Was it fate, pure coincidence, or an audacious move that even Machiavelli would have been proud of, that led Positech Games to release Democracy 3: Electioneering today?
Sadly, anyone looking for an act of political intrigue will be disappointed as Cliff Harris, Head Honcho at Positech Games points out: “If I could have predicted the fallout from the EU Referendum decision I would have made a Brexit add-on.”
A new add-on for the base game, Democracy 3: Electioneering adds the following new features:
Manifesto promises: Popular policies may deliver votes, but if not kept once in power you risk alienating the very people who put you there
Fundraising: Woo party donors and watch your war chest grow
Voter perception: Call in the spin doctors to ensure publicity stunts like visiting an orphanage or training with the armed forces make front page news
On the podium: Give speeches tailored to your target demographic
Improved GUI: Watch the election results come in and prepare to take office or put on a brave smile
Democracy 3: Electioneering is available for $5.99 from Steam and GOG as well as the Humble Bundle store.
Follow the latest from Cliff Harris at his blog or on Twitter.
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