


Where are you from:russia

Your Timezone(GMT):russia

Tell us a little bit about yourself:my name is hassan I'm 18 years old I'm from Russia

Any previous experience with any kind of moderation: I have had an alright experience of being a Helper/mod. I started out on a small server me and my friends brought up which no longer exists. I was head Admin on there and had a big responsibility like Checking the console for recent kicks and bans and seeing if they are worthy of joining back on the server. We ran and got around 10-20 players on at one time. I thought I would move to a bigger public server to do some staff training/work on there. I moved to a small server called Duel-play. It was a nice little server but i didn't like the attitude there when they were swearing and all there. I got demoted because I was not on active. So I decided to move to a new server called a1craft. This is a very nice little server where I got the job of being a Mini-games Mod and had the rolls of sorting out the plugins and kicking and banning the players. This is a nice little server with around 20-40 players online

Why do you want to be staff?Firstly I have been online on the server for quiet along time and have been taking in what the other staff members have been saying in chat for the answers to questions and have been trying to answer questions like "I need the command for Making a town" or "how do I look at achievements in sky-block", I would reply with the answer or with the help command for the subject like /skyblock help. I have also set my self a couple of targets for If I get Helper including: Try to make the modreqs the best possible Help and assists there can be and make them want to file in a modreq again. Also I want to be online more and Help with the questions filed in shout and answer them. I want to be a Full time Helper and Dedicate as much time as I can to the server. I will normally be the first one to kick or ban on the server from my experience from other servers. I am normally quiet strict with my kicks and temp bans when someone breaks the rules. For a spam I would normally give a warning kick saying "reason: Spam and related" so it informs the player there fault as well. I am in the forums quiet a lot as well replying to questions and answers or other related Staff Recruitment's, Suggestions and other posts that normally need a reply

Which server are you applying for?(Survival/Factions/Skygrid/Skyblock/Acidisland/Creative/Skywars):survival

When did you start playing Minecraft: 1 year ago

What languages do you speak:English and russian

How many hours can you contribute each day and which days:4+hours

Any additional informational you'd like to add: no

Statistics: Posted by Tiio_Maxx — Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:48 pm

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