
In areas of New York City, Occupy Wall Street has been mobilizing and coordinating volunteers, donations, and relief locations in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. As a result, the people of New York have had access to food, water, clothing, and-most importantly - community. It is time that this kind of mobilization, passion, and dedication makes its way to New Jersey!

In areas of New York City, Occupy Wall Street has been mobilizing and coordinating volunteers, donations, and relief locations in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. As a result, the people of New York have had access to food, water, clothing, and-most importantly - community. It is time that this kind of mobilization, passion, and dedication makes its way to New Jersey!

Tonight InterOccupy will be hosting a conference call for Occupy Sandy Relief in NJ. Tools have been built and infrastructure put in place and are already mobilizing to emulate the NY model for Jersey residents whose livelihoods were similarly ravaged by the storm. We invite you to join the call!

Register for the call here

If you can't be on the call, but want to help in Jersey: Sign Up as a NJ Volunteer Here.

Whether you are a resident, Occupier, organizer, or donor, please come to the call tonight at 8PM to begin the process of calling in the calvary in support of New Jersey residents. We have the tools. All that is left is putting boots on the ground and fire in people's hearts. Our neighbors are calling. How will we respond?

Occupy Sandy NJ Facebook page

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