
It’s that time again.

Fans across the country have been anxiously awaiting the return of Big Brother Canada and the sophomore season of Canada’s biggest reality hit of 2013 premieres this Wednesday at 9 PM on Slice & Global. While I am certainly excited about the show’s return, I would be lying if I said I was more excited than I was at this time last year.

It’s primarily because my best friend isn’t on the show this time around. As you all know, my highschool buddy AJ Burman made the cast last year and that resulted in one of the most unique viewing experiences of my entire career. While I am used to interviewing and befriending contestants after they leave shows, AJ’s appearance on Big Brother Canada was the first time I knew somebody before they went on a show and his experience was just as thrilling for me. With that said, it’s time to let go and move on.

Season 2.

Before I give you my breakdown of the cast, I want to start by noting all of the differences between the upcoming season and its predecessor.

For one thing, the house is in a new location. Last year’s house was located near a Mississauga building that was sold after the season one finale. As a result, producers had to scramble to find a new location and to say that the new location is more convenient than the old place is a definite understatement. I am quite pleased about this change.

For those of you would read or watched any of my coverage last year, you already know that there was a media day game that was set-up for reporters. In case you need a refresher, the gist is that after weeks of planning, I lost by one vote to another personality (only because she was allowed to vote for herself and I didn’t know that this was allowed). To say that it is a blemish on my resume of reality dominance would be an understatement. As a result, for the past year, I was preparing myself for the next edition of the game. Let’s just say I had many tricks up my sleeve. Unfortunately, (and as I am sure many of you already know), there wasn’t a media day game this year as it was replaced by very selective tours and interviews. Personally, I believe the game was sorely missed (although I might be jaded since I wasn’t able to use the strategy that I spent the better part of a year developing). Hopefully it will return next year. It doesn’t really feel like a Big Brother season without a media game, does it?

Another stark change for this season is in the cast itself. I have long believed that the second season of a reality show is where its efficacy can truly be defined. For every success (Big Brother 2), there is a failure (Temptation Island 2). As a result, there is a heavy pressure on Robyn Kass and company to deliver. My primary complaint about the first season of the show is that it did not feature any villains. While an argument can be made that The Sheyld acted in an evil way, it became quite transparent that they were good guys trying to play bad ones. My hope is that the second season of the show will introduce more houseguests that we would love to hate.

So are there more villains this year? I can tell you with certainty that there are.

Let’s get to my breakdown. Just like last year, I will rank them and my assessments are based solely on their photos and bios.

Adel Elseri

Age: 27

Hometown: Edmonton, AB

Occupation: Welder, Inventor

Big Brother Canada 1 Equivalent: AJ Burman

I believe that Adel is this season’s version of AJ. A nice guy who loves wresting and the ladies. With that said, it will be interesting to see if his faith becomes a factor in the game as he is the first Muslim to play. While this might isolate him from the rest of the cast, I believe it will also make him quite popular (which is what it did for Kaysar Ridha on Big Brother 6). Unfortunately, it is clear to me that Adel will try to form an all-guy alliance too soon and I believe that this Northern Moving Company will be outted and Adel will be the first casualty. While I am rooting for him, I think he is in trouble early. I think he will be Pre-Jury.



Andrew Gordon

Age: 27

Hometown: Calgary, AB

Occupation: Restaurant Manager

Big Brother Canada 1 Equivalent: Alec Beall

The second Andrew Gordon in Big Brother history (with a nod to Big Brother 12’s Captain Kosher) is one of the contestants that stands out to me. He has a fun personality, seems quite sociable, and also looks quite strong. He is obsessed with beer (even has it tattooed on his chest) and continually talks about how his father’s brewery has provided a roof over his head and food in his mouth. In that respect, t will be interesting to see if he is able to connect with Adel who doesn’t drink at all. In any event, I think Andrew will roll with the boys and could possibly be involved in a showmance or two as well. I believe that he will connect with Kenny Brain early-on and this is one of the pairs that we should watch this season. I think he will be End-Game.



Anick Gervais

Age: 28

Hometown: Hanmer, ON

Occupation: Reiki Master

Big Brother Canada 1 Equivalent: Talla Rejaei

I absolutely ADORE Anick. She is one of my top four houseguests this year, and there is no question in my mind that she will be the most popular contestant this season. She is unique, bubbly, original, and really really really good-looking. She seems like she will be an absolute riot in the diary room, where she will be a cross between Britney Hayes and Talla Rejaei. I have read many opinions on Annick, and most people believe she will be an early boot. I actually don’t think so at all. While she doesn’t seem like a strategist, I believe that she is the perfect person to align with and someone who is fiercely loyal. If she connects with the right guy, I believe she has the potential to go to the end. Remember, no one picked Gary for the finals last year and he made it. I like Anick and I think she is Mid-To-Late-Jury.



