
Horoscopes for October 6th – October 12th  

There’s a great quote by Neale Donald Walsh, which says “life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” I was reminded of these wise words all of last week, as I struggled with the restrictions of my own status quo. At the same time while interacting with clients during their astrology readings, I noticed a similar theme of clinging to comfort that became more and more evident. I found myself using the word ‘courage’ a lot – courage to change, courage to make a difference, courage to do what you know is right. I said it so much that I eventually took my own advice, and was fortunate to experience a mild breakthrough as a result. What came next was a liberating feeling of release. But at the same time, I was even more humbly aware that I still had some work to do.


Many of us are experiencing a degree of tension in our lives, all courtesy of planetary alignments above. Being aware of what’s happening helps to navigate events as they manifest. But such awareness means nothing if we’re unwilling to act on what we know to be true – what we know must be done. As a reminder from last week, we are being called to act with integrity, even if it means a new step in the right direction that may be difficult to take. It’s not supposed to be easy, that’s the point, and we all have a little ways to go. Not knowing what’s beyond our scope of comfort is scary, yes. But I highly recommend that you find the courage to go a little deeper.


Check your horoscopes below to see what’s in store this week ahead, and be sure to read for your Ascendant sign.


On the day you were born, all of the planets were positioned in the signs of the Zodiac – not just the Sun. To find out more about your full astrological make up, email Tracey for a personal Astrology reading at tracey@randomnessofrudy.com.


Aries: As you continue to navigate the many changes that have come your way in recent years, you are preparing yourself for what’s ahead. This involves a serious approach on your part, along with a little planning, strategizing and taking things one step at a time. I know this isn’t how you normally do things. But the fact of the matter is that those obstacles bombarding you from left field are forcing you to follow a straight path. Stick with it, Aries. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Astrological compatibility goes beyond just your Zodiac signs. My October special has been announced – visit www.randomenssofrudy.com for more details!

Taurus: I know that you don’t like change, Taurus. It is the worst kind of experience that you sometimes have to endure, and you won’t endure it without a standoff first. It can be frustrating to watch you in action (or inaction) when making a move or reaching a decision you would prefer to put off. Luckily, those closest to you understand your process; you should be grateful to them for their patience. However, keep in mind that patience wears thin. You will have to act eventually. Astrological compatibility goes beyond just your Zodiac signs. My October special has been announced – visit www.randomenssofrudy.com for more details!

Gemini: You can’t avoid that restless feeling forever, Gemini. You can’t continue to ignore the inner stirrings that something is going to have to give. You can’t keep sweeping new ideas under the rug just because you haven’t taken the time to flush them out and maybe put some of your plans into action; and you can’t keep putting off your plans! The time is now, dear Twins. Not tomorrow, not after you’ve met with so and so, but now. Take a minute to process this. Then make your move.   Astrological compatibility goes beyond just your Zodiac signs. My October special has been announced – visit www.randomenssofrudy.com for more details!

Cancer: Please Cancer, go big. I know that you want to make sure everyone else will be OK with your expansion, and I understand your need to ensure that no one will feel threatened by your broadened disposition. But you are currently the recipient of some pretty potent support. It’s cosmic support, mind you, so it transcends the human kind. This means that a divine energy is guiding you through all the possibilities. You can relax, and find comfort in your way forward. Astrological compatibility goes beyond just your Zodiac signs. My October special has been announced – visit www.randomenssofrudy.com for more details!

Leo: Sit still, Leo, and quit squirming. It may seem like your life is stagnant, but you are always in motion even if it feels more like a standstill. And don’t worry, Leo, you’re not at a standstill. You are exactly where you’re supposed to be – exactly where you need to be. So keep plugging away and focus on today. Remember to feed your faith with inspiration towards what’s to come. When you’re ready, you’ll soar high. But first, the universe needs to make sure that you are fully prepared. Astrological compatibility goes beyond just your Zodiac signs. My October special has been announced – visit www.randomenssofrudy.com for more details!

