
DigiCert, a global SSL Certification Authority (CA) and the leading provider of trusted certificate management solutions, announced that its certificate platform CertCentral has been named a finalist for Internet of Things (IoT) Security Product Excellence. Winners will be announced at the Info Security Products Guide’s 12th Annual Global Excellence Awards, to be held on Feb. 29 in San Francisco, in conjunction with the start of the annual RSA security conference.

CertCentral handles all aspects of the digital certificate management lifecycle in one intuitive, cloud-based portal that is capable of supporting active deployment of billions of certificates simultaneously. A rapidly increasing number of major IoT companies are using the platform to embed security into current and next-generation internet-connected products.

“The IoT demands smart, optimized security solutions at enormous scales, and CertCentral does this for organizations by simplifying certificate management and automating critical tasks,” said DigiCert CSO Jason Sabin. “We’re honored by this recognition and excited about the growing number of popular IoT platforms, manufacturers, and leading organizations that are working with us to authenticate and encrypt smart devices and systems to gain a competitive edge.”

The IoT era spurs exponential growth in the number of connected devices and objects but also increases the attack vector for malicious parties looking to exploit the lack of basic security controls such as authentication and encryption. According to Gartner, “public key infrastructure will re-emerge as one of the most relevant authentication mechanisms for organizations to address the IOT authentication problem. PKI’s flexibility is important when changing requirements and represent identity in a cross-platform, multiprotocol approach … Gartner predicts that discovery, provisioning, authentication and data protection will account for half of all security spend in the next five years.”

To fulfill its promise, the IoT market must implement PKI correctly. Episodes such as Heartbleed serve as reminders of the importance of enterprises not only deploying digital certificates at-scale but being ready to execute real-time updates of all TLS termination points across the network.

DigiCert’s CertCentral helps organizations maximize their IoT brand investments by simplifying certificate deployment and management through automation and best-in-class innovation. CertCentral automation and real-time insights help reduce human errors and the hours spent on manual processes. CertCentral closes the security gaps often caused by negligence, ignorance or rogue actions of employees not authorized to issue certificates by IT.

CertCentral addresses all aspects of the certificate management lifecycle, including:

Discovery: Organizations can view all of their certificates and endpoints, regardless of issuer, to determine where deployed, licensing period, potential vulnerabilities, and other key data.

Procurement: Administrators can automate and control procurement and budgeting through access to smart tools and responsive APIs.

Deployment: Using a proprietary Express Install command, IT departments can speed up and simplify certificate installation on devices and servers, using established processes that eliminate human error and ensure optimized configuration.

Management: Staff can control costs, improve inventory and drive accountability by apportioning certificates to specific business units. Pre-purchase approvals drive efficiency in advance of major deployments.

Monitoring: Accessing Google Certificate Transparency logs (including the one DigiCert operates) and other proprietary resources, administrators gain access to all certificates – authorized or not – issued to their domains and derivatives. This can help identify mis-issuance, rogue certificates and phishing attempts to stop them at early stages.

Analysis: Organizations can use smart agents found in the DigiCert Certificate Inspector to view all TLS/SSL certificates and endpoints in real-time. This tool alerts administrators to problem areas that might be out of compliance with best practices and recommends remediation steps.

Remediation: The platform suggests proper mitigation steps to guide best practices for using the right protocols, cipher suites, hashing algorithms and a host of other areas that affect certificate and endpoint security.

With OCSP response times for TLS/SSL Certificates more than four times faster than competitors, DigiCert certificates are the clear choice for performance-minded enterprises working in the IoT. As a result, DigiCert continues to attract the business of the world’s leading brands, including six of the global Alexa Top 10, major IoT platform providers and global technology companies.

For more information about how DigiCert helps secure the IoT, visit www.digicert.com/internet-of-things.

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