
In our previous article we left off concluding that the YouTube video that the Obama administration pointed to as the cause of the Benghazi attacks “appeared to be serving multiple purposes. It appears to be a multi-faceted catalyst by seemingly opposing parties to advance different agendas. One might be to suppress any criticism of Islam and ultimately restrict our freedom of speech – both religious and political dissent, while the other is to foment chaos in Islamic countries as a means to an end.”

Now we will dive into the next parts of what may really have happened in Benghazi and just how this “video” came to be. That, in and of itself, raises some questions since some of the people that may have been involved in the video were associated with Barack Obama somewhere down the line. One must wonder if Obama did just what the producer did in the movie “Wag the Dog,” which was done to make a hero out of a no one and a war out of nothing. Did Hollywood help Obama “find” this video or perhaps they made the video to help their friend Obama?

Douglas Hagmann examines into some of the precursors to the September 11, 2012 attack.

“In the days and weeks leading up to the murder of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, the U.S. Department of State received at least three warnings of not only impending violence, but of U.S. embassies being specifically targeted. One warning was specific to the U.S. embassy in Cairo, which was directly related to the current imprisonment of the “Blind Sheikh” Omar Abdel-Rahman, the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Others specified the Libyan embassy.

On September 9, 2012, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reportedly received a warning that stated “[t]he time has come for a strong movement from you, O sons of Egypt, to release the detained sheikh…Let your slogan be: No to the American embassy in Egypt until our detained sheikh is released. Starting now, let the faithful among you form follow-up committees in charge of taking the necessary measures to force America to release the sheikh, even if it requires burning the embassy down with everyone in it.”

The warnings in the week before the attack were received while Ambassador Stevens was traveling in Germany, Austria and Sweden. Accordingly, it is important to determine why
Ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi during a time of heightened threat, was he made aware of the increased threat situation by the Clinton State Department, and who was responsible for the safety and security of Ambassador Stevens and what actually happened in Benghazi?

Research, investigation and confirmation from one source within the U.S. government found that in the situation involving Stevens, protection of the U.S. consulate was provided in large part by an organization known as “the Martyrs of the Feb. 17 Revolution Brigade.” This is a local Libyan militia led by Fawzi abu Kataf, who has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. It is now being reported that the “protection team,” specifically the leaders of the Martyrs of the Feb. 17 Revolution Brigade received orders from a senior Libyan government official to stand down during the coordinated attack against the U.S. Consulate.”

Here it seems that maybe the “Homeland Security Department made a huge mistake by not informing people or maybe not even communicating with them. Just look at what is stated by “Homeland Security.”

U.S. Department of Homeland Security reportedly received a warning that stated “[t]he time has come for a strong movement from you, O sons of Egypt, to release the detained sheikh…Let your slogan be: No to the American embassy in Egypt until our detained sheikh is released. Starting now, let the faithful among you form follow-up committees in charge of taking the necessary measures to force America to release the sheikh, even if it requires burning the embassy down with everyone in it.”

Here it is shown clearly that the very people our nation is supposed to be supporting are making declarations to burn down the embassy with everyone in it! Now just why was this ignored and why do we continue to send billions of dollars to Egypt? Why did Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama allow these 4 men to be killed after so much information was sent to them and they were told that this may be a bomb waiting to explode? Why did Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama sacrifice these 4 men? Why did they have to die when our fighters could have easily helped them and maybe even saved their lives? Many will quickly state that our aircraft could not make that trip, yet the F-15 can go from Southeast Louisiana to South Carolina in just 2 hours to intercept a Russian Bomber, that is a distance greater than what was in question for Benghazi!

