You’ve probably read every Marie Forleo B-School review under the sun, by now. I hazard a guess you’ve at least heard of this game-changing program – it’s everywhere. And for good reason.
Tara and I – teaming up on an incredible B-School bonus for the second time around – aren’t here today to convince you of anything. We’re simply showing up, sharing a little of our stories and bringing our whole selves to the table for a B-School bonus collaboration that has been especially designed for you, based on research and first-hand experience on what would help you most on this journey.
Last year, we helped welcome some eighty women into the B-School experience with wide open arms, and bonuses that complemented the training in a soul-guided way and we’re so proud to be doing this again.
Read on to find out what we have in store.
This is for the dreamers.
Those of you who store, within your bones, the longings to play bigger, dive deeper and set yourself free.
Those of you who have replayed that motion picture over and over in your mind. You know the one; you’re out in the world, doing your heart’s work, on your terms, on your watch, and there’s a big, radiant, beaming smile on your face as you do it. Your days are filled with possibility and precious opportunities to bring all of who you are to your work.
It’s just that it hasn’t quite been made manifest yet.
Does this sound like you?
We remember that dream like it was only yesterday.
Years at uni, followed by 10 years in the corporate world. The good jobs, the world travel… and the thud-in-the-chest feeling – the whisper in the ear – that said: ‘Aren’t I supposed to be loving this?’
It was all ‘good’ on the surface, but there was a creative urge that wasn’t being satisfied. THAT deep-down desire tugging at me relentlessly was the very reason I started this blog, in fact. I knew it was time to start actively creating my life and honouring my passions, rather than coasting along in the passenger seat.
There was something else that wasn’t being satisfied either, and that was the hunger to be doing something important. Meaningful. Purposeful. Fulfilling.
I was craving… more.
And you know what? The thing about cravings is they continue to pop up until we take notice, or do something about them.
We can push them down, but they tend to leap back up and smack us in the face.
They show up in overwhelm, resentment, discontent. They niggle at us. Eventually, they force us to pay attention.
It was time to take a leap – which is why when I heard the interwebs going crazy for Marie Forleo’s B-School, that part of me that was seeking more wanted IN.
Tara and I joined B-School in June 2012, and it’s fair to say that our lives have been turned upside down and flipped inside out since. There’s been fist-pumping, tears of gratitude, moment of appreciative disbelief. Happy dancing. Celebratory phone calls. Celebratory mojitos. Life is simply no longer the same.
B-School gave our dreams a spine, and with that backbone, came businesses we cherish.
With Marie’s practical and straight-shootin’ wisdom, and one helluva supportive Facebook tribe, the program nursed our visions and taught us that strategy need not be slimy (thank god), but rather, a soulful approach to reaching more hearts with our mission. Because that’s what all of this is about, you know?
Those of us who ache to be in business for ourselves do so for a myriad of reasons:
// Financial independence
// Fulfillment
// Creative sovereignty
// Connecting with like-minded, passionate folks – a tribe to call our own!
And while we can now place a big ol’ ‘check!’ next to all of those boxes, what keeps us coming back for more is the high that comes with being damn useful in the world. On touching the hearts and lives of those are ready and willing to change – something I now know I was the ‘missing link’ in my life before.
This is the stuff that makes the world go ‘round. That gets us up in the morning. That compels us forward into new and profound ways to express ourselves creatively.
Is this the kind of thing you dream about too? If so, B-School will get you there.
Whereas before I resided in a corporate cubicle from 8 til 6pm – or longer – Monday to Friday, and blogged like a demon in the hours that sat either side of my job, my post-B-School days as an entrepreneur look and FEEL a little something like this:
// Sunrise wake-ups, followed by a beach run or yoga sesh, meditation and a smoothie. Mind-body-spirit nourishment. On my time.
// Writing, blogging, coaching my beautiful clients, catching up on emails and answering interview q’s. Connecting in with my tribe.
// Cranking a few tunes for a midday solo dance off (if I feel the urge) Something I definitely couldn’t do in my former life.
// Wandering across to the beach for lunch in the sun for my Vitamin D hit. Sweet freedom.
// Hanging with my husband, who is currently helping me out behind-the-scenes with biz stuff. I could never have imagined that only 14 months in to life as an online business owner, I would be in this position of having not only have a thriving six figure business, but having his help available to me around the clock.
// Collaborating on heart-centred projects that previously I would have had to say no to because of ‘time.’ This is next level magic.
