All DesignzShop Products Must Be Registered immediately after purchase Per our license requirements.
About DesignzShop
We've been releasing themes since the beginning of 4.0. DesignzShop was the first to release themes for 4.0. DesignzShop has sold many themes off our site the past couple of years, now IPB users from countries that we did not accept through PayPal have the option to purchase one of our great themes.
D-Series / Designed for all IPB Applications
- Forums
- Downloads
- CMS/Pages
- Gallery
- Commerce
- Chat
- Blogs
- Calendar
Get More...
Premium Original Design
Custom Icon Sets
In house Great looking - Premium graphics...
Protect yourself and your community. We design in house all the graphics used in our Skinz. We do not use copyright images. Protect yourself and your community by purchasing a DesignzShop theme with all original graphics.
Matching ACP Skinz
Matching Dark Editor - (Below is the Black Custom Editor in Ash that comes also in this Shadowz Theme)
Editor supports IE 10, 11
Plus FF, Chrome and Opera
No CSS Template Edits
Minimal HTML Template Edits
No Code Re-arranging
No JS or JQuery Interference
No added Sliders or Carousels that effect your end users experience or your websites performance and possibly SEO. At DesignzShop we leave that important choice up to you.
Responsive as IPB
Extended Font-Awesome Menus
Cross browser compliant gradients
130 Plus Custom Settings - Personalize your site
New Settings
Custom Upload Field to Add Background Image.
Easily add a background image to any of the DesignzShop Skinz
Custom Upload Field to Add Header Image.
Easily add a header image to any of the DesignzShop Skinz
Custom Upload Field to Add Footer Image.
Easily add a Footer Background image to any of the DesignzShop Skinz
Custom Upload Field to Add Secondary Navigation Background Image.
Easily add a Secondary Navigation Background image to any of the DesignzShop Skinz
Custom Upload Field to Add Category Title Bar Image.
Easily add a Category Title Bar Background image to any of the DesignzShop Skinz
When Background Image is not being used you can use a custom Gradient
Custom Gradient Field to Add Category Title Bar CSS Gradient.
Easily add a Category Title Bar Background Gradient to any of the DesignzShop Skinz
Custom Upload Field to Add Profile Background Image.
Easily add a profile background image to any of the DesignzShop D-Series Skinz
Custom Upload Field to Add Grid Background Image.
Easily add a header image to any of the DesignzShop D-Series Skinz
Custom Setting to Disable Background Image and use solid color.
Easily turn off your site global background image and use the stock IPB Body Background Setting in your ACP > Specific theme
Custom Setting to Disable Header Image and use solid color.
Turn off the site global header image and use the stock IPB Body Background Setting in your ACP > Specific theme
Enable Custom Navigation
Buttons or Tabs?
Easily switch between a tabbed to rounded button Navigation.
Disable Search-bar
Remove the search-bar from all pages.
Custom setting to turn off Search-bar in Pages only.
You also have the ability in a custom setting to turn the Search-bar off throughout the entire suite
Disable Top Breadcrumb
Easily disable the top breadcrumb easily for a more refined, clean appearance.
Custom setting to turn off Top Breadcrumbs in Pages only.
Ability in a custom setting to turn Top Breadcrumbs off throughout the entire suite
Disable Bottom Breadcrumb
Easily disable the bottom breadcrumb easily for a more refined, clean appearance.
Custom setting to turn off Bottom Breadcrumbs in Pages only.
Ability in a custom setting to turn Bottom Breadcrumbs off throughout the entire suite
Enable Google-Font
Easily enable Google Fonts. You will still need to set font-type in easy to add pre-made theme css.
D-Series ONLY. Custom Setting to Enable Primary Navigation Active Tab/Button Highlighted Color.
Ability in a custom setting to turn on/off primary navigation active tab highlighted color throughout the entire suite
Secondary Navigation Pointer
Active tab in secondary navigation displays a upwards pointing triangle.
Advanced Post Profile
Besides having the ability to upload a background in your Post Profile check out what else you can do
View some of the goodies below.
Upload Post profile Background Image
Control Post Profile Image size by Pixels or
Control Post Profile Image by percentage and fit entire image to the Post Profile Width
Control Post Profile Background Color by using a hex color or use transparency
Clean, great looking mobile Post profile Design in all themes
Optional Square Post Profile Image - Doesn't interfere with other rounded images
Mobile Logo Area optimized - reduced white space
Custom Mobile Post Profile Optmized
Documentation included
FA+ Custom DesignzShop Footer
Custom Footer - Edit Section Titles and descriptions
Easily edit the FA+ section titles and descriptions from your themes acp under the Custom tab.
Disable Custom Footer
Easily disable the custom footer completely.
