
Just in time for wearing those sexy summer sandals and cute shorts, this diy beauty tutorial will get your skin into tip-top shape with just one treatment. To soften and gently exfoliate your skin, this easy-to-follow DIY Beauty Tutorial shows how to whip up a sweet honey oatmeal body scrub (with just 2 simple ingredients) in just minutes.

Sometimes the best beauty treatments can be discovered in your own kitchen. Not only are diy beauty treatments a fun way to experiment with natural ingredients in your home, they’re also surprisingly effective and totally affordable.

Honey Oatmeal Body Scrub:

This diy honey oatmeal body scrub is so simple, it barely requires mention of an ingredient list. Essentially, all you need is 2 Tbsp. Rolled Oats (uncooked) and 2 Tbsp. Honey. Plus, a clean bowl and stirring stick (to make it mess-free).

Step 1: Put the uncooked rolled oats into a bowl.

Step 2: After warming up the honey in a microwave for 20 seconds (just to make it easy to pour, especially if it’s coagulated sitting in your pantry), pour the honey into the bowl of oatmeal.

Step 3: With a wooden spoon or stirring stick, mix the two ingredients together to form a paste. The consistency should be sticky (as expected) and a bit gooey looking.

Step 4: In the bathroom (or near a sink or bathtub), apply the honey oatmeal body scrub to your skin, gently rubbing the scrub onto dry, rough areas (like elbows, feet, and knees). The oatmeal acts a light exfoliant, which helps to slough away dead skin and reveal fresh, healthy skin below; while the honey moisturizes the skin.

Step 5: After rubbing the scrub all over your body, thoroughly wash your skin with cool water, making sure no traces of honey or oatmeal are left behind. Gently pat your skin dry and then apply your favorite lotion.

It’s that easy! In just 5 simple steps (and only using 2 basic ingredients that you can find in your kitchen), you’ve whipped up a delicious diy honey oatmeal body scrub that will instantly make your skin feel softer, smoother, and more radiant.

For more diy skincare tips and tutorials, check out the Skincare Section on Inspirations & Celebrations.

Have you done a diy beauty treatment before? If so, share your fave treatment in the comments section below!

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The post DIY Beauty Tutorial: A Honey Oatmeal Body Scrub That’s Sweet Enough To Eat appeared first on Inspirations and Celebrations.

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