
We are officially in it, and by “it,” I mean something that we would rather avoid, but must find the strength to face head on. The cosmic forecast throughout the month of October hinted at things to come. Now that we’ve entered the final stretch of 2013, we’re being strongly (not gently) pushed to clear up and out what no longer serves us. This could be a relationship, a job, a home, a health matter, a pattern, a financial hindrance, a habit or a simple fear. No matter your situation or how you’ve been recently pulled through the ringer, taking that plunge will be the only way to free yourself from the blockage. Luckily, we have support from the heavens above (as we always do) to help navigate these choppy seas. But courage is still essential. What’s happening is on a deep core level where the ego cannot intrude. This is soul work that will usher in an abundance of awareness, along with a new conscious way of living and being. The initial struggle simply involves us learning to stand on terra firma that bears our personal stamp. In doing so, the rewards will outweigh the mishaps, and the tools developed as a result can be used in our everyday lives. Let’s get started together.

Check your horoscopes below to see what’s in store this week ahead, and be sure to read for your Ascendant sign.

On the day you were born, all of the planets were positioned in the signs of the Zodiac – not just the Sun. To find out more about your full astrological make up, email Tracey for a personal Astrology reading at tracey@randomnessofrudy.com.

Aries: Hopefully by now, you understand where you went wrong, Aries. Yours is a sign that prefers to live life on your terms, but that attitude can work against you. This reality hit home on the career front, where you’ve been trying to make some headway. If you’ve been adamant about doing things your way, you’d be wise to make amends where you’ve caused offense to those who could actually help. You can’t do this alone; you’d be surprised by how far you can get when others are involved. Where are you struggling?  Where do you feel “stuck?” How can you release yourself from certain blockages and obstacles? My November special will help you find the answers. Visit www.randomnessofrudy.com for more information.

Taurus: For a while, a theme of relating has been prominent for you Bulls. The emphasis remains, but your load lightens in the week ahead. Now would be a good time to try and get the most from all of your relationships (personal or professional). There’s a wonderful energy afoot that is allowing you to tap into your creative juices and feel totally inspired as a result. Doing so will bring a shift in your dealings with others, ushering in a new beginning that will feel more pleasant than heavy. Where are you struggling?  Where do you feel “stuck?” How can you release yourself from certain blockages and obstacles? My November special will help you find the answers. Visit www.randomnessofrudy.com for more information.

Gemini: While life flutters around you, your need for emotional security intensifies. The daily grind has shifted Gemini, forcing you to incorporate new routines and habits as a result. The question, however, is whether or not your daily affairs work in tandem with your sense of foundation. Where you “hang out” most might be where you should live. Or vice versa; there may be too much activity happening on the home front. No matter the situation, personal comfort should be your top priority. Where are you struggling?  Where do you feel “stuck?” How can you release yourself from certain blockages and obstacles? My November special will help you find the answers. Visit www.randomnessofrudy.com for more information.

Cancer: Your friends and local environment will enhance the way you feel about your life and where it’s heading. A new beginning is in effect that opens the door to all things imaginable. But the only way to take advantage of new opportunities is by believing in your originality. Don’t be afraid to make your mark, Cancer, as others are very much in awe of you and your creativity. Children are in the framework this week, as well as a sense of hustle and bustle in your ‘hood. Enjoy the activity! Where are you struggling?  Where do you feel “stuck?” How can you release yourself from certain blockages and obstacles? My November special will help you find the answers. Visit www.randomnessofrudy.com for more information.

Leo: Now you get it, Leo. Now you understand why it is so important to nurture and nourish your soulful self. What happens “out there” is not as important as what happens within. Until you commit to creating a firmer base with regards to your personal foundations, the hustle and bustle of life will continue to leave you feeling empty. Your inner well needs replenishing; from there is where you will access enough energy to pursue practical and spiritual affairs. It’ll also boost your self esteem. Where are you struggling?  Where do you feel “stuck?” How can you release yourself from certain blockages and obstacles? My November special will help you find the answers. Visit www.randomnessofrudy.com for more information.

