
Thanks Mark!

About three years ago I met Mark Reyland through a popular inventor’s forum.  I was impressed with his willingness to give of his time to educate other about the invention process, mentioning several times that self-education was the key to success in the invention business.

I also enjoyed posts by Roger Brown and others that gave of their time without asking anything in return.  Little by little I began educating myself.

A little over two years ago I had fall out with a popular product submission company. Luckily it didn’t involve much money lost, just a lot of time, effort, and emotional energy which had taken a toll on me.

I told Mark what had happened and that I was done with consumer products inventing; I was going to focus more on high tech invention that was more in line with what I did for a living.  Mark suggested I send him some ideas under an NDA and immediately told me that I was making a big mistake by giving up on my consumer product inventions.

I decided to take his advice and forwarded my ideas to a handful of select inventor-friendly companies making sure I followed carefully the advice that I was given by Mark and Roger, and I’m glad I did. Within the last two years I’ve licensed two products, one of which - Ninja Chopsticks ® -hit store shelves last March. I also have had other products looked at favorably and are close to licensing, some by other avenues and through great friendships I’ve made along the way.

Thank you, Mark, for all your hard work and dedication to the inventor’s community, and especially for those long discussions over the phone.  I too make it a habit to help those along their journey as you have helped me.

Best Regards


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