It may sound trite to say ‘I owe this to Marie’, but sometimes words fail me in trying to explain it any other way. Like a synchronistic steam train, B-School choo choo-ed! its way into my life, and since that day when I sucked in my breath and said ‘Ok, let’s do this” – just days from getting married – my cells have been irrevocably altered.
So, dreamer of dreams who’s begging for a visionary backbone, like I once did, if B-School has been beckoning, I hope you’ll join this year and carve out your own miraculous story of faith and triumph.
If you’re feeling a YES within you, boy, do we have some spectacular bonuses lined up for you if you register through our link.
The bonus bounty you’ll receive:
60k and Counting: How Two Spirited Books Took the Webs by Storm
A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating eBooks that Sell
Perfect for creative types who want to scale their gifts, serve more hearts at once, and earn passive income.
Success on Your Own Terms: Everything You Need for Building Your Beautifully Supportive Coaching Biz
Have a hunger for working 1:1? Whether it’s coaching, healing, or body work, this guide is chockers with insider tips on doing service-based business while blazing your own trail.
From Side Job Hustle to Location Independence: The Journey from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
Video Workshop
2 x live calls with us both AFTER B-School (in June and August) to help you feel supported and held as you go out into the world.
1 // A copy of Spirited: Soulful Lessons on Clarity, Connection + Coming Home (to You)
2 // Spirited 2014 Companion: Spirited Solutions to What’s Holding You Back
3 // Such Different Eats: Radical, Real Food Recipes
4 // A handful of creative templates for rocking your blog from my Bright-Eyed & Blog-Hearted blogging ecourse
*Already invested in and loved our shizzle? No problemo, you’re welcome to gift these versions to a person you love.
We’ve been truly touched by the feedback we received from our B-School bonus last year.
Here’s what a few special souls had to say about the experience:
To ensure you don’t miss out on the bonuses, you need to clear your browser history before clicking this link. We don’t want you to miss out on these awesome bonuses!
And in case you’re wondering about Bright-Eyed & Blog-Hearted and B-School:
Put simply, these are completely different experiences, at different price points, created by different people, for different reasons.
Blogging is where my online journey began. It opened me up to an incredible tribe of people and formed a platform for what has now become – since doing B-School – an online business as a blog and life coach.
They stand alone. And at the same time, side by side.
:: Bright-Eyed & Blog-Hearted
As the name suggests, this program is for those whose hearts lie in carving their own online space to create and connect. It’s for those who get juiced up by authentic expression and heartfelt community. It’s for those who are yearning to tell their story and beam their light out into the world.
While I was breathing life into this blog, I struggled to find the kind of information online that captured the essence of what I was trying to create. Not only that, I wanted more wisdom on the day to day issues — like how do I go about crafting copy that connects with my tribe, how do I connect with other bloggers, how do I infuse me into every aspect of my brand?
I wanted one product ‘experience’ centred on blogging that melded community support with the nuts-and-bolts, the how-to’s, the deep-down issues, and the personal been-there-done-that insights.
That’s where Bright-Eyed Blog-Hearted comes in.
:: BSchool
B-School is what sparked my business journey. It showed me how to harness the platform I had built and make it my lifeblood. With equal parts sass and smarts, Marie Forleo opened my mind to the world of online business.
The strategies I learned in B-School still form the basis for how I roll online. It’s sales rooted in soul. Marketing grounded in meaning. Multi-passionate offerings, all earthed in authenticity.
And without doubt, one of the most valuable parts of the entire experience has been access to the B-School community – a group brimming with profound generosity, wisdom and daily inspiration.
The business focus was exactly what I needed. I knew I was ready for my blog to evolve to another level, but I wasn’t quite sure what that was. Marie empowered me to find my feet in the wild world of web-work and gave me the tools to kick-start the journey.
As I said, these are different creatures, each focused on their own part of the puzzle. I stand firmly behind both and believe with all my heart in these courses and their ability to infuse your online experience with love, light and electric insights.
We reckon you know if it’s your time to join B-School.
To grab our bonuses, to make this dream of yours a reality, to say YES:
Sign up with this link.
Once you’re signed up, drop me an email on with your receipt.
PS: The sign up period is from 20 Feb to 5 March. We’ll be sending out these bonuses after the refund period ends.
PPS: If you’re on the fence about whether B-School is for you, feel free to email me on the email above with ANY questions.
AND BEFORE YOU GO: We are both proud affiliates and alumni of BSchool, which means if you sign through this link, we’ll receive a commission (which is why we’re stoked to be able to create bonuses that are generous, valuable and incredibly useful for you). To your success!