
Constantly inspiring us to update our interior spaces using our own bare hands the shortlisters in the Best DIY Blog category are the authority on chic do-it-yourself style. Here Kimberly Hughes from Swoon Worthy, Katy Orme from Apartment Apothecary, Emily May from Emily May Designs, Nicolette Lafonseca from Archie and the Rug and June Olsen from Nostalgiecat talk to us about their personal blogging experience…

What is your number one blogging tip?

Kimberly Hughes from Swoon Worthy: Stay true to yourself. I know everyone says it but there are so many wonderful blogs out there and it’s easy to get overlooked – there’s no point in just trying to emulate someone else or someone else’s style. In order to stand out, you really need to be an individual and to be comfortable with presenting something that’s a little different to what everyone else is doing.

Katy Orme from Apartment Apothecary: Blog something that you would want to see, read or make yourself.

Emily May from Emily May Designs: I would recommend keeping a notepad with you all the time, so you can write down ideas for blog posts as soon as you think of them- I find this really useful as I have a memory like a sieve…

June Olsen from Nostalgiecat: Let your passion and personality shine through! You have to be passionate about what you want to blog about, and YOU are your own unique selling point!!

Nicolette Lafonseca from Archie and the Rug: Keep your topic authentic, don’t just blog about what you think will be popular or because others are having success with it, write about things that you are passionate about.

What is the hardest part about blogging?

KO: Catching up with my imagination! I have so many ideas but not always the resources, space, help or time to make them happen.

EM: Making time for it! At the moment I am still a full time student, and I also have a job to pay my student fees and rent, so I have to make sure I have time to blog as well. It’s hard but it’s SO worth it, I love my blog!

JO: The hardest part of blogging for me has been finding the time to write my posts and understanding the technical part of blogging, like html code etc!

NL: For me now with a 10 month old baby time is the key factor. I write full time  so I have print deadlines as well as creating content for my blog.

KH: You really need to commit fully if you are going to be a blogger – that means sacrifices in terms of time and energies. I don’t think a lot of people realise how much time it really takes up to blog but the rewards are so incredibly worth it.

What have you learnt since starting your blog?

EM: I have learned how ‘social’ blogging and social networking really is. I love chatting to other bloggers and designers online, and sharing tips and advice!

JO: I’ve learned not to rely on the support of my friends when it come’s to my blog…that sounds horrible, but the truth is that people generally have no idea what it takes to create good and informative blog content, and they think it’s a bit of a silly and attention seeking hobby! I remember my best friend’s reaction when I told her that I was going to start blogging: “Oh no…not you too!! Just make sure you have something to say!!”  So I’ve worked very hard to do exactly that!

NL: I have learned how to write in HTML and CSS and how to be confident in front of the camera.

KH: Oh I’ve learned loads! With every passing year, my style has become more defined, my writing style has improved and I have a better understanding of what it is my audience likes and responds to. Obviously, it’s not a once and done thing – I’m constantly opening myself to new and different ideas and social media has dramatically changed since I started blogging 4 years ago. So I think for me, it’s really about staying flexible and being open to the changing landscape of what it means to be a blogger.

KO: How to sew, how to use a camera, lots of different crafts and how to use social media.

What do you think makes a good blog?

JO: So actually my friend’s advice was very good…because A good blog should have something to say: It should be informative, inspirational or educational…or at the very least entertaining!!

NL: Great photos, writing that is funny, informative or has a really friendly tone.

KH: I love blogs where the personality of the blogger really shines through. I want to get to know them better and when I read a blog – even if the style is different to their own – it’s personality that really stands out for me. If they are funny and take great pictures, I’m usually sold!

KO: Great photographs, imaginative content, a clear author’s voice, clean and simple layout.

EM: I think a good blog should be easy to navigate, and easy to read, with great original content and lots of lovely big photos that span the width of the post area!

How would you describe your interior style?

NL: In a word, eclectic, with a capital E! I love looking at pictures of people with those bright white homes and statement items, drifting seamlessly from room to room but that is nice to look at I wouldn’t want that for my home. I like my rooms to have different looks because I want them to have a different feel. From a cosy lounge to an opulent toilet, tranquil bathroom, bistro style kitchen and 1950s laundry room.

KH: I often describe my style as ‘Eclectic Boho Glam’ – it’s a real mix of styles from vintage to contemporary, with lots of colour and texture and interesting textiles as well as a good dollop of brass and gold for a glamorous touch.

KO: Very eclectic! I love all things vintage and try to mix up antiques, mid-century and Scandi-style.

EM: I would describe my style as colourful, bright and happy! I love adding personal touches to my designs with handmade or re-used/re-purposed items as well, I would always rather use unique handmade items than mass produced factory made products.

JO: My interior style is very personal and creative, but definitely influenced by my Norwegian roots…with a nostalgic penchant for mid-century design! So I guess it’s a retro-Scandinavian style with a strong modern and fresh influence!

The post Shortlist Group Interview: Best DIY appeared first on Interior Blog Awards.

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