
Mike Dickinson, a progressive Virginia Democrat who hopes to take Republican Eric Cantor’s House seat in November, has taken to Twitter to bash gun owners and NRA supporters.

@danieljpayne @HustlerMag @NRA that the NRA is a god awful fear mongering group and those who support the NRA are pure trash

— DickinsonForCongress (@VoteMike2014) April 5, 2014

Last weekend, Dickinson (DickinsonForCongress @VoteMike2014) spewed hate all over Americans who support the Second Amendment and other non-progressive issues – and he didn’t hold back.

BearingArms.com and the Virginia Sports Shooting Sports Association compiled some of Dickinson’s Tweets, and boy, are they gems:

“@danieljpayne @HustlerMag @NRA that the NRA is a god awful fear mongering group and those who support the NRA are pure trash”

“Tea party = terrorist group”

“I think the RW is all riled up today because it’s essentially a southern holiday with Wrestlemania on TV tonight.”

“Members of the @NRA have very low IQs. They have a trigger finger mentality.”

“If you are a member or supporter of the @NRA I don’t want your support. Joining the @NRA is like joining the crybaby association”

“Anyone who supports Obama hating get off my train. Anyone who supports [expletive] the NRA get off my train”

It is worth mentioning that NRA headquarters is located in Dickinson’s home state, and that a lot of Virginia residents are NRA members.

Dickinson also let us know how he feels about Americans who hold a pro-life stance:

“Anti choice, abortion haters are all basically mentally disabled. They cannot see or reason. It’s all bible thumping”

This tirade isn’t the first one Dickinson has unleashed via Twitter. In the past, he has used his account to share his feelings about, well, all sorts of current political issues. Here’s a compilation of his Tweets from earlier this year:

“We need congressman who stand up to others. Fox News, the tea party, the NRA, and Koch brothers all need to get dose of reality.”

Of course, no progressive ranting would be complete without bringing President Bush into the mix, because everything that has happened during the Obama Regime is Bush’s fault, right?

“Tired of hearing about Benghazi. It was a tragedy. Yet- how many embassies were attacked under GW Bush? Where was outrage then?”

“Racism to me- is same situation with same facts with different treatment. All those outraged by Benghazi need to look at GW Bush”

“Multiple embassies attacked and Americans killed under bush. No one was outraged. Fox News didn’t care. Yet suddenly it’s Obama and they care”

In February, Dickinson attended a Democratic Committee meeting in Spotsylvania County, and word is that his peers aren’t big fans, as The Free-Lance Star reported:

Spotsylvania Democratic Committee member Richard Toye told Dickinson that he thought there was “no way” that the 7th District Democratic Committee would nominate him at its convention. So far, no other Democrats have announced plans to seek the party’s nomination.

Toye expressed concern about Dickinson’s lack of experience and business dealings with strip clubs, among other issues. Dickinson said he has done consulting work for adult-oriented businesses.

If no other Democratic candidates come forward, “I’d have to support that no-candidate option” at the convention, Toye told Dickinson.

Dickinson also earned the disapproval of a group of Democratic women:

Another item of contention was Dickinson’s recent letter to the editor of The Free Lance–Star claiming that a group of women in the Chesterfield County Democratic Committee opposed his candidacy because of his “background in business with adult clubs.” He wrote that “judging people by outdated stereotypes is exactly what Democrats are supposed to be against.”

Opal Stroup, a Spotsylvania Democratic Committee member, told Dickinson that she took exception to his letter. “You’re asking us to donate money to you, you’re asking us to work our butts off for you but then you write a letter to the editor that attacks women in Chesterfield,” Stroup said “Do you think that’s a real wise strategy?”

Stroup, who said she thinks strip clubs are “demeaning to women,” also asked Dickinson about letters to the editor he wrote to the Richmond Times–Dispatch.

Dickinson referred to himself as an adult-entertainment club owner in a letter dated January 2013. In a 2012 letter, Dickinson wrote that he was the CEO of Mid-Atlantic Showclubs.

“But tonight you said you just consulted,” Stroup said. “So which is it? You either misrepresented yourself to the public or you’re misrepresenting now.”

Dickinson responded: “I was a lobbyist working for a company, and I wrote what I had to write on paper to get the job done.” He said he never owned an adult business.

I guess what is considered “pure trash” depends upon one’s perspective, but I think a lot of us would call misrepresenting oneself and having a possibly dodgy past as a bit “trashy”. Perhaps Dickinson should consider that before he spews out hateful comments about Americans. Oh, and what about his statement: “Judging people by outdated stereotypes is exactly what Democrats are supposed to be against”? Dickinson clearly doesn’t practice what he preaches – has he not done that very thing in his vicious Tweets?

Oh, and it seems that Mr. Dickinson is ticking off more than just Americans whom he’s offended with his ridiculous tongue-lashings on Twitter – not only has his account there been suspended, his Facebook page appears to have been abandoned by his campaign staff:

This page is no longer managed by the campaign staff (or lack thereof) of Mike Dickinson For Congress. For any contact with Dickinson, use Twitter (@VoteMike2014). Thank you.

Abandoned Facebook page, suspended Twitter account…hopefully this means Dickinson’s entire campaign will implode.

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