
I can do all this through him who gives me strength.




Todd Goranson, associate professor of music, presented over 60 clinics for grade 5-12 woodwind students on 25 different campuses in Pennsylvania, Virginia and Connecticut from August 2015-January 2016. These clinics were sponsored with external funds provided by Vandoren USA.

Goranson also performed as guest principal bassoonist in a six concert series (over a two week period) with the Yellow River Symphony Orchestra in Zhengzhou, China in December 2015-January 2016. Two of the concerts were televised nationally on CCTV (China State Television). Additionally, he performed on a chamber concert with other American guest musicians, (including music faculty from Eastman, Boston University, and other top music programs) at the Yage Concert Hall in Xinmi, China.

Goranson performed with his professional ensemble, Junction Saxophone Quartet, at the International Saxophone Symposium in Winchester, Virginia on Jan. 16. The ISS is the largest annual saxophone event in North America. Additionally, the Messiah College Saxophone Quartet (featuring MC music students Tim Puglio, Shawn Campopiano, Jacob Mandell and Aaron Neal) were selected to perform on the College Quartet Series for the event.


Jonathan Bert ’09 and Krystal Robinson-Bert ’10 welcomed their first child, Tenley Grace, into the world on Jan. 14 at 8:59 p.m. Tenley weighed 9 pounds, 7 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long. Both mom and baby are doing well.


Dr. Jan Dormer recently visited Chongshin University, a Christian university in Seoul, South Korea, to provide a seminar on Teaching English in Missions. Her visit was a precursor to a Messiah College graduate program intensive TESOL course that Jan will be teaching there the last week of June. After the seminar, Jan met with university leaders in the English Education department and library to discuss additional ways that the Messiah College Graduate Program in Education can partner with their university to further the goal of providing appropriate education for the teaching of English in ministry.


Congratulations to interlibrary loan technician Kimberly Steiner for being awarded the STARS Atlas Systems Mentoring Award, which will afford her the opportunity to participate in the American Library Association national conference and in possible future resource-sharing relationships with other libraries. We appreciate and applaud her initiative and are glad to have her as part of the library team!


Kaitlyn Gehris has begun work as the HR administrative assistant. Kaitlyn has been the student worker in the President’s Office and comes to HR&C with an excellent skill set including extensive skills with Prezi presentation software. Kaitlyn will primarily be providing support for recruitment and event planning as well as providing assistance related to the HR component of staff payroll along with other special projects. Hannah McBride has been hired as the project coordinator for the Department of Justice grant received by the College late this fall. Hannah comes to Messiah College from Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa. She brings with her experience in residence life, grant implementation, Christian higher education and Title IX. Hannah will be working part-time until May 15 when she will start full-time on this grant-funded position. Please join us in welcoming these new employees.


Campus notice: Accreditation visit for graduate programs in nursing

The graduate programs in nursing at Messiah College will be undergoing an on-site evaluation April 4-6 by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) for the purposes of accreditation. CCNE accreditation is a nongovernmental peer review process that operates in accordance with nationally recognized standards established for the practice of accreditation in the United States. Accreditation by CCNE is intended to accomplish at least five general purposes:

To hold nursing programs accountable to the community of interest – the nursing profession, consumers, employers, higher education, students and their families, nurse residents – and to one another by ensuring that these programs have mission statements, goals and outcomes that are appropriate to prepare individuals to fulfill their expected roles.

To evaluate the success of a nursing program in achieving its mission, goals and expected outcomes.

To assess the extent to which a nursing program meets accreditation standards.

To inform the public of the purposes and values of accreditation and to identify nursing programs that meet accreditation standards.

To foster continuing improvement in nursing programs – and, thereby in professional practice.

If you would like additional information about CCNE or its standards and procedures, you may visit their web site at www.aacn.nche.edu/accreditation.

A very important part of this evaluation is soliciting third-party comment on the nursing program by its communities of interest. I am writing to invite you to submit comments and opinions about the nursing program directly to the CCNE. All comments and opinions submitted to CCNE are held in strict confidence and shared with the on-site evaluation team. All comments must be written, signed and received by CCNE no later than March 14, 2016. Please send your comments directly to:

Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education

Attn: Third-Party Comments

1 Dupont Circle NW, Suite 530

Washington D.C. 20036



Thank you for your interest in and support of the graduate programs in nursing at Messiah College.

Department of Safety new event form

The Department of Safety will begin using an online form that must be used when requesting assistance from the department for events. This includes any event in which you would like traffic control, event security or parking spaces blocked off. A minimum of five working days is needed for submission of requests. We may not be able to accommodate last minute requests due to limited staffing or parking availability. The form is located on McSquare, Employee/ Student tab, Forms, Operations; form name is “Dept. of Safety Event Request Form.” If you have any questions, contact Officer Liz Williams at ewilliams@messiah.edu or call ext. 3984.

Thank you

A very BIG thank you everyone in operations who worked diligently to clear the campus, keep it safe and keep it running during the recent record snowfall. You did an amazing job and it is appreciated! You can view photos of the team’s hard work here.

Employee recognition reception scheduled for May 4

Please save the date for the annual gathering to celebrate the commitment of those employees who have reached significant service milestones. The Employee Recognition Reception will be held on Reading Day, May 4, from 10-11:30 a.m. in Brubaker Auditorium. More details will be shared later in the spring.

