JnF Specialties has released a free report: How to Create Quality Control Plan Subject Matter Expert.
Businesses that have been operating for many years without a documented management system perceive an overwhelming challenge when a new or existing Customer imposes requirements for creating a quality control plan subject matter expert to implement and maintain a documented quality system such as ISO 9001. The outcries normally include, “We’ve got to do what?!” followed by, “We never had to do this before!”.
JnF Specialties owner says, 21st century Buyers are risk oriented and do their best to screen Suppliers before making a decision to purchase goods or services. Large companies like GE and Boeing have well defined quality control program requirements for Suppliers. The goal for most Buyers is to reduce the risk of working with Suppliers that may not perform up to expectations and avoid problems with schedule driven projects. The idea is, if the Supplier doesn’t have a quality control plan subject matter expert in place, the risk for problems is high if the paperwork isn’t right, which presumes the product or service isn’t right. On the other hand, 21st century Buyers appreciate Suppliers that can assert compliance with ISO 9001 or have a pedigree for a more comprehensive quality plan, such as the AS9003 inspection and test quality system:link or AS9100 quality control plan or AS9110 aviation maintenance quality system or AS9120 Distributor quality system or Nadcap AC7004 quality plan or FAA PMA quality plan. The logic is, if the paperwork is right then the product or service is right because the Company has a quality control plan subject matter expert.
Of course, there are no guarantees that a compliant or pedigree Supplier will perform according to expectations. In practice, risk management concerns are reduced when a Supplier’s quality control plan is compliant with an industry standard such as ISO 9001 and the Quality Representative is a subject matter expert. The work to achieve compliance with technical and delivery requirements is the easy part for most businesses. The hard part is creating a quality control plan subject matter expert to achieve compliance with quality program requirements, especially when a Company has never had to document practices. What this means for a business is someone in the Company is going to be volunteered to become the new quality control plan subject matter expert. In most cases, the volunteer is a responsible authority that knows the quality improvement project will result in more sales. More income is the carrot at the end of the stick or pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The analogy of “rainbow” is appropriate for a new quality improvement project because there are usually thoughts of multi-color bruising of the status-quo because of the outcry, “We’ve got to do what?!”.
The work that a Company expends to convince Customers to buy products or services is known as the romance-phase of the business relationship. For instance, a business needs to win a contract from a new Customer but doesn’t have a quality control plan subject matter expert to document a quality program. Let’s presume the Customer wants the product or service but there’s a new requirement for a quality management system in the proposal. Now-a-days, the flowdown requirement for a quality control program is the ISO 9001 quality system:link or a tailored ISO 9001 quality system. Normally, when ISO is mentioned during the romance-phase, the wheels fall off the expectation of winning a contract because ISO is perceived as “too much work”. The knee-jerk reaction is to take this job and shove it. In reality, if small victories are won during the implementation phase of an ISO 9001 quality improvement project, even the most doubtful manager or business owner can see light at the end of the tunnel. ISO 9001 is perceived as an overwhelming task but Ma and Pa shops have learned to accept the challenge and routinely create a quality control plan subject matter expert to achieve compliance and certification starting their project from “There’s too much to do!” and ending with “That wasn’t so bad!”. One, two or three person businesses consistently demonstrate they can achieve compliance with ISO 9001 in a few weeks. As the number of people increases in the Company, more time is needed to cover all the bases.
Its particularly helpful when newcomers to quality management have a mentor or facilitator to help the Company create a quality control plan subject matter expert to guide the process of improvement from beginning to end. Reducing the substantial list of action items to the critical few and implementing improvement opportunities helps people accept the challenges with enthusiasm rather than skepticism. No matter what, somebody in the Company must become the quality control plan subject matter expert to represent the quality program with Employees and Customers. The recommendation is to start the quality improvement project with documentation that complies with Customer requirements using a kit of templates for an ISO 9001 quality system. Click here to finish reading the free report:link.
Call to enlist a Mentor or Facilitator to help your Company create a quality control plan subject matter expert: 719-649-4242.
About JnF Specialties
JnF Specialties was founded in 1998 and serves the Quality Control Plan industry. Since 2001, they have provided quality control plan resources and information for managers, owners, sole proprietors, technicians, engineers and consultants with simple solutions to meet business goals and achieve compliance with Customer requirements and quality system standards.