
Track Members is now updated to version 1.0.0 (final)
For those who don't know, Track Members is an application that allows you to closely follow what members do on your board, by tracing their steps for the following actions:

Account Actions

Sign In

Sign Out

Change Display Name

Change Password

Change Email Address

Forum Actions

View Topic

Follow Forum / Topic

Like / Reputation System

Profile Actions

New Private Message

Private Message Reply

View Profile

Add a New Friend

Remove a Friend

New Status Update

Reply Status Update

Delete Status Update Reply

Delete Status Update

A member can be tracked/untracked and all the actions (above) can be changed at any time on their profile, with a simple click!
Bug fixes from the previous version (1.0.0 RC 1):
The following are the main bugs that were fixed for this version:

Group settings fixed (who can track and tracked groups)

Member photo on tracking logs page (profile)

Slowness when posting a status update

Fixed pagination on log page in profile (jump to page)

New Features
The following is a list of the main new features for this release:

Added track logs link in personal card, linking to log page in profile

Added track logs link in members list, linking to log page in profile

Added new setting to track new members, with option to a track for a specific number of days

Added new setting to tie this app to Warn System, so when a user gets warned, will be tracked for a specific number of days

Added new setting to admin define number of log entries in logs page (profile view)

Added new setting to admin define number of log entries in logs page (Admin CP view)

Added new setting to log management, where you can prune logs by number of days

Added a new tab on Moderator CP to list all tracked members, with option to view the last 10 logged actions, all logged actions (linking to log page in profile) and stop tracking link

Added Tracked Members module on Admin CP to list all members and their log entries, with possibility to prune logs and stop tracking the member

Added Tools module on Admin CP to prune logs, prune orphaned logs, track all members (by group or all groups) and stop tracking all members

Some new features / screenshots of this version:
1 - Log entries on profile view totally reworked:

On this screen you'll see all log actions of the member. You can also edit that member, stop tracking him and also change tracking setup.
2 - Now when you click to track a member, you have the Tracking Setup to choose what to track, instead of track everything (RC 1):

You can decide to track that member for a specific number of days.
3 - New tab on Moderator CP -> Manage Members: Track Members:

This tab will list all members currenty tracked WITH log entries. Sometimes you are tracking 300 members but only shows 10 on this tab. This happens to avoid shows several tracked members with no log entries. This can happen if you choose to track an entire group (Admin CP tools).
4 - Links to log actions profile page in member card and members list:

The llink will appear for tracked members and only users from groups that can track members will see it.
5 - You can tie Track Members to Warn System: when a member is warned by a moderator, you can track that member of a specific number of days. You also can choose to track new users automatically when they create the account for a specific number of days.

6 - Admin CP Tools. This is a new module on Admin CP where you can PRUNE LOGS, PRUNE ORPHANED LOGS (logs from user that aren't currently being tracked), STOP TRACKING ALL MEMBERS and TRACK ALL MEMBERS (from all or specific groups):

7 - Admin CP Management. This is a new module on Admin CP where you can manage logs of tracked members. On first screen, you'll see a list of tracked members, with or without log entries:

When you click on member's name or in the number of log entries for this member, you'll go to a second page where you'll see the logs of this member:

On that screen, you can easily prune logs of this member or even stop tracking them.
Due to an issue posted here, I couldn't currently get the pagination to work on the Management module (both screens). As it took a long time to be updated, I didn't want to make you wait a any longer for this fix. So I decided to release it with this small issue. This won't cause the application not to work properly and will be fixed as soon as possible.
Also, integration to official AddOns (IP.Blog, IP.Calendar, IP.Downloads & IP.Gallery) will be released soon, on a new version.
If you find any bugs, please let me know by posting in support topic: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/378693-track-members/
You can buy/download Track Members here http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/6180-track-members/
That's it! Hope you like it and suggestions are always welcome.

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