
Sun-up in New York? Must be time for a seminar

Fordham IP Conference: draft programme revealed. The draft programme for this year's Fordham Intellectual Property Conference is now available online. You can check it out here. Kats will be on parade, as usual. Blogmeister Jeremy is speaking in "Perspectives from IP Pioneers" on Thursday 24 April, in the same session as Victoria Espinel and the Honorable Pauline Newman. Eleonora is speaking on "EU Copyright: Recent Developments" on the afternoon of the same day, along with Lord Justice Floyd and Katfriend Alexander Tsoutsanis. Eleonora reappears later that afternoon when the programme focuses on "Orphan Works & Extended Collective Licensing".  Do attend if you can: there's nothing quite like it. Nowhere else will you get exhausted, jet-lagged IP experts and enthusiasts struggling out of bed to attend a choice of three Sunrise Seminars at 7.30 am on the Friday morning.

Around the weblogs. The SOLO IP Blog has been busy again today with two posts -- one on some of the downsides of writing references for candidates for jobs, the other on the enforcement of restrictive covenants against former employees in order to protect trade secrets and other items. Elsewhere, there's a thoughtful piece in PatLit by Stefano Barazza, on UNITAID's report on the Trans-Pacific Partnership and its implications for public health.  There's also a terrific post by fellow Kat Neil on the implications, real or imagined, of HP's decision to wade into the market for 3D printers. Finally, Kingsley Egbuonu posts the first part of a magnum opus on the part played by copyright in Nigeria's resurgent GDP figures.

New bio-journal on the block.  The Journal of Law and the Biosciences (JLB), a new publication from Oxford University Press, is now up-and-running.  You can check out its smart new website here.  This Kat is far too modest to mention the distinguished company of experts among whom he finds himself on the editorial board.  The first issue formally was published online earlier this month and you can take a look at its contents here. Says Hank Greely (one of the triumvirate of co-editors):

"I like the fact that our first issue has both lawyers and non-lawyers as authors and that we have three largely non-US sets of authors compared to only one fully US author".
Hank adds that the second issue is well under way, but invites submissions of suitable content. If you'd like to write for the JLB, guidance for authors can be found here.

The University of Geneva is running its Internet L@w Summer School from 16 to 24 June.  The Course Directors, Professor Jacques de Werra of University of Geneva and Dr Thomas Schultz of King’s College London, have put together a program that will include discussions of intellectual property, freedom of expression and internet governance.  Further details are available from the event's website here. Book by 15 April and enjoy the benefit of the Early Bird discount.

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