February wellness workshop

”Oh, my aching shoulder”—that phrase is becoming almost as common as ”What’s for supper?“ Last year, 4.5 million Americans visited their doctor with extreme shoulder pain. Of those, 250,000 had one or more of their rotator cuff muscles surgically repaired. For 53,000, repair was no longer an option, and they underwent complete shoulder replacement. Clearly, we are using and sometimes abusing our shoulder joints. That’s why our February workshop topic is “Caring for your shoulder – before and after it hurts.” Plan now to come and listen to Matt Lewis, Ph.D. in the Department of Health and Human Performance share his expertise on the shoulder. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 16 from 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. in Parmer Cinema.

Safety Contest – Two months to go

Congratulations to Dwayne Magee, the winner of the Workplace Safety Committee’s safety contest question for January. He will receive a $50 gift card. The question for January was: During what week in 2016 will the annual fire extinguisher training be conducted on campus? The answer was found in the Workplace Safety Committee meeting minutes for January (which are available on the Safety Committee Channel on MCSquare.) The correct response was the week of Feb. 29. There are two months remaining for the contest. Each month, a question will be distributed to all employees via mass email. All correct answers for the month will go into a prize drawing; each month the prize is a $50 gift card. Watch your email on Monday, Feb. 8 for the next question!

Employees invited to submit nominations for Team Falcon Award

Employees are invited to submit nominations for the Team Falcon Award. The Team Falcon Award is an opportunity to recognize a group or team that collaborated successfully on a significant project or initiative to advance departmental or college-wide goals. We are opening up nominations to all employees this year. Eligible groups or teams include units, departments, task forces and committees or other cross-departmental work groups. The team may be comprised of part-time or full-time staff, administrative and/or faculty employees. Team members recognized must have had significant involvement in the accomplishment of the project, process or initiative. Generally, teams will consist of three to 10 individuals. One team will be recognized each year.

The Team Falcon Award is used to recognize a work group based on the following criteria:

The team made a significant contribution towards achievement of a strategic goal

The team exhibited innovation, creativity and excellence

The group fostered a team environment that promoted communication, trust, cooperation and respect for differences

Each member of the team recognized will receive a distinctive commemorative gift and the team will be hosted for lunch by the division vice president or provost. Any employee can nominate a deserving team. The recommendation must be submitted to the division vice president or provost by Monday, Feb. 29. The division vice president/provost is encouraged to solicit recommendations that cross functional boundaries. Each division vice president/provost will review all submissions for his/her division and select those teams that he/she feels best meet the criteria for the award. President’s Cabinet will vote to select the team to receive the award. Your recommendation will be confidential; only the employees selected as award recipients will know that their names were offered for consideration. Teams are not eligible to receive a subsequent award for three years. See the list of prior recipients at ***. Nominations must be submitted using the Team Falcon Award nomination form found here. Further information on performance awards, can be viewed here. The recipients will be announced at the Employee Recognition Reception in May. All questions regarding nominations should be directed to Kathy Castonguay in Human Resources.


For sale:

Hydraulic Trolley Jack. Allied Automotive 2 Ton Capacity Hydraulic Trolley jack for sale. $20. Contact Carrie at ext. 2492 or cwiddowson@messiah.edu.

Sofa. Comfortable taupe sofa (85″) in very good condition. Available for immediate pickup. $285. Contact dschmidt@messiah.edu.

Pair of Calvin Klein tall leather black dress boots with flat heel.

Brand new, never worn.  Size 7 ½    Asking $35.00

Pair of Sporto boys snow boots.  Black and grey. Very good condition.

Size 6.  Asking $10.00. Call Bill at ext. 39040 or 253-5196

Used Green Mountain Diapers: 23 size large cloth-eez prefold diapers (http://www.greenmountaindiapers.com/cloth-eez-prefold-diapers.html); 6 medium and 4 large hook & loop diaper covers. $25; Apple iPad 2 Smart Cover, dark gray. $15 Pictures available upon request. Email nskulstad@messiah.edu

Large box of baby girl clothes: size 0-12 mos. Clothes are in excellent condition and best for a baby born in spring/summer. A lot of Carter’s brand. Clothes include: 0-3 mos: 3 sleepers; 4 long-sleeved onesies; 19 short-sleeved onesies (some are 3-6 mos.); 5 pants; 4 shorts; 9 dresses; 1 sweater; 1 warm hat 6 mos.: 5 sleepers; 3 long-sleeved onesies; 6 short-sleeved onesies; 11 pants; 3 dresses; 3 sweaters; 1 rain/snowpant 9-12 mos.: 3 sleepers; 3 long-sleeved onesies; 6 long-sleeved shirts; 3 dresses; 2 skirts; 5 sweaters Also, included are some socks and 8 pairs of baby size 4 shoes. Asking $40. Pictures available upon request. Email nskulstad@messiah.edu.

Job Opportunities:

Museum Teaching Docent. The Oakes Museum of Natural History has openings for the part time position of museum teaching docent. For additional information and to apply, please see: http://jobs.messiah.edu/postings/7988 Job-related questions may be directed to Ken Mark, director, The Oakes Museum of Natural History at kmark@messiah.edu.


Upper Allen Township recreation and open space plan

Upper Allen Township is conducting a survey of the recreation and open space needs of its residents. Please take a few moments to share your feedback here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/upperallentownshipsurvey

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