
While AOL, Inc. (NYSE:AOL) has had online advertising ambitions for years now, the company today has announced a major move which could substantially increase the use of it’s latest ad publishing platform, ‘One by AOL: Publishers’.

The company has acquired the Paris-based AlephD. AlephD helps publishers identify the best pricing scheme for each of their ad’s impressions. Basically it’s a tool to allow advertisers to achieve a better bang for their buck. AlephD will be integrated with numerous other publishing technologies that AOL, Inc. (NYSE:AOL) had acquired, including Millennial Media and Gravity, under the ‘One by AOL’ umbrella.

“2016 is the year of the publisher, where we are really going to make full court press,” explained Tim Mahlman, AOL’s president of publisher platforms.

The stock is 0.01% or $0 following the news, hitting $49.99 per share. It is up 6.00% since December 26, 2015 and is uptrending. It has outperformed the S&P500 by 14.87%.

AOL Inc. is a global media and technology firm with a worldwide audience and a suite of digital brands, services and products that it offers to consumers, advertisers, publishers and subscribers. The company has a market cap of $3.92 billion. The Firm has three reportable divisions: The Brand Group, The Membership Group and AOL Platforms. It has 33.28 P/E ratio. AOL Properties include the owned and operated content, services and products in the Membership Group and Brand Group divisions.

#focuskw=’AOL, Inc. (NYSE:AOL)’##metadesc=’While AOL, Inc. (NYSE:AOL) has had online advertising ambitions for years now, the company today has announced a major move which could substantially increase the use of it’s latest ad publishing platform, ‘One by AOL: Publishers’. The company has acquired the Paris-based AlephD. AlephD helps publishers identify the best pricing scheme for each of their ad’s impressions. Basically it’s a tool to allow advertisers to achieve a better bang for their buck. AlephD will be integrated with numerous other publishing technologies that AOL, Inc. (NYSE:AOL) had acquired, including Millennial Media and Gravity, under the ‘One by AOL’ umbrella. “2016 is the year of the publisher, where we are really going to make full court press,” explained Tim Mahlman, AOL’s president of publisher platforms.’##metarobot=’index’##newskw=’Zafgen Inc positive news,Zafgen Inc – (NASDAQ:ZFGN),NASDAQ:ZFGN Analyst rating analysis,Stock Analysis,Outlook and potential,ZFGN Price change and trend,ZFGN stock update’##sitemap=’include’##skipsocial##stockticker=’NYSE:AOL’#

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