
Paul asks…

Marriage Problem ! Should i go for a divorce?

In short. I live in Philippines for the past 5 years . My (filipina) wife scammed me with the name of a fake business which never existed ( was very well done from her n her friends , showing me fake documents, fake purchases,fake reciepts, fake clients, fake officers, borrowed equipments, etc) . My loss amounts in millions of pesos and this scam wasted the past 2 and a half years of my life and put me in a shameful position in my own family (cz it was my father’s money which i “invested” ) .

NOW , when she’s caught , and my patience already crossed its limits , she admits scamming me and i can NEVER trust her the way i did before .

BUT , now she’s willing to actually make up for my financial loss (she is selling her land in Philippines to pay me back my investment) and even visit a psychiatrist to deal with her compulsive lying problem .

i am 26, she is 25 . On one hand i am thinking that she is still willing to make up for my financial loss and go the psychiatrist for her problem , so i should give her a last chance .

On the other hand , i KNOW for sure that i can never ever trust her any more . She manipulated me into trusting her in ways i never even imagined or even heard . She was just too good at it .

What should i do ? should i go ahead and file for a divorce abroad (cz theres no divorce in Philippines) or should i give her a last ( THE very last ) chance ? ? ?

PS- i wasnt a fool to believe some1 so easily . She filed a case on her own family before for forcing me to give them money , also sold her diamond jewelry once to help me pay my credit card bill . She also used to pay for some of our utility bills even before the scam started. Many MORE things like these led me to believe that she’s not a scammer .

Another thing – we dont have kids yet .

Please help me decide . . .

Justin answers:

1. She scammed you.


2. You have no kids.


3. Your still young and able to remarry and start a family if you want.


4. You said you’ll never be able to trust her again.



Joseph asks…

What if most crap we bicker about here was fed us by media controlled by a common enemy to lead us like sheep?

What if they had lots of money and influenced Colleges to teach curriculum that lead us where they wanted?

What if they pushed the notion that “Conspiracy Theories” were just crazy stuff for crazy people in media and entertainment to obfuscate and ridicule discussion of information to do with their myriad of conspiracies flowing into one? ; )

What if this Cartel ran all the central banks around the world including our Federal Reserve Bank and controlled most of the monetary assets in the world and were busy binding up and stealing natural resources?

Why would Obama give the whole $trillion+ BP oil find to Pertrobras oil Company which is his benefactor and long time employer, George Soros, criminal billionaire and Rothschild Cartel Agent, largest holding? (Petrobras is) & What if the BP accedent was no accedent but an operation by a group known to carry out such things as the murders of many thousands of people and governmental manipulations to create a Diamond Monopoly and keep prices high? Yep, the Rothschild Cartel financed Cecil Rhodes, a founding Fabian Society member to create DeBeers. Rhodesia was named for him because of all the people he murdered, though that was not the official reason, because had they said that, he would have probably had them killed, lol

What if those were the group that got JFK because they objected to his moves against the Federal Reserve, which they own, to take back the creation of money in the US from them which would have cost them more than a few fortunes? Crazy right? Then say that crazy thing actually occurred by the Cartel that Andrew Jackson called a Den of Vipers? The ones who tried to assassinate Jackson for shutting down their Central Bank in the US, but 2 pistols mis fired in the attempt?

The kind of people who would murder many thousands (didn’t even get into the wars they financed and revolutions they pushed, like the little ol Bolshevik Revolution) would they possibly set up an “accident” on the massive humungas BP oil find just to put control of oil and around a trillion or at least a good chunk of it in their control … just maybe? And the president of Brazil, owning Petrobras, a former Communist Revolutionary who got powerful backing for President and won, you know, kind of like Barrack Obama, would She maybe be tied into the Cartel? I’ll say I don’t know anything to say that’s true, but it sure fits the pattern, and the Cartel is the one who could do it. They control most of the monetary Resources in the world after all, unless that’s just crazy talk Conspiracy stuff they put out so much money to make fun of and obfuscate …