Arlie Shaban

Hometown: Claremont, ON (currently living in Stouffville, ON)

Occupation: Unemployed, but I’m treating this experience like a job.

Describe yourself in three words: Passionate, energetic, and conniving.

Big Brother Canada 1 Equivalent: Alec Beall

Arlie was a tough one for me to read. There is no doubt that he is the biggest Big Brother fan in the house this year. I am sure that he probably watched Seasons 2, 6, 7, 8 and 10 multiple times before entering the house. With that said, he seems incapable of pulling off calm, cool, and collected and that’s what his heroes (Dan and Dr. Will) did so effortlessly. He reminds me a lot of Alec in that sense and you all know how I felt about Alec. Haha. While Arlie was cast as this season’s strategist, his annoying personality will be grating. I believe he is Pre-Jury.



Heather Decksheimer

Age: 23

Hometown: Barrhead, AB (currently living in Edmonton, AB)

Occupation: Model Agency Coordinator

Big Brother Canada 1 Equivalent: Talla Rejaei / Danielle Alexander

Heather was cast at this season’s ditzy blonde and unfortunately has a boyfriend. Before I learned about her already having a man in her life, I presumed that her only chance to survive in the house was immediately involving herself in a showmance with somebody who could win challenges. The fact that is already off the table will hurt her dramatically. While Rachel and Janelle shocked us with the number of challenges that they won (which no one predicted when their bios were first released), I do not get the same vibe from Heather. She will probably lie about her job (who cares if you are a model?!), fight with the other girls (specifically Rachelle and Neda) and annoy the guys. I don’t see her doing well. I believe she is Pre-Jury.



Ika Wong

Hometown: Born in Montego Bay, Jamaica (lives in Thornhill, ON)

Occupation: Hair Stylist

Describe yourself in three words: Extra, witty, and charming.

Big Brother Canada 1 Equivalent: Topaz Brady

When the cast was first released, I actually thought Topaz and Ika might have been related. This spitfire single mom will undoubtedly be the cause of a lot of controversy. She reminds me of a cross between Topaz, Liza, and Chima. I think her tough-as-nails attitude will definitely make her a force to be reckoned with in the challenges but I don’t think she will get the chance to participate in too many. One of the things Big Brother does immediately is highlight people’s true personalities and I think that Ika will be fighting and arguing early and often. I believe she will be the First Evictee.



Jon Pardy

Age: 23

Hometown: Clarenville, NL

Occupation: Student

Describe yourself in three words: Fun, energetic, and goofy.

Who is your Big Brother idol (any season, any country) and why?

Big Brother Canada 1 Equivalent: Andrew Monaghan

Jon’s accent is pretty hysterical. He is the ‘Newfie’ stereotype personified and genuinely seems like a nice guy. I actually have high hopes for him in the game. While we all know that there will be an early all-guys alliance (just like there is every year), I am hoping that Jon recognizes that his better move is to stick with a small group of girls and let the guys destroy themselves. I believe that his kind nature will serve him quite well in a game that is primarily social, but I worry if he has the strategy needed to make it to the end. I think believe he is Mid-To-Late Jury.



Kenny Brain

Age: 25

Hometown: Grand-Falls Windsor, NL (currently living in Montréal, QC)

Occupation: Model

Big Brother Canada 1 Equivalent: Peter Brown / Emmett Blois

There is no question that Kenny is my favourite player this season. I mean the guy’s last name is Brain for pete’s sake. I honestly don’t think he even has a strategic rival this season. He has said that he is not above romancing both the guys and the girls to get ahead in the game and his confidence and good looks almost guarantee him a spot in the end game. Based on his bio, I believe that he is the winner. I also had a feeling that there would be a facial-haired villain from Montreal this season (since none of the players were from Quebec last year) and Kenny is the personification of the person I knew Robyn Kass would find for the show’s second season. His plan to throw challenges at the beginning and wait until he needs to start winning is flawless. My major concern with Kenny is that he says he can be emotional and cries at Tim Horton’s commercials, but I am hoping that this is a ruse. I am hoping that he will be the conniving killer that I expect him to be. The last bearded guy on Big Brother fell just short of the final two. I don’t think that this will be a problem for Kenny. I believe that he will align himself with Andrew and along with a couple of girls (ideally Rachelle and Neda) will sail to the end game. I once read a fascinating thesis paper about how gay contestants are naturally-suited to do well on reality shows and it is a theory that I strongly believe in. The fact that Kenny is also there only to win the money reminds me of Brian Heidik from Survivor Thailand and we all know how Brian did (hint, he won). I believe that Kenny is the Winner.



