Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) October 9, 2009
Dr. Jeffry S. Life, national healthy aging expert and age management medicine icon, is one of five physicians in the U.S. licensed to offer TA-65™ — a nutraceutical that prevents telomeres from shortening, which potentially slows the aging process. Hailing the groundbreaking work of prize-winning Nobel Laureates Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider and Jack W. Szostak that revealed short telomeres lead to premature cellular aging, Dr. Life is merging telomere science with his already established, leading-edge protocols for age management and optimized health at the Life Center for Healthy Aging.
In January 2009, Dr. Life entered the telomere revolution, becoming a consultant for TA Sciences in New York, the only company worldwide to offer the TA-65™ nutraceutical.
“The Nobel Prize research is brilliant, but the practical application of its importance can really only be measured in terms of its effect on the health of humans who suffer the consequences of aged, shortened telomeres. That's why I not only became a consultant for TA Sciences earlier this year, but signed-on as a client. I've been on TA-65™ ever since,” Dr. Life said.
An emerging science via the Nobel Prize research, telomere biology is said to be changing the way we view aging. Telomeres are DNA repeats located at the end of chromosomes that act as caps to protect genes. Telomeres shorten every time a cell divides, which causes a cellular digression and conditions associated with aging. Telomerase–a natural enzyme–can help maintain telomere length.
Dr. Life says TA-65™ incorporated with his customized healthy aging protocols–low-glycemic/low-fat nutrition, right exercise (cardio and resistance training), quality nutraceuticals and optimized hormones when clinically indicated–offers individuals the best opportunity to maintain their quality of life as they age, reducing risk for disease and maybe even extending their life span.
Without using TA-65™, it's been shown that decreasing stress, eating healthy and exercising properly can prevent telomeres from shortening, per a study conducted by distinguished microbiologist/telomere pioneer Elizabeth Blackburn and lifestyle/diet guru Dean Ornish. Study participants followed Ornish's low-fat/low-stress diet-and-lifestyle plan–and increased telomerase by 30%.
CEO and founder of The Life Center for Healthy Aging, Life is the former chief medical officer of Cenegenics® Las Vegas–headquarters of the age management medicine giant, Cenegenics Medical Institute. He garnered worldwide media attention ever since his muscular, virile, 67-year-old physique was used in Cenegenics' international ad campaigns back in 2006. Life operates his own center as a Cenegenics physician affiliate, offering patients the same evidence-based protocols that help him maintain youthful aging at 70 years old.
“Perhaps now that the scientific community has deemed telomere biology worthy of the Nobel Prize, the science of healthy aging will move into the realm of mainstream scientific interest,” Dr. Life said.
For an interview with Dr. Jeffry S. Life or to schedule a public appearance, please contact Ann Castro, Media Relations/Creative Director, at 702.953.1561.
For more information about the Life Center for Healthy Aging, telomeres or TA-65™, visit our online press room or contact the center's Vice President, Annie Life, at 702.953.1561.
About Jeffry S. Life, MD, PhD, FAAFP
Recipient of the first-ever Alan P. Mintz, MD Award for Medical Excellence in Age Management Medicine, Dr. Jeffry S. Life is CEO of The Life Center for Healthy Aging, located in Las Vegas, Nevada. The progressive LIFE principle is a straightforward map to healthy, active aging with physical and sexual energy, using proactive, leading-edge medicine and lifestyle interventions–rather than a reactionary approach to disease. Dr. Life is a Cenegenics® physician affiliate and former chief medical officer of Cenegenics Las Vegas, the global leader in age management medicine. Since 2006, Dr. Jeffry S. Life's before-and-after pictures have captured national and international media attention, motivating people worldwide to become his patients and learn how to manage their aging process.
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