Virgo: Soon, you’ll be operating on all cylinders. When this happens, nothing will get in your way. Mars in your sign gives you added drive, while Venus soon to enter the sign of Capricorn will make you oh so charming! Your sex appeal is about to be enhanced, dear Virgo. Try not to let it all go to your head, though. In fact, just because you’re feeling on top of the world doesn’t mean it’s OK to be smug. With all this chutzpah, remember your humility; it’ll make you all the more enchanting. Where are you struggling?  Where do you feel “stuck?” How can you release yourself from certain blockages and obstacles? My November special will help you find the answers. Visit www.randomnessofrudy.com for more information.

Libra: A fresh start surrounding what you value commenced with the Solar Eclipse we had just hours ago. Now is the time to get your affairs in order, especially in regards to your sense of financial security. FYI, this eclipse energy comes with an overarching question of personal security and what that means to you. Libras everywhere are focused on building firmer foundations, starting with your own sense of self worth. Don’t be surprised by the amount of time spent pondering this. Where are you struggling?  Where do you feel “stuck?” How can you release yourself from certain blockages and obstacles? My November special will help you find the answers. Visit www.randomnessofrudy.com for more information.

Scorpio: I gave a Scorpio friend of mine a reading over the weekend, and my excitement for his forecast extends to Scorpios everywhere. I warned you that times now call for significant change. As a result, you are all beginning to solidify your foundations with much more focus and discipline. As difficult as this might seem, it’s also quite liberating. You’re becoming your own personal authority; the Universe has presented you with a blank canvass to paint whatever picture you want to paint. Where are you struggling?  Where do you feel “stuck?” How can you release yourself from certain blockages and obstacles? My November special will help you find the answers. Visit www.randomnessofrudy.com for more information.

Sagittarius: Finally, work matters are moving forward. It may have seemed as though you were stuck in a holding pattern, but the planet Mars’ energy in the area of your chart that governs prestige will see you more assertive with professional pursuits. My only advice is to pace yourself. Meanwhile, a nice blend of energy comes into effect this Tuesday, which will have you feeling good about your skills and talents and what you have to offer. Those higher ups will be quite impressed. Where are you struggling?  Where do you feel “stuck?” How can you release yourself from certain blockages and obstacles? My November special will help you find the answers. Visit www.randomnessofrudy.com for more information.

Capricorn: The planet Venus sashays into your sign this Tuesday, and your charm and charisma will be enhanced as a result. Don’t be surprised if a few secret admirers come out of the wood work, and try not to give off too much allure, if at all possible! If you took my advice from last week, you may be making solid impressions with the different groups and social networks that you’ve recently joined. A fresh start is underway in these areas, and it may be just the confidence boost you need. Where are you struggling?  Where do you feel “stuck?” How can you release yourself from certain blockages and obstacles? My November special will help you find the answers. Visit www.randomnessofrudy.com for more information.

Aquarius: If you’re trying to solidify a business partnership, you’ve got some positive energy on your side. But you’ll have to do some research to figure out how to sell what you’re offering. Don’t panic; yours is an innovative sign that knows how to make one heck of an impression! Because this deal is so important, you’ll need to go deep with your intuition – doing so will help you gain a better understanding of how to work your strategy. Yours is an intuitive sign too, you know; tap into it.  Where are you struggling?  Where do you feel “stuck?” How can you release yourself from certain blockages and obstacles? My November special will help you find the answers. Visit www.randomnessofrudy.com for more information.

Pisces: Activity continues to pick up on the relationship front, where important others will take up much of your time and energy. If you’re entering into a business agreement; practice due diligence in getting to know your partners and make sure their business strategy compliments your own. If significant others are involved, the same rules apply; you’ll want to make sure that you both share the same long term goals. Meanwhile, if certain adjustments must be made, the ball is in your court.  Where are you struggling?  Where do you feel “stuck?” How can you release yourself from certain blockages and obstacles? My November special will help you find the answers. Visit www.randomnessofrudy.com for more information.

Tracey L. Rogers is an Astrologer in the Washington, DC metro area. With over a decade of experience, Tracey brings clarity and insight to your full astrological make up, explaining how astronomical activity above affects us down below. Tracey’s readings are insightful, presenting vital information that leads to self awareness. You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. For more information on services, visit http://www.randomnessofrudy.com

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