As children, many of us learned the Sunday school stories of the Exodus. We were taught how God sent Moses to Pharaoh to demand, “Let my people go,” and how God hardened Pharaoh’s heart.
We were told that God sent ten plagues against the people and land of Egypt until finally Pharaoh relented and allowed the Israelite people to leave.
But why were there ten plagues? Is there a significance?
The Bible tells us that there were ten different gods the Egyptians revered and worshipped, so ten plagues makes perfect sense!
Do you find yourself worshipping things of this earth rather than God? Things like money, cars, clothing, jewelry, or even a bigger and better house or job?
If so, remember that God is more powerful than anything you can worship. He is highest, telling us that “I alone am God. There is none besides me!”
What He demonstrated in Exodus can easily apply in modern times to the things and ideas that you may be worshipping.
Take a look at how He demonstrated that He is supreme to all things:
When God used Moses to turn the water into blood, He was demonstrating to the Egyptians that He was greater than Hapi, their god of the Nile.
When God brought the plague of the frogs to overtake the land, He was demonstrating to the Egyptians that He was greater than Heqt, their god of the frogs.
When God caused lice to swarm the banks of the Nile and infect the Egyptian people, He was demonstrating to the Egyptians that He was greater than Kheper, their insect god.
When God brought the plague of flies to cover the land, He was demonstrating to the Egyptians again that He was greater than Kheper, their insect god.
When God brought the plague against the cattle and the Egyptian’s cattle died, He was demonstrating to the Egyptians that He was greater than their bull god, Apis.
When God brought a plague of boils upon the Egyptian people, He was demonstrating to them that He was greater than their god of medicine, Imhotep.
When God brought the plague of hail and fire to destroy the Egyptian crops, He was demonstrating to them that He was greater than Nut, their god of the sky.
When God brought the plague of locusts to infest Egypt and destroy their crops, He was demonstrating to them that He was greater than Thermuthis, their god of fertility and harvest.
When God brought a plague of darkness upon the Egyptian people, He was demonstrating to them that He was greater than their chief god of the sun, Ra.
And when God sent the death angel to kill the firstborn in the land, He was demonstrating to Pharaoh that He was greater than Pharaoh.
God’s response to each of these false Gods was the same. He demonstrated His power over them by bringing some type of blight, stain, disease or affliction.
God wants you to love Him as much as He loves you. He desires a relationship with you.
If your mind is distracted with the things of the world, remember how God made the point of distinguishing His blessings and punishment between His people and the world.
If you’ve taken your focus off God, we’ve provided a link below to help you renew your relationship with Him.
I Want to Strengthen My Relationship
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