Below is an article written by Kristen Howe about saying yes more. She has a website called Law of Attraction Key. Pretty good stuff.
Say YES More!
Welcome back to the current issue of the Law of Attraction Key Newsletter!
Yes is one of the most powerful words in the world. Often we are scared of it. We shy away from it and resist it for fear that if we use it we will get into something we don’t want to experience.
Yet, when we get trapped in saying ‘no’ – we build up massive resistance to the limitless creative power of the Universe. We are born with the instinct to say yes, because we are born in a state of agreement with the Universe. We can return to that natural and powerful state of agreement, we can release the discordant, resistance of ‘no’, and I have brought my amazing friend Karl Moore to you today to help you with this exact thing. Say YES starting right now – and give this a quick read – you are powerful beyond measure – agree with that power and say YES to it!
Also, in the Quick Tip section of this issue – I give you a quick and powerful way to shift from ‘No’ to ‘YES!’ – When you use this you will be thrilled with the momentum you gain!
You are amazing and I love hearing from you…I receive such great comments here at the magazine and on the Facebook page – and it means so much – you are extraordinary and I appreciate and believe in you – keep those comments coming! J
I’d also like to ask you to share the ‘Law of Attraction Key Online Magazine’ with your friends and family – the more people we share this with, the higher the vibration – thank you in advance!
Life Mastery Is Yours!
P.S. Let’s connect on Facebook: – I’ll see you there!
“There is one word that expresses
complete faith; Y-E-S. Say it often and
with great enthusiasm and you will live
in the magnificent flow of the Universe!”
– Kristen Howe
Say YES More!
By Karl Moore
You are fantastic at saying “No.”
You really are. You might not even realize it, but you’re great at it.
We say “No” to hundreds of things in our lives, every single day.
We say “No!” to our anger. We say “No!” to our lustful urges. We say “No!” to the things we deem to be wrong. We say “No!” to change. We say “No!” to criticism against ourselves. In fact, in general, we say “No!” to the world around us.
But you really must get with the latest in self-development fashion.
You see, “Yes!” is the new “No!”
We each spend too much time fighting against the world and what happens within it. We resist what happens in our life. We don’t accept what is. We say “No!”
Does that sound like you?
The problem is that saying “No!” too much holds us back. It means we spend our time suppressing our emotions and stopping ourselves from moving forward.
When we say “No!” we’re swimming against the current. When we say “Yes!” we’re swimming with the current.
Which do you think is easiest? Which produces less stress? Which is faster, and more enjoyable?
By saying yes to the world, we instantly become more open and more accepting of everything. Saying yes allows us to accept what’s going on, and gives us greater power to change whatever we desire.
So, do you say “No!” too often in your life?
Do you deny your emotions? Do you perhaps try to push down jealousy when it appears? Do you suppress fear? Do you deny lust? Do you desperately attempt to cap your grief?
Try saying “Yes” to every emotion and situation that comes up for you. Accept it. Welcome it. Embrace it. Trust it. Be okay with it.
By saying “Yes” to everything that comes up in your life, you enter into a state of flow. You find that life becomes easier, and that you develop a more loving and accepting side.
Remember, saying “Yes” doesn’t necessarily mean that you agree with something. If your local neighborhood experiences a spate of violent attacks, saying “Yes” to it doesn’t mean you approve of it.
Rather, it means you accept the situation – rather than fight against the fact that it’s happening.
And that gives you greater power to change it, if you wish to do so. Acknowledgement is the first step on the road to change.
Keep on reading to discover how saying yes enables you to turn situations around…
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Saying yes more is a ninja weapon in the world of self-development.
It frees you up – and enables you to turn every bad situation into a good situation.
Saying yes more removes your resistance, obliterates your stress, and turns you into a brighter, more lucid individual.
It doesn’t just work with emotions either. Saying yes more is also perfect for social situations!
Do you realize just how many times you turn down social invitations? It is possible people don’t even ask you out anymore, because they presume you’ll say no. And then you complain about how few friends you have.
So, when you get asked, say “YES!”
In fact, as an experiment, trying saying yes to everything (within reason!) over the space of a week. That’s what Danny Wallace did in his humorous self-help book, “Yes Man.”
It changed his life. This simple technique has changed mine too.
By saying YES more, you’re giving your life to fate – allowing yourself to be open to the randomness of the world. You’re expressing.
By saying NO, you’re denying, you’re stunting the growth of your own potential. You’re suppressing.
So, say “YES!” to the hilarity of life, the next time a bus drives by, splashing into a puddle and soaking your new dress. Embrace your grief, when your pet hamster passes away. Welcome your anger toward that oh-so-annoying situation. Accept all of your own crazy worrying habits.
Say “YES!” to everything.
Literally, say it. Say it out loud when things happen. Repeat it to yourself over and over if you wish. It’s a great mantra.
So, say YES: Embrace. Welcome. Accept. Drop the resistance.
You know, they say life can only be lived going forward, and only understood looking backward. Maybe that’s true for you. Trust that everything has a reason – and say “Yes!” to what happens to you, knowing that it’ll make sense in the end.
Let’s review.
The Australians call it a “Bias for yes.” The Spanish say “Si a todo.” Buddhists describe it as flowing with the current of life.
We call it saying yes more.
And by saying yes more, you’ll become more accepting, more loving, and more in harmony with the world. It’s one of the secret tools in your self-development armor – and ultimately gives you more power and control over a situation.
So, if you want to find your freedom, say yes more.
Quick Tip
Look Who’s Talking…
Sometimes saying ‘no’ is simply a habit that stems from a misguided attempt to control and protect ourselves from something. However, often in saying ‘no’ we miss out on miraculous experiences, people and opportunities. Here’s a quick way to shift from no to YES…When you are tempted to say ‘no’ to something ask yourself this…“If I say YES to this, what is the best that could happen?”Then, ask yourself this…“If I say NO to this what is the worst that can happen?”
Believe me, when you try this, you will FEEL how powerful it is!
“Hey Kristen- thanx for the motivation and always positive encouragement. It is a bit slow to get where I really want to be, but I am GETTING there. [My new phone] is allowing me to watch the motivational program video connections you are sending me. Awesome. Soon in the future I will be in my full potential of attraction. Then all my circling around nothingness will be over for ever. I have my plan laid out already and you paved my path to success everyday with the necessary “tools”. I will also keep you updated with my progress. Good that I was so fortunate to get help when my life felt it was over and spiraling totally downwards outta control. And all of a sudden everything is changing. I see the world through new eyes and the universe as place of huge abundance enough for everybody to take in deed. All of us deserve a piece- and I was just to “blind” to see it in that way.
Thank you,