
Just as Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the united States, The White House website also was turned over to his administration.  There were noticeable changes to the site besides the names and biographies of the Trump/Pence families.  Entire pages were removed including pages on civil rights, climate change and LGBT "rights."

Motherboard reports:

At 11:59 am eastern, the official White House website had a lengthy information page about the threat of climate change and the steps the federal government had taken to fight it. At noon, at the instant Donald Trump took office, the page was gone, as well as any mention of climate change or global warming.

It’s customary for www.whitehouse.gov to flip over to the new administration exactly at noon, but the only mention of climate on President Trump’s new website is under his “America First Energy Plan” page, in which he vows to destroy President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, which is a government-wide plan to reduce carbon emissions and address climate change. To reiterate: It is normal that the site is completely new; it is notable that climate change is not mentioned on any one of Trump's new pages.

“President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule,” the site says. A search of the website found no mention of "global warming," and the only mentions of "climate change" were archived pages that, after clicking on the links, led to scrubbed pages.

That's not all.  People also reported that several other pages were removed.

The White House’s official LGBT page, WhiteHouse.gov/LGBT, now either redirects to a splash page encouraging visitors to sign up for updates from President Trump, or displays as a broken link stating: “The requested page ‘/lgbt’ could not be found.”

GLAAD, the LGBTQ media advocacy organization, also noted that a search for “LGBT” now turns up no results on the new White House website.

The page on civil rights was replaced with a page titled “Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community“—which, the Daily Beast noted, falsely claims that: “In our nation’s capital, killings have risen by 50 percent.” Homicides in Washington, D.C., dropped by 17 percent from 2016 to 2015, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Well, good for the Trump administration!  These pages are unimportant to begin with.  A civil rights page is unnecessary because people don't get their rights from a webpage!  They don't even get them from the Constitution.  Rights are given by God.

An LGBT rights page is unnecessary because they have the same rights as everyone else.  They do not have the right to marry members of the same sex.  They are asking for special rights in order to violate the law, specifically the laws against sodomy.

Climate change has been deemed a hoax with no real evidence.  In fact, the Climate Change movement is largely being used to rob you of your money and to impose tyrannical regulations via the unconstitutional Environmental Protection Agency.

Transition of website management to a new administration is normal.  The issues that Trump removed are not issues he is pursuing.

Plus, if you wondering, Obama's entire White House site has been backed up by the National Archives, including his fraudulent birth certificate.

The post Trump Removes Official Pages on Civil Rights, Climate Change, LGBT Rights from White House Website appeared first on Freedom Outpost.

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