
I wrote a comment to Tim Brown’s article Friday in response to the lacking of good news. He couldn’t have been more right on with the timing of the article for me because I have to admit, the bad news has left me exhausted. In thinking about my comments I felt it worth it to take the thought a little further with this article.

I am sure that there are many other people who have the same feelings about the entire mess that we are dealing with on a daily basis from all directions. The worst part of it is it isn’t getting any better. The scandals get deeper, and there are more of them. Just when you think that it can’t get any worse, it gets worse.

The good news is so refreshing, but where do you find it? If this were the print media you would find it on the back page, buried between ads. Unless you read everything on the internet, and you would have to read all day, every day, it is hard to catch one of the pearls hidden in all of the bad news. It seems like it would be easier to find hens’ teeth.

However, some of the good news is hidden, cloaked in the bad news. The comment I wrote, sparked by the latest travesty from the Senate, was the passing of S-744, or otherwise known as the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act. This was a very bad piece of legislation; only equaled by Obamacare. However, looking at the other news surrounding the passage of this legislation, there was an article about Senator Rubio and the filing of a recall petition in his home state of Florida.

This, plus the article about the recall petitions in Arizona filed against Senator’s McCain and Flake brought a smile to my face. I realized that right in the middle of all the bad news was one of the best pieces of news I have seen in quite a while.

What’s so good about this news? For me it points out that the people in these two states are taking the responsibility to act according to the way our government was designed to work. I am sure that the framers of our Constitution and government system knew that we would make occasional mistakes in who we choose for our representatives, so they designed into the system a way to get rid of the mistakes we make. This is the recall petition.

In almost every state there is a provision for recalling errant politicians. My state decided long ago to not have the recall process. I hope that after what has been going on lately in Washington this mistake will soon be corrected through an amendment to our state constitution. In the states where it is already provided for, it can only be hoped that the petitions to recall McCain, Flake, and Rubio will wake people up and show them that they have a powerful tool to keep the politicians in line with the desires of the constituencies of elected politicians.

We have been kicked around by the people who think they are above the rest of us. They think they are the elite, the educated, the intelligent and they know better what is good for us, the people.

Somewhere they have lost sight of the fact that they represent us and that they are supposed to listen to what they people are saying.

Somehow, they think that this country, which was founded on the principles of a just and fair God, doesn’t need to have a solid foundation of morals and principles to guide the country by.

Somewhere, somehow, we the people started letting those politicians tell us what to do and they stopped listening to us. We need to start showing these elitists that we still control the government. We have always had the tools to do this, it’s just that we forgot how or were unwilling to use them. The time has come to stand up and exercise our ability to use the biggest tool of all, the recall.

It is time to put these politicians on notice that we will no longer accept them taking God out of our country. The best way to put God back into our country is to put the fear of God back into the politicians.

I remember the day when politicians from city councils to the President were greatly afraid of what the people thought. Their day was ruined when they found out that the people were upset with the way they were performing the duties of the office they had been elected to. That was when the fear of God was deeply rooted in the personal beliefs of the people who we elected.

Now, the elected politicians seem to have an aversion to God and the moral principles to which a majority of the people of this country still believe in. The next time that someone gets up and says they want to represent you in the governing of our country, you better ask them if they believe in the moral principles of a Heavenly Father and His Son and if they intend to follow those principles without fail. While you are at it, tell them that if they don’t, we the people will speak softly but that big stick that we are carrying is called the “Recall Stick.”

To borrow from my posted comment, what makes all of this “good news” is that it shows that citizens are starting to take accountability for the people they elected. Now, as the recall petitions are filed and circulated, the elected representatives will have to worry about how they represent their constituents. They will have to worry about if they will be the next Senator or Congressperson who will face a recall.

I hope that the news gets better with more people taking back control of the government the way they should by exercising the “recall” option and putting the fear of God back into the political process.

The post Recalls Demonstrate That The American People Are Fed Up appeared first on Freedom Outpost.

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