
You will have seen in the weeks leading up to the awards ceremony that we published interviews from the shortlisters in each category. With the winners now announced we wanted to get to know the top bloggers even more, so over the next few weeks we will be publishing some rather exciting interviews from all of our winners. First up we have the Best International Blog Award winner Igor Josifovic from Happy Interior Blog…

Commuting between Munich and Paris and having lived in Austria and Greece it must open up so  many opportunities for your blog, which location would you say you’re most inspired and why?
Traveling has been an essential part of my life indeed. I think that the variety of places and my multi-cultural background have equipped me with a never ceasing desire to travel, explore and collect inspiration. Paris has become my second home and is the city that inspires me most with its vibrant cultural life, divine architecture and great lifestyle. But the best inspiration happens unexpectedly somewhere along the way and lingers on for a long time.

You have recently contributed to an interiors book alongside some of your fellow shortlisters Decor8 and My Paradissi, tell us the story of how you got involved with this.

The book project ‘Wohnideen Aus Dem Wahren Leben’ (literally ‘Interior ideas from real life’) is a Munich born project. The publisher is based in Munich and approached me during a local blogger event. They had a rough idea in mind and we discussed the project together which eventually led to the book in its existing form. I was honored to contribute to the book with some of Europe’s finest interior bloggers, among them many personal friends of mine.

You are part of the Design Bloggers United alliance. What made you join and what does this involve from you?

I was lucky enough to have been chosen to represent Germany as a design blogger in this European alliance of leading design bloggers. Design Bloggers United is a fantastic and new way of showcasing blogger power and offering a new and advanced way of collaboration between brands and bloggers. Our aim is to discover the best design in various countries and cities which involves lots of traveling. It is a perfect alliance for me as it combines my two favorites – travels and design.

KOTO candle created by Design Bloggers United and Skandinavisk

Where would you be if you weren’t involved in interiors?
Good one – in fact, only as a blogger am I involved in interiors. Besides my blog and the international project ‘Urban Jungle Bloggers’ that I am conducting with my friend and fellow blogger Judith de Graaff of Joelix.com I have a full-time job as a social media manager for a big German corporation. So I am sort in both social media and interiors if you will. If I wasn’t doing this, I’d be an archaeologist -at least that was my childhood dream!

How did you feel when you found out you had won the award for the best international blog award?

It was a fun moment. Due to my projects I was unable to attend the fantastic awards ceremony in London so I followed the event through Twitter back home in Munich. I was not expecting to win at all so when I saw all the tweets congratulating me I was totally struck and very happy. After all, this is the first big award for my Happy Interior Blog. Such an honor!

Where do you see your blog in five years time?
Growing, evolving, thriving. I have many ideas and projects in mind but I take one step after the other due to the time restraints of my current lifestyle. There will be already some great novelties in early 2015, but in five years time I’d like to see my blog as a digital platform for all kinds of interior design related topics, conversations and projects – a hub that will combine online and offline projects, become more interactive and above all a place for that extra dose of happiness.

From where did your love for interiors evolve?
It’s most probably something inherited from home. My mum loves decorating and styling her home and has probably given that to me too. The importance of a beautiful home has become more important to me as I was traveling frequently. My lifestyle includes lots of time out and about, so coming home to beautiful, personal interiors is something that keeps me balanced and rooted. It makes me content and happy, it’s as simple as that!

The post Interview with Best International Blog Award Winner Igor Josifovic from Happy Interior Blog appeared first on Interior Blog Awards.

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