
If you look at the current blogosphere, each and every newbie turns toward blogging either due to his/her passion or by looking at the fortune made by many. However, be it the passion or the desperation to make money online, mistakes are made by every beginner in this field. And one such mistake includes choosing free web hosting services for their blogs.

No doubt, beginners in this field are skeptical in investing some bucks without any guarantee of earning more out of their investments. This mere reason turns them toward free web hosting services thus causing serious aftermath. If you are a newbie blogger and have landed up on this post, we consider you lucky as you are just saved by certain wrong notions about free hosting services.

What exactly are the free web hosting services?

Web hosting services are actually computer servers that host our domain names and reply to the requests when anyone searches for our website. If you want in depth knowledge of web hosting and terms related to it; Click Here.  To make an Internet presence or show your website to the rest of the world, you need to buy web hosting server space to hold your website. Today, several web service providers offer you paid web hosting packages that are configured varied on different website requirements. You may also use some coupons to redeem price on web hosting. Like you can find HostGator coupon codes to redeem price on web hosting purchase from HostGator.

On the similar side, several Internet giants today provide web hosting services for free. All you need is a registered domain name which you can host on their shared servers without even paying a single penny. Sounds good? Yeah! But nothing comes for free in the Internet  and these free web hosting services are accompanied by several hidden aspects. In this post we will be looking at some of the major reasons why you should avoid free web hosting services.

Why should you avoid free web hosting services?

One must understand that not all things that come for free are good and effective. And web hosts are one such thing one simply cannot trust blindfolded. Below are some of the most important reasons to avoid free web hosting services:

#1. No Guarantee, No Assurance

In the foremost, when you host your website on a free hosting server, you are provided with no guarantee or assurance that your website will remain available after a day, month or a year. If has been monitored that a well formed one year old websites hosted on free hosting servers like blogger we deleted from their hosting servers for no valid reasons. This will help you analyze one of the most deadly consequences of hosting your website on free hosting servers.

On the other hand, paid hosting service providers like HostGator, BlueHost, DreamHost, etc. provide you with an assurance that your website remains available at least for the duration for which you have paid the amount for. Checkout ten most important factors you need to consider before choosing your web hosting provider.

#2. Nothing’s for Free

Though most of the providers promote themselves as free hosting providers, in come several hidden factors. When you host your website on their free hosting servers, several indirect restrictions are imposed on your website. For instance, many such providers do not allow you to post advertisements on your website, many compel you to share your advertisement incomes with them, etc. More to it, most of the providers even post advertisements on your website without your notice and is a thing you can’t do anything of.

Similarly, if you opt for paid web hosting servers, you are free from any such constraints. You are free of posting your own advertisements, keep the complete earnings to yourself and no one else gets permission to post advertisements without your notice on your website.

#3. Restrictions over your Website Design, Plugins and Widgets

When you opt for free hosting servers, your website is provided by limited templates to choose from. Moreover, you are even restricted to mess with the HTML/CSS code and make changes to your website design. Apart from the design, you are not even allowed to install plugins and widgets that make your website search engine friendly and ease your optimization work. You may not be able to use the most important tools every web designer needs to develop their website.

In case of paid web hosts, you have a complete hold over your website. You can use any template, redesign playing around with the HTML and CSS codes, install n number of plugins and widgets and do everything that makes your website work better. You can also look for code free website builder services.

Final Words About Free Web Hosting Services

These days paid web hosting has dropped as low as $3/month. Hence, even a newbie blogger can opt for paid web hosts and overcome all the problems mentioned above.

Hope the above points help you analyze why you should avoid free web hosting services.


This article is contributed by Suumit from GetHostGatorCoupons.com

The post Why Should You Avoid Free Web Hosting Services For Your Business Website? appeared first on Inspireyourway.

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