Mr. Hagmann gives us a time line to follow and this makes us wonder, why did our people, Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama seemingly just take the info and go to bed? Did they know something more about what was going on in Benghazi? Why did Obama take the call from Hilary and then just seem to shrug it off? Is this dereliction of duty? Is this an act of Treason on both of their parts for allowing the murder of 4 men? These are the questions that must be answered. But just check out the timeline and realize that when the attack began it was about 3:30PM Eastern Time. According to Mr. Hagmann and several other news media the time line went something like this:

Prior to any overt attack, it is vital to note that FSO Sean Smith, known as vile rat in the online gaming community, posted the following disturbing message to an open gaming forum: “vile rat: assuming we don’t die tonight. We saw one of our ‘police’ that guard the compound taking pictures.” Investigation suggests that FSO Smith was referencing a member of the Martyrs of the Feb. 17 Revolution Brigade.

8:00 p.m.: Sometime around 8:00 p.m., Ambassador Stevens completed a meeting with the Turkish Consul General, allegedly at the Benghazi compound. Contrary to the insistence of the Obama administration, there were no Muslim protestors at or around the compound. This was substantiated by CBS News and also The New York Times.

9:30-10:30 p.m.: At or about 9:30 p.m. local time, Muslim terrorists attacked the consulate from three sides with rocket propelled grenade launchers and laser sighted weapons, breaching the walls that surrounded the property. No security forces were present to repel the attack. It was reported that upwards of twenty Americans were inside of the compound at this time, although this has yet to be confirmed.

10:30 p.m. The attackers gain access to the interior portion of the compound. Reports suggest that only Ambassador Stevens, Foreign Service officer Sean Smith and Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were inside and failed in their attempt to repel the attackers.

It was during this time that Libyan government reinforcements arrived. One of the reinforcements allegedly makes it inside, finds the body of Sean Smith, but is unable to locate the Ambassador. It was also during this time that the attackers storm the rear portion of the compound. The reinforcements retreat to a safe-house located about one-half mile away.

12:30 a.m. The attackers are seen on video pulling the body of Ambassador Stevens from the compound while shouting praises to Allah.

1:00 – 3:30 a.m.: Accounts as to the location of Ambassador Stevens vary, but it is confirmed that his body was located at the Benghazi Medical Center at approximately 3:30 a.m.

Numerous reports suggest that Ambassador Stevens suffered either ante-mortem or post-mortem injuries suggestive of sodomy. Additional reports also suggest that numerous classified documents were recovered from the consulate office by the attackers.

It was almost immediately following public reports of the attack that U.S. government officials, including Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, asserted that the attack on the U.S. embassy were the direct result of the video Innocence of Muslims. They also publicly stated that the attacks were spontaneous, there was no pre-planning involved in the attack, and cell phone video taken of Ambassador Stevens being pulled from the compound was documentation of a rescue attempt.

In consideration of the above information, it is clear that this administration is being disingenuous in their continued denials that (1) the attack was spontaneous; (2) a video, virtually unknown until after the 9/11 Libyan attacks, is behind these attacks; (3) they had no advance warning of impending attacks. So, where does this leave us?”

This time line and the facts of the attack show clearly that this was a well-planned attack and not due to some video! But just why did Hilary and Obama make statements about this video at all? Is that due to the fact that they did not wish to accept responsibility for failure to help our embassy and those brave men fighting back an attack on September 11, 2012, or did they ignore this due to the upcoming re-election campaign for Obama? So many questions and so many lack of answers that may well show total disregard for the lives of good men just for the sake of re-election! Could it have been that simple? Now we must also ask why did the President lie? It is his responsibility to tell the truth, not lie! Yet the Obama Administration seems to not just lie, but they also do not adhere to the Constitution, the law of the land! Just how long can and will this Benghazi Cover-up continue before it is revealed that much more than a video was involved here? We have just begun to show what happened and why. Keep up with this and see the real reason behind this cover–up and why Obama and Hilary Clinton may well have committed Treason or at the least, dereliction of duty!

*This is Part 2 in a series. Read Part 1 here.

The post Barack’s Benghazi Body of Lies – Precursors, Lies & Video appeared first on Freedom Outpost.

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