
Video Transcription

It’s common while working in AWS is the need to change in instance type for your EC2 Instance to meet the demand for the application. For example, your AWS Instance needs more resources such as CPU and more memory.

Looking at this Linux Instance it’s actual stopped at the moment but as you can see, it’s a t2.micro which means it has a little bit of CPU power and a little bit of memory.

The Instance Type Page is where you can figure identify the types of instance you have and also look for new Instance options.

On this page AWS.amazon.com under the Instance Types you can see the t2.micro has 1 CPU, 1 virtual CPU (vCPU) and 1gig of memory.  Now we need something more robust than this.

For example, if we scroll down and look at the M4 Series. These are the “General Purpose” Instance Types and you can see these have a more resources. The m4.xlarge has 4 vCPUs and 16gigbytes or memory.

Let say that we decide that our application has more demand now and I need to change the instance type to an m4.xlarge.

To do this, we’ll go back to the EC2 Console and the first thing we’ll need to do is stop the EC2 Instance which it is already stopped in this example. To stop it, right-click on the Instance, go to Instance State  and click stop.

Now that the Instance is stopped, we can right-click, select Instance Settings and select Change Instance Type.

From the drop down list we’ll select the m4.xlarge Instance Type and click Apply.

And now I can start the Instance. I’ll right-click on it and select Start.

After we click YES, the Instance is now starting up with the new xlarge Instance Type.

Notice under the Instance Type column, we’re now running m4.xlarge and now this Instance has all the previous data as well as a lot more memory and a lot more CPU power.

Mike Pfeiffer teaches Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure training at Interface Technical Training.

His instructor-led classed can be attend online with RemoteLive™.

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