So, what if all the stuff we talk about is set up by a Cartel that is powerful enough to control enough of the message so they can hide in plain site while they buy our officials and control huge corporations like Goldman Sachs? Work massive scams like the Climate Exchange their agent George Soros had funded through his Joyce Foundation by his associate at the time none other than “our” President, Barrack Obama? Yeah, Obama also worked in Acorn, a Soros funded project where he extorted bankers by pushing violent demonstrations into their executives private offices and all around their homes with their families inside

See the Cartel also Crashed our economy using traitors in our government to set it up. The Community reinvestment act, Fannie & Freddy, obstruction of fuel / energy resources that are economical through fraudulent environmental pretexts …

and finally those invested in the Climate Exchange Scam, the big players and Cartel members like Soros, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Al Gore, Maurice Strong the Rockefeller prodigy and minion (the Rockefeller group is part of the larger Rothschild Cartel who actually funded Standard Oil) and more, pushed oil speculation to the point the price went above $147 a barrel, when the intrinsic value is a fraction of that price without manipulation. That crashed our economy and set off the banking bomb set with regulations forcing bad loans and the fact that Mortgage Backed securities were used as collateral for most of the money moving through lending in the Country, and they were called into question which stopped the money flow and killed many thriving businesses because they had been encouraged not to use their own money for operating expenses, but borrowed banks money at low interest. When it stopped the economy died, just in time to Elect their Puppet, inside guy, Employee of George Soros for year …. Barrack Obama! yeaaaaa … booooooo, but he’s just a useful idiot in an office they need to control.

So are all the issues we fight about here really at the core of what effects our lives? Or are we focusing on each other who without manipulation really agree on most things, while our freedoms are being destroy as JFK warned that Cartel was plotting to do?

Bob K … not even close to all, and the bank of England was Controlled by the same cartel that controls the Fed now … crazy ain’t it? But the Rothschild Cartel did push the Civil War and England and others were going to come in on the side of the Confederacy, but Russia told them if they did they would be at war with Russia … which lead to the Rothschild Cartel pushing and funding the Bolshevik Revolution and murdering the Czars and their families … but there is way to much to put into this question’s supporting information section, thanks for playing and thanks for following the Rothschild line that Conspiracies are “just crazy” lol … wonder why they would want brain washed sheep saying that when civilization has always moved and shook on Conspiracies? humm

Bob K … oh, another thing, the civil rights movement was something the Rothschild Cartel was against. JFK was against it too, until he met with them and saw the evil that they are. He then met with MLK and helped him and got behind the Republican Written Civil Rights legislation which helped it pass, after they murdered him. He also lowered taxes to allow the economy to roll, because their plan for control of the people includes high taxation to give government control over the monetary supply and more than that, the wealth in the country, and government can easily be bought, example Obama.

Justin answers:

Lord Have Mercy, well you laid out some good information there to support the question.

Yes, we are bickering about what those who control the slime oozing out of our TV sets want us bickering about.

Looking at the answers, most people are so flippin stupid and blind sometimes I wonder if we are the same species.

You can lead a Horse to Water, but you can’t make it drink …

You can tell a Human the Truth, but you can’t make them think.

The Rothschild Cartel puts a lot of money into discovering how to best control the sheep. How they think, how they tick, what pushes their buttons and how to grab their attention so they don’t look, over there …

Mark asks…

where do i go from here i really had feeling for this guy and he left me in the dust?

hes 33 im 23. we met 2 months ago and hit it off instantly. our conversations never had a dull moment and 95% of the time we spend hanging out and talking we are laughing and having fun.

he said hes very attracted to me and we ended up having sex after hanging out for a little over a month and talking on a consistent basis.

