
The Department of Homeland Security is soliciting information from potential contractors for a new program that the DHS hopes will enable it to use DNA tests to identify criminal suspects and track their family relationships.  Down the road, the goal is to make the use of DNA identification as common as the use of fingerprint identification is today.  If you do not think that this could ever happen, you should think again.  Barack Obama has already said that he wants a national DNA database, and a recent Supreme Court decision has opened the door wide open for one to be created.  Someday soon, the federal government will have the capability of tracking all of us and those that we are related to using our DNA.  And eventually, a "DNA reader" could replace all of our Internet passwords and be used to log into our bank accounts.  In a world that is becoming more corrupt with each passing day, authorities consider being able to positively identify people as an extremely important goal, and DNA is considered by many as the best way to do that.

According to a recent report by Government Security News, the Department of Homeland Security is now actively seeking proposals from prospective contractors that have the capability of helping them set up the program that I mentioned above…

The Homeland Security Investigations (HIS) unit of DHS is gathering information from prospective vendors who could perform deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) tests on samples collected from various individuals to help the agency identify family relationships, criminal suspects and more.

The goal, according to the Request for Information that was issued on November 8th, is to find a more "cost-effective way to identify individuals when fingerprints are not available"…

"Homeland Security Investigations is comprised of Special Agents and support staff who need a better, more accurate and cost-effective way to identify individuals when fingerprints are not available or when a claim of family relationship needs to be proven," says the RFI. "This need is also needed during criminal investigations where evidence is found and DNA is needed from the evidence."

But of what use would DNA be to the government if the government only has the DNA of a limited number of us in their databases?

Wouldn't DNA identification be much more effective if the government had samples of all of our DNA?

Well, right now the government does not have samples of all of our DNA, but that could soon change.  Law enforcement authorities all over the nation are calling for the creation of a national DNA database, and Barack Obama is definitely on board.  The following is an excerpt from one of my previous articles entitled "The Coming National DNA Database"…

A national DNA database is coming.  Barack Obama has already said that he wants one.  A major Supreme Court decision last month paved the way for one.  The DNA of those that commit "serious crimes" is already being routinely collected all over the nation.  Some states (such as New Jersey) are now passing laws that will require DNA collection from those charged with committing "low level crimes".  And a law that was passed under George W. Bush allows the federal government to screen the DNA of all newborn babies in the United States.  So how long will it be before we are all required to give DNA samples to the authorities?  How long will it be before DNA collection is routinely done when we take a trip to the DMV?  This may sound like science fiction to some people, but "security experts" and law enforcement personnel all over the country are now pushing for a national DNA database to be established.  Unfortunately, there is nothing really standing in the way of that.  The Supreme Court has already spoken.  Justice Scalia understood very clearly what the Supreme Court was doing last month.  In his dissent, he made the following statement: "Make no mistake about it: because of today's decision, your DNA can be taken and entered into a national database if you are ever arrested, rightly or wrongly, and for whatever reason."

Do you find any of this disturbing?

I certainly do.

Sadly, the government stopped being concerned about our privacy and our civil liberties long ago.

A national DNA database is coming.

It is just a matter of time.

In addition, the federal government is also working on other ways to watch, track, monitor and identify all of us.  For example, USA Today recently reported on a next generation facial recognition program being developed by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency known as "Janus"…

Called Janus, the program run by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency (IARPA), "seeks to improve face recognition performance using representations developed from real-world video and images instead of from calibrated and constrained collections. During daily activities, people laugh, smile, frown, yawn and morph their faces into a broad variety of expressions. For each face, these expressions are formed from unique skeletal and musculature features that are similar through one's lifetime. Janus representations will exploit the full morphological dynamics of the face to enable better matching and faster retrieval."

Documents released by IARPA over the weekend show that the Janus program will start in April 2014 and run for four years. During that time, the agency hopes to "radically expand the range of conditions under which automated face recognition can establish identity."

But just because the government develops these technologies does not mean that they will actually use them, right?

Unfortunately, that is not the way that these guys think.

In fact, as John W. Whitehead recently discussed, law enforcement authorities tend to have a "if we have it, we might as well use it" philosophy…

Then there's the nation's commitment to recycling America's instruments of war and putting them to work here at home, thanks largely to a U.S. Department of Defense program that provides billions of dollars worth of free weapons, armored vehicles, protective clothing and other military items to law enforcement agencies. Ohio State University's police department recently acquired a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle (MRAP), a hyped up armored vehicle used on the battlefield to withstand explosive devices, land mines and other sneak attacks. The university plans to use its MRAP for crowd control at football games. Indiana University is also in line for an MRAP, as well as dozens of police departments across the country.

Keep in mind, once acquired, this military equipment which is beyond the budget and scope of most communities finds itself put to all manner of uses by local law enforcement agencies under the rationale that "if we have it, we might as well use it"—the same rationale, by the way, used with deadly results to justify assigning SWAT teams to carry out routine law enforcement work such as delivering a warrant.

America is slowly but surely being transformed into a Big Brother militarized police state.

DNA identification, facial recognition cameras, passive listening devices and automated license plate readers are just the tip of the iceberg.

Someday we may all wake up and find ourselves living in a totalitarian world system that is far beyond anything that George Orwell ever imagined.

If that does not appeal to you, then you need to stand up and say something about it today because tomorrow might be too late.

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