Social Media Optimization is the technique of social media activity with the purpose of attracting unique visitors to the website content. Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Optimization both the techniques are used for optimizing websites.
There are two categories of SMO techniques
Social media features added to the content itself including: tweets, comments, buzz, RSS feeds, social news, user rating and polling tools, images, videos and so on
Promoting the products in social media aside from the content being promoted, including: blogging, commenting on other blogs, participating in discussion groups like forums, and posting status updates on social networking profiles
Social media optimization is related to search engine marketing, but differs in several ways mostly the focus on driving traffic from sources other than search engines although improved search ranking is also a benefit of successful SMO.
Social Media Optimisation is not limited to marketing and brand building. Increasingly smart businesses are integrating social media participation as part of their knowledge management strategy.
Social media optimization is in many ways connected as a technique to viral marketing and it can be done through the use of networking in social bookmarking, video and photo sharing websites. In a similar way the engagement with blogs achieves the same by sharing content through the use of RSS.