his ex gf was 24 and he was head over heels in love with her. she was a rich girl from nyc and she moved into his place in NH and slept all day and didnt do much work, she would go on shopping spree’s with her moms credit card spending up to 28k in 2 months, he said she had piles of clothes and purses all of the place and that she was rude to his family all the time. basically after two months of dating her he bought her a 15,000 diamond ring since she has lavish tastes and proposed to her. she ended up cheating on him and gave the ring back and he STILL tried to salvage the relationship with her!

then months later i come along. i feel that im a very sweet girl with a lot to offer. ill be graduating from nursing school in may and i have pulled my weight in this relationship with him. despite being busy with school i drive to see him and i make a good effort to initiate plans and what not. im understanding about him having to spend time with his son who’s 12 every other weekend and i dont complain about much of anything. just the other night i asked him if we were “exclusive” he said yea we were but that i was moving a bit fast for asking to be exclusive after two months of hanging out. where as i dont think its too much to ask to want to be the only woman that hes sleeping with as i am investing a lot of time and emotion into this relationship. he basically told me that because i was young he felt that i was a “flight risk” and there for he would see more for a little while longer before deciding if he wants to be in a relationship with me where he makes more effort. then he dropped me off at my car and didnt say another word to me. i was pissed because i feel like im his little “lab rat” and his young play thing that he can experiment with and i dont think thats fair. so i sent him a text saying maybe he should just do his own thing which he blew off entirely. then after that i wrote back and i said “you know what **** you you let your ex girlfriend get away with everything short of murder yet you keep me on a short leash and the second i ask you about being exclusive you essentially tossed me away like garbage and decided to blow me off” which he also ignored. he made it clear to me before he dropped me off at my car that he wasnt going to be falling head over heels for anyone else again after his ex screwed him over.

am i wrong or does it seem like hes punishing me for her actions and bad behaviors, basically telling me im not worth investing time and effort into and that hes not going to go out of his way to make me feel special because he did that for her and she took him for granted. im so upset right now

15 minutes ago – 4 days left to answer.

Justin answers:

Congratulations, you were his rebound relationship. Great choice on your part.

Yes, OF COURSE he wasn’t that into you. He just came out of a bad relationship with someone similar to yourself (age-wise) and so he was being cautious. How could you expect otherwise?

Chris asks…

I really messed up do you think i still have a chance with him based on this info?

hes 33 im 23. we met 2 months ago and hit it off instantly. our conversations never had a dull moment and 95% of the time we spend hanging out and talking we are laughing and having fun.

he said hes very attracted to me and we ended up having sex after hanging out for a little over a month and talking on a consistent basis.

his ex gf was 24 and he was head over heels in love with her. she was a rich girl from nyc and she moved into his place in NH and slept all day and didnt do much work, she would go on shopping spree’s with her moms credit card spending up to 28k in 2 months, he said she had piles of clothes and purses all of the place and that she was rude to his family all the time. basically after two months of dating her he bought her a 15,000 diamond ring since she has lavish tastes and proposed to her. she ended up cheating on him and gave the ring back and he STILL tried to salvage the relationship with her!

then months later i come along. i feel that im a very sweet girl with a lot to offer. ill be graduating from nursing school in may and i have pulled my weight in this relationship with him. despite being busy with school i drive to see him and i make a good effort to initiate plans and what not. im understanding about him having to spend time with his son who’s 12 every other weekend and i dont complain about much of anything. just the other night i asked him if we were “exclusive” he said yea we were but that i was moving a bit fast for asking to be exclusive after two months of hanging out. where as i dont think its too much to ask to want to be the only woman that hes sleeping with as i am investing a lot of time and emotion into this relationship. he basically told me that because i was young he felt that i was a “flight risk” and there for he would see more for a little while longer before deciding if he wants to be in a relationship with me where he makes more effort. then he dropped me off at my car and didnt say another word to me. i was pissed because i feel like im his little “lab rat” and his young play thing that he can experiment with and i dont think thats fair. so i sent him a text saying maybe he should just do his own thing which he blew off entirely. then after that i wrote back and i said “you know what **** you you let your ex girlfriend get away with everything short of murder yet you keep me on a short leash and the second i ask you about being exclusive you essentially tossed me away like garbage and decided to blow me off” which he also ignored. he made it clear to me before he dropped me off at my car that he wasnt going to be falling head over heels for anyone else again after his ex screwed him over.