Footer Tool-Tip Input Text Area
Tool-Tips added to select footer icons
Footer open links in new window
Allow selected footer icons to open in a new window
Footer Icon colors
- Full CSS Icon control with Colored background, Colored hover background, icon border color and icon hover border color.
- Control Icon size
Footer Responsiveness - Made with IPB Grid
The all new DesignzShop Footer plays well with all mobile device sizes. The footer does not show in small devices but can easily.
Easy Upload Footer Image
Easily add a background image to the FA Footer or use a solid color
W3C Validated
The new DesignzShop Footer passes W3C validation.
Hero/Splash Image w/2 Link buttons
In-line feature
The new Hero/Splash image feature sits at the top of the content main area and fits inside .ipbContainer
The new Hero/Splash image feature sits
W3C Validated
The new Hero/Splash image feature passes W3C validation
Toggle Off/On
Easily turn the Hero/Splash image On/Off with a Toggle located in the themes acp.
Global Message Alert
Global Message Alert displays at the top of every page in the suite
Get your needed alert shown globally throughout the IPB suite when initiated.
Toggle Off/On
Easily turn Off/On with a toggle located in the themes acp.
Guest Message / Welcome Box / Pages Owners Only
If you own the IPB Pages application you can get access to our documentation that allows to quickly create a welcome / register box.
A better way to have a Guest Message / Welcome Box. Front end creation and control.
Easily edit a Custom Pages Block, put it in anywhere you want.
Copy and paste a single code
Full Permissions over who sees the block
Less than 3 minutes to create
No extra plugins
Multiple Custom Icon Sets / Profile Image
All D-Series Skinz come with multiple Custom made icon sets.
All D-Series come with a DesignzShop Original Profile Image.
Custom Made Images by DesignzShop means you know where the images were created.
SkinzPacz - A Powerful DesignzShop theme base allows you to Alter Ego your site!
All D Series Skinz Qualify for SkinzPacz paid upgrades.
Change the look of your D-Series Ash Skinz in minutes for a whole new look and feel
All SkinzPacz Custom images are made in-house. Protect yourself and your community by knowing where your themes graphics come from.
Skinz up-grades Faster, We don't hold you back!
DesignzShop releases upgrades usually within 24 hours of a major IPB release (72 hours is our policy for the latest you'll see a release unless a major change comes up).
Why wait weeks, months or later to get your software up-dated due to slow developers? always provides the latest release to match the latest release of IPB.
You must use the latest version of our Skinz with the latest IPB version. DesignzShop also does not keep older Skinz / themes versions available for client download.
Membership / support / Up-grade versions
6 month current version product download access
6 month access to custom editor up-dates
6 month access to new base product package offerings
6 month Skinz support
When purchased from IPB Official support is ticket support offered at
When purchased off of Official support is ticket support however, you gain access to our Client Community Forum.
Official New ticket / submitted ticket response time answered in 24 hours. Sometimes less depending.
Greatly reduced need for support
More time for you to spend where it's needed
Adhering to IPB's framework means no function or design interference from your Skinz
Above means most of your questions of how you want your IPB software to function will be directed to IPB
D-Series Skinz carry a US renewal fee of $15.00 / every 6 months.
D-Series is a constant ever evolving series. Renewals support future development & base package offerings.
Renewal fees keep us from charging for major up-grade versions and more on initial purchase
Before you decide to purchase a D-Series Skinz please read our documentation.
Need a custom theme?
If you need a custom theme DesignzShop does custom themes using our base code below for our Premium Skinz, this includes theme text and color changes. Please contact us below.
Note: DesignzShop Skinz are complete turnkey solutions.
The great look and feel of our Skinz/Themes is what attracts customers.
Code changes that would make our themes un-recognizable is not permitted. Minor Alterations are permitted and 3rd party plug-ins of course.
IPB has many theme Designers that allow their themes to be changed entirely, we suggest using one of these theme designers for this circumstance.
This purchase is for a Single Site License and can be used on 1 IPB licensed url only.
- Please contact us if you have any questions in regards to our license.
Contact us for multiple site licenses. DesignzShop will issue a discount on multiple licenses
- minimum 3 licenses for discount eligibility
- Discounts do not apply to renewals. Standard renewal fees apply to multiple license discounts.
Pre-Sales Questions?
Please register - login and pm designzshop for personal attention to your questions{s}.
You may also pm designzshop at Invision with any pre-sales questions you may have.
support Hours / Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8am - 5pm US CST
Saturday Closed
Sunday - Closed
Note: We do pop in during off hours occasionally on the weekend.
Theme Registration
Membership registration
Product Registration after creating an account at DesignzShop
Official DesignzShop Theme Skinz License
Official DesignzShop Image License
Official DesignzShop Icons License