
Hey friends! I know that things have been less than personal around here these days. What with all the giveaways and product reviews and such. Sorry about all that.

Anyway, If you are following me on any social media outlet other than this here blog then you've noticed I've been posting a few instaquotes (Instagrams with quotes on them).  Without getting into too much detail, because I really can't at the moment, I'm going through a bit of a transition both personally and professionally. (FYI - this is probably going to turn into one of those 'What I'm afraid to tell you Posts. Brace yourself.)

Needless to say, I'm jumping out of my skin with excitement. But, I also think there is a part of me that is paralyzed with fear. So, in addition to looking for encouragement and support through books, favorite movies, and a glass of wine (or two), I've sort of found comfort in a few poignant quotes. They have reminded me that things, no matter how they turn out, will be okay.

I'm ready to turn the page to a new chapter in my life, but damn it that page is heavy. And with the struggle to turn this page, I've floundering with my decisions. Can I do this? Should I do this? Is it the right decision? We've all been there, right?

Through some miracle, and admittedly a lot of hard work, a few doors have been opening for me lately that I never thought possible. I'm so tremulously humbled and grateful I don't even have the words for it. I'm honored that so many of you are reading the things that I write and look at the pictures that I post.  I'm giddy every single time I see that someone has recreated a sign I painted or made one of my recipes. If there was ever a sign to say 'this is what you are supposed be doing', you've given me that sign. Thank you.

Admittedly, there is a good chance I'm getting ahead of myself here as I normally do. That all of 'this' could fall through the cracks tomorrow. But I hope this isn't the case. I really hope this isn't the case.

I'm also fearful that my decisions on how to proceed with my life, my dreams, and my goals have the potential to disappoint others. They inevitably will. I'm a people pleaser. If you're happy, then life is good...I'll suffer through. You other 'people pleasures' will know what I'm talking about here.

I'm learning though, that I'm the only one responsible for my happiness. With new opportunities on the horizon I need to be the tinniest bit selfish and do what I need to do to be happy.  Yes, you may be surprised to find that I'm really not as happy as I'd like to be. But I'm working on it.

So, these days I've been pushing myself. I'm taking risks. I'm working harder. I'm battling through some sort of migraine or tension headaches I've been having. I'm ignoring the few pounds I gained though some major stress eating. I'm learning to say no. I'm growing. I'm on my way.

And above all of that, I am beyond excited for whats to come. This fall I'm redoing at least two rooms in my house. In fact, I just received 13 yards of fabric in the mail today for one room. I have some awesome 'themed' weeks planned for the blog amongst other fabulous new content. I'll be taking on the 'blog every day in October' challenge again this year. Plus, this winter, Inspired by Charm is getting a facelift and I'll be making the big switch to Wordpress. And, when I can, I will share more with you about my new adventures and plans. Though, if you pay attention, I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out on your own.

Yes, there will still be some random product reviews and sweepstakes here and there, but they ultimately allow me to do what I do. I hope you understand. Having your power shut off is not fun. Trust me, I've been there.

With all of that being said, my words and heart can not express the joy and happiness that your comments, following, and support mean to me. Thank you. I do hope you'll stick around for a whole lot more awesomeness.

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