
If you’re running an online business, you’ll need to track everything you can possibly track. From your website’s Analytics stats to user behavior, the more data you track, the better you’ll be to at making marketing decisions.

That said, figuring out the best ones to use on your WordPress site can be a tedious task. If you’re looking for finding the best WordPress marketing plugins, you’re at the right place. if you’re on WordPress, tons of WordPress plugins are available that lets you track your data and boost your marketing tactics.

In this post, I’ll show you 10 plugins every marketer should be using on their WordPress website.

Monitor Stats

Google Analytics is the primary tracking tool for your website. If you’re on WordPress, it is not the only choice you should be using to monitor stats of your website. Let me show you some important plugins that will make monitoring your website stats more convenient.

1. Jetpack

When it comes to monitoring stats, Jetpack is one of my favorite tools for many reasons.

Aside from its stats feature, it is bundled with many awesome features like related/popular posts, share buttons, WordPress.com comments and many more.

Now you might be asking- “I’ve already installed Google Analytics on my website, then why should I use Jetpack?”

The simple answer is you can see your blog’s activity at a glance right from your WordPress dashboard.

So you shouldn’t necessarily login to your Google Analytics account every time to get a quick glance of your blog’s activity.

Once you installed the plugin and connected it to your WordPress.com account, no additional setup is required to enable WordPress stats.

Price: Free

Download Jetpack plugin

2. Skystats

While marketing your website on different channels, keeping an eye on each metric can be a daunting task.

For example, you’ll need to log in to Google Analytics to view your web stats, Facebook Insights to see how well your posts perform on Facebook, AdWords to view your PPC campaign data. Nonetheless, the job can be tedious.

What if you can view the data of your different channels in a single dashboard? This is what Skystats is all about.

Skystats is an all-in-one marketing dashboard that integrates Google Analytics, Twitter Analytics, Facebook Insights, Google Adwords, MailChimp campaign statistics, etc. into a single view right from your WordPress dashboard.

Once you installed the plugin, you’ll need to create an account on Skystats.com for free for one website. To tracking more sites, you’ll need to pay a subscription fee of $25/year.

Price: Free for a website

Download Skystats plugin

3. WP Google Analytics Events

Event tracking functionality of Google Analytics can be a life saver if you’re looking to track various events on your website such as click based downloads, video engagement & its activity, Google Maps engagement and scroll tracking, etc.

If you feel that scripting Google Analytics events on your website is a daunting task, you may use an easy to use plugin like WP Google Analytics Events.

With this plugin, all you need to do is to install it on your WordPress website, input your Analytics id and start setting up GA events right from your WordPress dashboard.

Price: Free

Download the WP Google Analytics Events


It is almost impossible to manually personalize the content of your website. With marketing automation tools you can A/B test what works best on your WordPress site and automate the repetitive tasks.

4. LeadIn

Understanding the behavior of your website visitors has never been easier. With Leadin, you can identify what content and pages are being viewed by your visitors before and after becoming your leads.

Now you might be asking- how it differs from Google Analytics?

While Google Analytics show you what happens on your website, the Leadin plugin will tell you who exactly is doing it. Best of all, this plugin comes for free!

Look at the screenshot below.

Unlike other tracking tools, Leadin not only captures the info of your lead but also help you track the user behavior and user activities on your website.

Here is how it works step by step.

As a first step, you install the Leadin plugin on your WordPress website. No extra coding is required.

When someone visits your website, the plugin automatically adds a cookie to their browser, so you can track the user behavior.

Once they submit email and other info on your opt-in form, the contact will be automatically added to your list and thus, you’ll be able to view the browsing history.

By this way, you can identify the original traffic source as well as the publicly available information about each of your contacts such as location, work & company history etc.

Price: Free

Download Leadin Plugin

5. Title Experiments Free

Without a doubt, most of your readers decide whether to read your blog post or not by looking at the title of your blog post. So titles can make or break your blog posts.

How would you identify what titles work best for your blog posts?

One way to identify is by A/B testing the titles.

That said, you shouldn’t necessarily sign up for costly A/B test software if you’re solely looking to A/B test the titles of your blog posts.

With this free plugin, you can create multiple titles for your blog post and figure out how many people are actually viewing the article with that title. Apart from that, the plugin will automatically set the best title for your blog post, so you don’t need to worry about which one works well.