Virgo: Don’t be afraid to fully express yourself, Virgo. While you folks are usually clear thinking, the passion and force behind your words are sometimes lacking. I bet you never realized that many people really do want to hear what you have to say. When you’re able to speak your peace without criticism or the need to be factual all the time, a conversation is held, and the other person can relate. This is called true connection, and it’s something worth cultivating in your everyday life. Astrological compatibility goes beyond just your Zodiac signs. My October special has been announced – visit www.randomenssofrudy.com for more details!

Libra: Libras have a bad reputation for being indecisive. While it is true, I think many people underestimate your need for balance, which can bring about your indecision. Interestingly enough, out of all of your critics, you seem to be the biggest one. If you could just accept the fact that often times life isn’t fair or just, you would be spared the back and forth. Sometimes losing your sense of balance has a way of restoring the balance. But this only works if you trust and value your process. Astrological compatibility goes beyond just your Zodiac signs. My October special has been announced – visit www.randomenssofrudy.com for more details!

Scorpio: No matter what perks come your way, Scorpio, there’s still an emphasis on discipline and hard work. Usually one to guard the more serious undertones; you’re beginning to notice that your poker face isn’t fooling anyone. What’s becoming more visible is your steady determination, which is something you typically try to hide in order not to give yourself away. I must tell you, then, that the jig is up; your A-game has been revealed. So go ahead and be the role – don’t just play the role. Astrological compatibility goes beyond just your Zodiac signs. My October special has been announced – visit www.randomenssofrudy.com for more details!

Sagittarius: Soon Sagittarius, you will be in high demand, on the receiving end of recognition for your skills and talents. But until then, you must work on believing that you’re worthy of such accolades, otherwise, no one else is going to believe it. This will be a nice exercise, as well as a timely one, for how you see yourself does not necessarily translate into how you value yourself. Create a mantra that captures the essence of your merit and what you have to offer, and repeat. Astrological compatibility goes beyond just your Zodiac signs. My October special has been announced – visit www.randomenssofrudy.com for more details!

Capricorn: The compartments of your life are changing, Capricorn. This begs the question of how will you be able to manage these transitions. Yours is a sign that can manage just about anything, so I don’t doubt that you’ll pull it all together, even if at the last minute. However, things are moving fast, and a makeshift design may be all that’s possible as opposed to a complete reinvention of the wheel. In other words, don’t let a little hiccup in your plan spoil the whole thing. Learn to improvise. Astrological compatibility goes beyond just your Zodiac signs. My October special has been announced – visit www.randomenssofrudy.com for more details!

Aquarius: Work has been no fun as of late. You keep trying to bring your innovative gifts to the board room, but your ideas continue to be pushed to the side. If this is not the case, an authority figure may be making your life somewhat hellish at the office. Or, you may be coming up against obstacles as you attempt to establish your own business or practice. Just so you know; the challenges you face are blessings in disguise. Don’t get discouraged; don’t give up on your dreams. Astrological compatibility goes beyond just your Zodiac signs. My October special has been announced – visit www.randomenssofrudy.com for more details!

Pisces: It must feel good to be in your position, Pisces. Of all the Zodiac signs, yours is the one that has the most profound sense of clarity and awareness with regards to where you are heading. If you disagree with that last sentence, I can tell you that it’s not because of what I’ve said; it’s because you’re not paying attention to your God given gift of inner knowing and intuition. Retreat into your imagination and give yourself a time out. Once you tap into your own source, you’ll get what I mean.    Astrological compatibility goes beyond just your Zodiac signs. My October special has been announced – visit www.randomenssofrudy.com for more details!


Tracey L. Rogers is an Astrologer in the Washington, DC metro area. With over a decade of experience, Tracey brings clarity and insight to your full astrological make up, explaining how astronomical activity above affects us down below. Tracey’s readings are insightful, presenting vital information that leads to self awareness. You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. For more information on services, visit http://www.randomnessofrudy.com


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