There are several rites of passage that we go through during the span of our lifetime. It begins when we are very young when we learn how to walk. This is our first step towards becoming independent. As we get older, these rites of passage don’t stop. The first day of school. Losing your first teeth. Puberty. Milestone birthdays. High school graduation. College. Your first job. Falling love. Marriage. Starting a family. All of these are momentous events. Among these rites of passage, there is one that just about every high school student in the United States looks forward to: Senior Prom. With that comes shopping for the the dress at
Senior Prom is an event that marks one’s upcoming transition from being a teenager to being (gasp!) a young adult. Whether you are going to be going to college or diving right into the work force, the end of your high school career is a period to be cherished and documented for you to reflect on later. Aside from the actual graduation ceremony, prom night is the biggest event of this momentous year. It is viewed by many as the last hurrah. One of the last times that you will likely get together with all of your friends (friends that you have likely spent at least the last 4 years hanging out with) before heading out into ‘The Real World”. You might forego all other social activities during your high school career, but Senior Prom is the one event that you feel like you cannot miss.
For many people, prom night is viewed as something that should be one of the best nights of their young lives. They want it to be the perfect experience. They want the perfect date. The perfect mode of transportation. The perfect entertainment. The perfect hair. And, of course, the perfect attire. For girls, much of the excitement of prom night centers around finding that holy grail of high school fashion – the perfect prom dress.
So, how does one go about finding the perfect prom dress? Below are some great tips to help you on your quest:
1. Start looking early. Unless you have a ton of money at your disposal, you aren't going to be able to wait until the day before to pick out your dress for prom. Not if you want to find THE prom dress. It is a good practice to start searching for your prom dress at least 4-6 weeks ahead. This not only ensures that you have something to wear – it helps your prom date to better figure out what they will be wearing. After all, it’s usually traditional for people who are attending prom together to coordinate their outfits. Also, by shopping early, you have a wider selection of options. You don’t want to wait so long that you only have a few choices left to you.
2. Start saving early. Prom dresses are typically a bit more (ok, a lot more) expensive than regular dresses. And, though you will likely only wear it once in your life, it is something that most teen girls (and their parents) are willing to splurge on. After all, you only get one Senior Prom. By saving up for your dress and all of the accessories, you take the stress off when you do find the perfect dress for you.
3. Think about the different styles and color options available to you. What colors complement your skin tone or bring out the sparkle in your eyes? Which lengths and cuts flatter your body? Which fabric do you feel most comfortable in? There are so many style combinations out there that it really gives you the chance to come up with ideas that will allow your personality to shine. Remember, your prom dress should be a reflection of you as an individual. You might plan to coordinate with your date, but that doesn't mean you can’t be yourself.
Once you have an idea of the types of dresses that you might like, I would personally recommend going online to check out your options. There are so many benefits of shopping online versus in the store. However, the main benefit s are that you will have a wider selection of dresses to choose from than would be available in most stores. Also, when you shop online, it is very likely that you will be able to find more affordable options. That way you can find the perfect dress at the perfect price. is a great place to check out some fantastic prom dress selections both affordable and beautiful. With spring right around the corner, now is the perfect time to begin your hunt for the perfect prom dress.