Price: Free

Download Title Experiments Free

6. Recommendation Engine

If you’ve ever been to ecommerce juggernauts like Amazon and eBay you might have found that each time when you log in to your account, you’re being shown product recommendations on the site that they believe you might be interested in.

Have you ever wondered how they recommend products?

Product recommendations are shown based on your site behavior and preferences. Since product recommendations are tailored to the behavior of each unique user, it is one of the most personalized marketing methods in the ecommerce industry.

If you’re an ecommerce business powered by WooCommerce plugin, you can use Recommendation Engine plugin to show product suggestions to your end customers.

Here are a few ways how the plugin suggests recommended products to your customers.

Related products by view: This module suggests products to your customers that are often viewed together.

Related products by purchase history: This module shows products that are often purchased by the same users over the course of time.

Products purchase together: This module shows products that are frequently purchased at the same time on the same order.

Price: $79 for single site license

Download the Recommendation Engine plugin

7. WooCommerce Customer History

Showing recommended products can be a nice strategy for your ecommerce business. That said, aside from suggesting products, you’ll also need to analyze the purchase behavior in order to see how your customers browse through your store and purchase products.

By looking at how people buy your product, you can not only analyze only your existing selling tactics but also help you create new tactics to increase the conversion rate and lifetime customer value.

If your ecommerce website is powered by WooCommerce plugin, the WooCommerce Customer History plugin will allow you to observe how your customers browse through your store, keep the full purchase history log, and calculate the total customer lifetime value.

Some of the key features of the plugin are:

Observe what pages they visit before making a purchase

Track the total lifetime value of each customer

Learn insights about your customers’ onsite browsing habits and analyze the conversion rate as well as lifetime value of each customer.

Price: $49 for single site license

Download WooCommerce Customer History extension

Lead Capturing

You might have been already using a lead capturing tool such as MailChimp or AWeber. With WordPress, you can even grow your email list to a great extent with these cool plugins that are listed below.

8. SumoMe

SumoMe is a plugin that helps you create opt-in forms to build your email list, sharing capability and Analytics optimization for your website.

The plugin is bundled with a lot of features out-of-the-box. Some of its key features are:

Heat maps: It helps you monitor where your web visitors are clicking.

List builder: It allows you to create customizable optin form.

Content analytics: With Content analytics, you can see exactly where your readers stop reading.

Smart bar: It sits at the top of your website as a reminder, which can help you grow your email list or link out to CTA.

Share button: It creates easy to share button that is optimized for the web and the mobile screen.

Price: Free

Download SumoMe plugin

9. OptinMonster

OptinMonster is the star of the game when it comes to lead generation. With the powerful drag & drop builder, OptinMonster allows you to create visually stunning optin forms that can skyrocket your email list.

If you’re looking to build an email list, here are a few ways how it can help you…

Easily build high converting forms: It is true that almost every email marketing tool such as AWeber, GetResponse, MailChimp etc. offers a built-in tool to create an optin form. However, if you’ve ever created an optin form with such inbuilt tool, you might have known that it allows you to create a just basic form with mediocre looks.

With OptinMonster, you can design any kind of beautiful optin form such as lightbox popups, floating bars, etc.

Bring abandoning visitors back: The harsh reality of most of your first-time visitors is that once they left from your website, probably they’ll never return. According to a study by Bounce Exchange, 70% of visitors who abandon your website will never return, so creating an exit-pop for your website will help you convert some of those visitors into your leads. Best of all, you can create an exit popup using OptinMonster with ease.

A/B test forms: When it comes to creating an optin form you’ll need to keep a form that works best. OptinMonster allows you to test different elements of your optin form such as headline, copy and design elements.

Price: $9/month

Download OptinMonster plugin

10. Gravity Forms

Undoubtedly, Gravity Forms is the best contact form plugin for WordPress powered website.

As there are hundreds of varieties of contact form plugins available for WordPress, you might be asking why you should use Gravity Forms.

A few benefits of using Gravity Forms are:

Easy to create forms: With its form builder feature, you can easily create beautiful forms on your WordPress powered site.

Lead generation: You can even integrate the form with your favorite lead generation tool such as AWeber, MailChimp and Campaign Monitor.

Wide variety of extensions: Apart from lead generation, you can extend the form by integrating with third party services such as PayPal.

Price: $39

Download Gravity Forms

Over to you

Did we miss your favorite plugins and would you like to add more plugins into the list? Share your favorite plugins in the comments section below.

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