
Parents are an important part of the educational process. Keep them informed with student information management systems.

Student information management software does not exclusively serve students, faculty and administration. This interface also serves parents who desire to stay informed. Through remote accessibility, parents can track their children’s academic performance as well as their conduct.

QuickSchools.com provides a cloud-based school management system. Our goal is to replace the traditional clunky, inefficient and costly school management software with a breezy and highly affordable online product that everyone actually loves to use.

Remote Accessibility - Parents can access the student information management software from any computer, mobile device or smartphone. From the office or home computer, parents can view progress reports any time or anywhere. Now that unexplained absence or that cut does not go unnoticed. Parents can watch the children’s grades as well as the behavior, and can take on a proactive approach as opposed to a reactive approach after the fact.

Plug Parents In - Parents can communicate easier with teachers and administrators. Through messaging and e-mail interfaces, parents can contact administrators and appropriate deans and teachers. The great feature of this, is that this a two way street. Anytime pertinent information must be passed along immediately, there is always a constant chain of contact between facilitators and parents, any time.

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