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Hollywood Makeup Artist Maha talks to Intraceuticals

Makeup artist Maha is one of the most sought after in the film, fashion and beauty industry. She has worked on over 50 celebrities and was one of the lead makeup artists on the Oscar winning film “The Artist”. For a complete bio check her out at www.mahamimo.com

Meet Intraceuticals film & television liaison Samantha MarQuard as she interviews Maha about her career and the relationship between skincare and makeup.

Hollywood Make-up Artist Maha on Intraceuticals

Maha is a stunning Lebanese beauty and when I first met her and saw how amazing her skin was I was not sure how much it could be improved. That said she fell in love with the Intraceuticals treatments and products and brought them on to the set of the upcoming feature film “Hitchcock” starring Anthony Hopkins, Helen Mirren, Jessica Biel, Toni Collette & Scarlett Johannsen.

Sam: How did you get into makeup?

Maha: I was working as an actress on a film and the makeup artist needed help so I offered to help her and I loved the medium so that began my career.

Sam: How did you learn the craft of makeup?

Maha: I started teaching myself then I went to school in Los Angeles and learned the basics but it is really up to you as an artist to develop your skills and create your own unique style. I then became the national makeup artist for the Prescriptives makeup brand where I did custom blending of foundation and powders.  That is when I learned to master makeup. I was working on real people and the most important thing that I realized was the importance of skincare prior to makeup. If you don’t have good skin it does not matter how much makeup you put on it won’t look good. The true foundation for makeup is having healthy skin.

Because I was traveling across the country I also saw the difference in how the makeup looked on my own skin when it was tired and dehydrated verses hydrated and fresh.

Sam: Hydration is the niche of Intraceuticals so now it makes sense how you instantly understood the concept of our 3 step Hyaluronic layering. You also instantly picked out the perfect color foundation for my skin that I am using to this day. Do you still custom blend foundation for people?

Maha: Absolutely! There is not one foundation color or texture that works for everybody. I’m always customizing the colors and blending them. You want people to look at you and notice you and not your makeup. You don’t want to be wearing a mask.

Sam: On that note I have found that when you are young you can use more makeup to cover up whatever skin sins you may be committing but as you get older you can’t get away with that.

Maha: Yes that is true and that is why I teach people to please take care of their skin first. You can’t just not take care of your skin and then hope to magically erase everything with makeup but when you take care of your skin at an early age the better chance you have of aging gracefully.

Sam: That is the Beauty philosophy of Intraceuticals to help people age beautifully and gracefully. While people may choose to do surgery and or botox and injectables none of these procedures will change the texture of the skin. However when you hydrate the skin properly it looks alive radiant and luminous.

Maha: Exactly… that is why I am using Intraceuticals on myself and on set. The lovely thing about it is it’s based on science and comes from nature. You are not putting anything toxic into the skin and yet the results are amazing.

Sam: You work on everything from commercials to fashion, movies celebrities, and even Olympic athletes! Do you have a favorite type of project to work on?

Maha: They all have their own interesting aspects and I love the diversity but what I most enjoy is the people that I work with. I like to mix it up so that I stay on the cutting edge. I like to use my artistry in different ways all the time. I don’t want to do the same thing over and over again. As an example working on the films “The Artist” and “Hitchcock” both period piece films was very satisfying creatively to go back in time and recreate that look. But now I will choose to work on other projects so I can keep learning and expanding my artistry. I just always have to keep growing as an artist. It’s not just making someone look good but it’s also making them feel comfortable in how they look. This is especially important for my actors because if they are not comfortable in the look they won’t be able to give their best performance. Whoever I am working on whether it be real people, actors or models I connect with them first. I’m not just going to start painting away I need to understand what they want and need to feel good in their own skin. So basically I am blessed to have connection with people and an instinct for their comfort zone and work within that.

Sam: I saw you in action on the “Hitchcock” film and noticed not only how beautiful the makeup was but also how relaxed the actors were around you. You are an artist but also part psychologist and the mom taking care of everybody.  It was such a fun experience to watch you work and to graciously allow me to give treatments to your actors.

Regarding trends in makeup they come and go like fashion. What is your opinion on the current trends? Any trends women should be careful with? Especially mature women?

Maha: Women who are older should not follow trends but rather do what works for them. You can pull off some trends like a popular color but not over the top. Because what you see in fashion magazines or billboards or runway shows is targeted to catch your attention but that does not necessarily mean it will work on older or young women for that matter. I only use trends when I’m trying to tell a story in a fashion piece. Personally I’m not into trends but if I’m creating a character that is a different story.

Sam: What common mistakes do you see women do with makeup?

Maha: The common mistake I see is say when someone has a breakout and they cover their whole face with a lot of makeup instead of just covering the blemish. I’m really against the masked look. I see a lot of women hiding behind their makeup. Less is more and I think that women should pick one feature and focus on it and show their skin. I want to see more skin showing through.

Sam: That sounds like the makeup artist version of what Coco Chanel would say in regards to accessories. After you have put everything on take one thing off before you head out the door.

Maha: That is exactly right! Like what you have on right now is lovely.

Sam: I’m relieved to hear you say that since I’m wearing violet eye shadow!

Maha: I love it! You have beautiful eye shadow on mascara and blush and subtle lip gloss… works great.

Sam: Why do you think makeup is so powerful? I think of women in ancient times crushing pomegranates to put on their face.  Do you have anything to say about that?

Maha: Yes, as human beings we are connected to one another through our energy. Getting good energy from other people is like a boost and as women we want to be noticed. From the beginning of time women have always found ways to be noticed.  I really believe that whatever can bring you confidence and show your essence including wearing makeup is fantastic. Please know though you don’t have to walk around with a mask and whether it be fashion or makeup it’s important to know what works for you.

Sam: Like how skinny jeans are not right for everyone.

Maha: Right! Stick with what works and classic always works.

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