am i wrong or does it seem like hes punishing me for her actions and bad behaviors, basically telling me im not worth investing time and effort into and that hes not going to go out of his way to make me feel special because he did that for her and she took him for granted. im so upset right now

Justin answers:

Truth is, you can do better. You are going to make something of yourself and have a lot to offer. You dont need this guy. He has a kid!

Steven asks…

Rate my Pokemon Team on Diamond?

I’m preparing a team for competitive online play, but I’m not sure how my team stacks up against the best. Could someone take a look over my team and give me your personal opinion on what you think of it? I will list the six pokemon that I have in training and their planned attacks as well as some switch ins later on, pokemon that can be swapped and give a better rotation around.

Slot 1…

Dragonite… Special Sweeper, EV invested in speed and special attack…

Flamethrower, Tunderbolt, Ice beam/surf, Draco meteor…

Slot 2…

Moltress… Special Sweeper, EV points invested in Speed and special attack…

Sunny Day, flame thrower/fire blast, Solar Beam, Air Slash…

slot 3…

Milotic… Special sweeper/special and physical wall… EV invested in Defense and speed…

Surf, ice beam, hypnosis, recover…

Slot 4…

Swampert… Physical sweeper/physical wall, EV points not yet distrubted…

Surf/waterfall, Earthquake/stone edge, stone edge/brick break, ice beam.

Slot 5…

Magnezone… Special Sweeper, EV points yet to be invested…

Thunder bolt/discharge, thunderwave/magnet rise, tri attack, Flash Cannon/Magnet bomb…

Slot 6…

Metagross… Physical Sweeper/Special and physical wall… EV points yet to be distrubted…

Zen Headbut, Earthquake, Meteor mash, Hammer arm/brick break/agility.

Backups…to switch in…

Dragonite (Physical)

Salamence(Pysical/special mix)

Gyarados (pyhsical)

Steelix (Physical/ physical wall/special wall)

Charizard (Special sweeper)

Starmie (Special Sweeper)

Tropius (Special sweeper if included…)

Espeon (Special Sweeper)

There are a few more, but I don’t have my notes with me at the moment. Thoughts?

Justin answers:

No, sadly this team would get slaughtered in competitive battling. Now me, I’m pretty respected in battling, I’ve won many battles, but I too had a bad team at first. Let’s get to business shall we?

First, remove Dragonite, it completely gets outclassed by Salamence, so add that in instead. I would suggest having Outrage, Dragon Dance, Earthquake and Draco Meteor on your Salamence. But Outrage is only available on Platinum currently, so if you don’t have it replace with Dragon Claw.

Second, Moltres is a really bad Pokemon that will get destroyed so easily by Stealth Rock, probably the most common move you’ll see. If you can, get a mixed Infernape with Flamethrower, Close Combat, Thunderpunch and Swords Dance or Grass Knot.

Milotic looks great.

Swampert needs a better moveset, use something like Stealth Rock, Earthquake, Waterfall and Stone Edge

Magnezone isn’t really going to help your team much, so my suggestion is add a Zapdos, this is a great Pokemon, and will go well with this team. Thunderbolt, Heat Wave (Platinum only move) Roost and Roar.

Erm.. Metagross looks fine, use Agility on the last slot. For EVs use 252 HP and 252 Attack, with 4 in Sp.def

Youur team should be great after that, come over to The Aurora Gate sometime if you wish. <img src="http://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/72x72/1f600.png" alt="

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