The "punch line" i.e.: "news not yet announced" is at the end of this article.
I had no contact with the Veteran's Administration for more than thirty years after I left the service until the onslaught of Obamacare left that as my only option. For the record, the medical professionals that I have dealt with in our local V.A. Healthcare system have been of the highest caliber.
A friend of mine lives WTF out in Pocatello Idaho. The V.A. presence there is very minimal because the veteran population is not all that large. For all major needs, my friend must travel approximately 175 miles south to the George E. Wahlen Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Salt Lake City.
About a month ago, my friend was diagnosed with colon cancer.
When I had a suspicious growth appear in my neck last year, it took me NINE MONTHS and an intervention by the Nevada Director of Veterans affairs to get a simple appointment for a biopsy here in Las Vegas.
Given my friend's remote location, we felt our outlook was rather grim.
Yesterday, a mere 25 days after his initial diagnosis my friend had surgery. And on Monday, this Memorial Day, my friend will be released from the George E. Wahlen Medical Center.
Considering the several 350 mile round trips needed before a definitive diagnosis was achieved, the 25 day time lapse between the diagnosis and the surgery was nothing short of remarkable. I seriously doubt that I could have achieved such expeditious responsiveness back when I had expensive private insurance.
Now my friend is a man of very few words, but I spent almost an hour with him on the phone; listening to him extol the virtues of the George E. Wahlen Medical Center.
He could not emphasize how well he was treated, how professional and capable the entire staff was, how informative all his doctors were. I really wanted to reach through the phone and throttle him out of pure jealousy.
Now... For the Rest of The Story as Paul Harvey was fond of saying...
It is obvious to me and my friend that the George E. Wahlen Medical Center is extremely well run and operated by a workforce committed to the care of our veterans.
So...where would one expect to find the superstar Director of this remarkable facility.
Let me give you a clue... He is not in Salt Lake City at the moment - He is in Phoenix, Arizona on temporary duty.
We all know that Barack Obama does not give a fat rat's ass about us veterans, so this maneuver can only be the work of the current Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Erik Shinseki.
Secretary Shinseki is a veteran himself; a wounded warrior, in fact. But perhaps the skills required to be a successful and highly respected military commander do not translate well into the civilian administrative world.
And perhaps we need to find out who is the person responsible for the management of the George E. Wahlen Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah and draft him as Secretary Shinseki's replacement?
That would take the pressure off Harry Reid and he could dedicate even more time, energy, and taxpayer dollars to changing the name of the Washington Redskins.
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The post News on the VA Scandal Not Yet in the News appeared first on Freedom Outpost.