3-2012 Boots On The Ground Guru WAR {Newbie} I have just returned from the bank of Baghdad, Governor Sinan Shabibi is in country as of Saturday he was seen on the Iraqi news here in Baghdad. I spoke with the bank manager Ali, “more like” I interrogated him; asking him questions about, various topics. He told me that they have not received the coins at this time and/or the lower denominations. He said that they are still at the CBI and have not been issued and not on the streets or in the hands of shopkeepers/venders, at this time. Also, Ali said that there are no shortage of dinar on the streets or US dollars. And last but not least Hillary Clinton did not arrive today as expected; it was one of her subordinates which I cannot name because of security concerns.
9-3-2012 *Freeway Bill ~YES, this was suppose to happen JUNE 30, 2011 and was stopped! YES, it was on the back screens and never made it to the front at least half dozen times that I know of for sure. YES, IRAQ is out of the decision making process of this RV. So many things have had to be taken care of before this RV could happen and us be assured that our money would be safe. Nothing more, nothing less. Well many things have happened and we are going to see this RV>>>FOR SURE>>>ABSOLUTELY! WHEN? Could be this week, could take another month. According to many phone calls I got today, we are in great shape...The information that is available right now and what is happening right now is very good.
Statistics: Posted by Vixen — Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:11 am