
Search Engine Marketing – SEO For Law Firms

Recent studies have found that internet users do not look past the first three pages of search engine results when they are trying to find something on the web. As a web user, I can attest that this is true for me as well. So how do you get your law firm's site in the top 30 results, so it can be found?

There are four basic techniques that are used to optimize web sites for search results. They are registering your sites domain name/s, editing the tags for your site, having original, relevant content, having inbound or back links to your site, and registering your site with search engines.

Registering Your Domain Name/s

To effectively optimize your web site for the online engines, a suitable domain name or names are necessary. You should register as many relevant domain names for your site as you can to keep competition from getting names that are too similar to yours and to drive more traffic to your site.

Edit your Tags

Meta tags are keywords that are HTML coded that search engines look at when getting information on your web site. Meta tags, in their most basic form are the title, description and keywords for your site. To optimize these, your law firm needs to decide which words are the most important to place in the title and description tags. Even though the meta keyword tag is no longer in use for the online engines, you can still fill it out if you want to. You should create different tags, or keywords, for each page of your firm's website. This allows each page to be indexed separately than the others, essentially making each page a mini- web site.

Relevant Content

Most of the potential clients that come to your site will not have searched for your firm by name, they will have searched for keywords contained in your text such as "Washington probate law" or "making a will". Your site will be ranked with the online engines higher if it contains relevant information that pertains to your firm. The more information you have, the more keywords you will have in your website content. In order for your firm to be highly ranked, your site should have information on your areas of practice through newsletters, bulletins, statistics and links. Having this information will cause search engines to associate your site with your keywords.

Inbound Links or Back links

The best way to get a top listing for your site is for that site to be linked to other sites. The more links the better your site will fare with the search engines. This is known as linkpop, or link popularity. In order to get links you must contact other legal sites, web portals and SEs to ask for reciprocal links. In other words, you link to them, and they will link to you. With each new link, your page rating will increase search ratings and will associate your web site with key words that will allow potential clients to find your site.


Finally, you must register your site with search engines and other sites and directories. This includes all of the major search engines, both paid and unpaid, community search engines, directories such as Yahoo!

If you have the right domain names, tags, content, and back links and are registered with search engines and directories, your law firm's site should do well in getting traffic and sending new clients your way. If you do not have the time or energy to do all of this on your own there are plenty of professionals that are paid specifically optimizing law web s sites for search engines. It will cost more money this way, but at least you can be assured of a job well done.

Attorney Web Design Lawyers Court is a full service Web Development and Internet Marketing Company that focuses on the needs of the Legal Community. We can help your law firm with creating a new website, redesigning an existing site, creating flash animation logos, optimizing the firms site for the search engines, setting up pay per click accounts at Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing, MSN AdCenter and more! See more on Lawyer Marketing.

Article Source: Http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sophia_…

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