
Tibetan Singing Bowls are a type of specials bells knows as a standing bell, which are made of a combination of different metals (predominantly two metal alloy of copper and tin with trace iron). According to Tibetan oral tradition, the existence of singing bowls dates back to the time of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni and were brought from India to Tibet, along with the teachings of the Buddha, by the great tantric master Padmasambhava in the 8th century A.D. Some of the oldest singing bowls have been discovered as early as the 8th–10th century BC in Asia. There is information, that singing bowls have their origins in Bon tradition.

Tibetan Singing Bowls create a range of sounds to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of diseased and out-of-harmony parts of the body, mind and soul. Tibetan Singing Bowls also produce sounds which invoke a deep state of relaxation which naturally assists one in entering into meditation. In some Buddhist practices (Like Zen), singing bowls are used as a signal to begin and end periods of silent meditation. Tibetan Singing Bowls are also used in yoga, music therapy, sound healing, religious services, stress reduction, chakra balancing, performance and for personal enjoyment.

“If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. One reason sound heals on a physical level is because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes. Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder.” Dr. Mitchell Gaynor’s quote, director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine, the Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York.

Using Tibetan Singing Bowls for healing:

According to sound healing expert, Diane Mandle states that Tibetan Singing Bowls don’t only affect a great deal of physical healing but also have far-reaching implications that occur on emotional and spiritual levels. It is a regenerative process married to a spiritual awakening that can have profound consequences on illness, disease, and all aspects of our lives.

Using Tibetan Singing Bowls for healing is based on the idea that all illness or disease is characterized by a hindrance to the flow of energy in the body. When energy flow is hindered, the organ or tissue in question stops vibrating at a healthy frequency, and thus it results in some kind of weakness or illness. The sound frequencies created by Tibetan Singing Bowls restore and optimize the flow of energy in the parts of the body where this is required. The bowls have an amazing ability to counteract and dissolve the harmful effects stress has on the body, almost instantaneously. The bowls also help individuals connect to their higher awareness and facilitate healing at a very deep level.

Tibetan Singing Bowls are used in chakras healing and balancing. The sound waves are correcting frequencies to the unbalanced chakras, bringing them back to normal functioning.’

Singing Bowls types: Jambati (are the largest and heaviest of the singing bowls ranging from 7″ to 13″ wide and up to 6″ high), Thadobati (are defined by relatively vertical sides and a flat bottom), Manipuri (these are the smallest singing bowls), Mani (flat bottoms and are wider in the middle than at the bottom or lip), Lingham. Some bowls are called crystal singing bowls, because they are made from quartz crystal.

More information about Tibetan Singing Bowls on Wikipedia.

If you want to learn more about Tibetan Singing Bowls, buy from Amazon: How to Heal with Singing Bowls: Traditional Tibetan Healing Methods book by Suren Shrestha.

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