Kyle Shore

Age: 24

Hometown: Porter’s Lake, NS

Occupation: Personal training and picking up the ladies downtown. It might as well be an occupation.

Big Brother Canada 1 Equivalent: Tom Plant

This season’s resident douchebag is Kyle and I couldn’t be happier that he is on the show. I know I have gone on about this at length already, but last season suffered from the absence of villains and people that you loved to hate. Kyle is certainly in that category. Styled and built like Jessie Godderz, Kyle makes no apologies for who he is and I think that most of the country will end up despising him. With that said, he will make for some absolutely great television. I believe that he will be one of the main players in the all-guy alliance that will undoubtedly happen and will undoubtedly be discovered (just like the Moving Company last season). Kyle’s only shot at making it to jury is if he puts himself into a strong showmance and keeps winning. Both are possible, but I think he will fall just short. I believe that Kyle is Pre-Jury.



Neda Kalantar

Age: 22

Hometown: Vancouver, BC

Occupation: Freelance fashion stylist

Describe yourself in three words: Blunt, sassy, and clumsy.

Big Brother Canada 1 Equivalent: Liza Stinton & Aneal Ramkissoon

I adore Neda. One of my favourite female players this season (next to Rachelle & Anick), I believe that Neda has an acute awareness and sensibility about her that makes her a contender to go all the way this season. While I don’t see the fashion stylist winning many of the competitions, I believe that the best players really don’t need to win anything to make it to the end. I believe that Neda’s primary skill will be her ability to adapt to any situation or twist that comes up and react accordingly. She reminds me a lot of Aneal from last season (who was also one of my picks to win), but while Aneal seemed to overplay, I don’t think this will be a problem for Neda. While she says that her biggest weakness will be her blunt nature, I believe she will be able to hide this and fly under-the-radar effectively. I believe that Neda is End-Game.



Paul Jackson

Hometown: Born in Cape Town, South Africa (lives in Toronto, ON)

Occupation: Consultant, Motivational Speaker

Big Brother Canada 1 Equivalent: Suzette Amaya

Paul seems like a great guy and while the older players have a tough time fitting in, I don’t think this will be a problem for the personable South African. His biggest strength will be the relationships that he is able to form with the rest of the houseguests. I also see him benefitting from other players ‘not wanting to waste HOH’ on his elimination. My only concern for Paul is that he falls victim to joining an all-guy alliance, but even if he does and even if it is discovered, he will likely be the last man to be eliminated from it. I believe he is Early Jury.



Rachelle Diamond

Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta

Occupation: Student

Describe yourself in three words: Loud, talkative, and funny.

Big Brother Canada 1 Equivalent: Liza Stinton / Danielle Alexander

Rachelle is so hot, my computer screen actually melted when I was watching her pre-show interview. Like Danielle from last year, she is quite young but that is really her only weakness. The psychology student knows Big Brother inside and out and will clearly be chased by every guy in the house (except possibly Kenny). My dream scenario is for her to befriend Neda and they team up with Kenny and Andrew to run the house. I don’t think that Rachelle will connect with any of the other girls. I don’t think she will be able to tolerate Sabrina and Heather and that these two will be amongst her first targets. She also seems to have a lot of patience which is a trait that is often not found in players so young. I think she could be this season’s black widow and will eliminate anyone in her path to victory. I believe she is End-Game.



Sabrina Abbate

Age: 25

Hometown: Montreal, QC

Occupation: Hair dresser and make-up artist’

Big Brother Canada 1 Equivalent: Kat Yee

Sabrina reminds me a lot of Amanda from Big Brother 15 . I believe that she is loud and opinionated, but has the ability to form a tight early alliance that she will remain loyal to, even if it causes her own downfall. I like the fact that she is a hairdresser and make-up artist as cutting the hair of her houseguests will allow her to bond with them. It would be similar to what cooks do on Survivor. Unfortunately, I do not see her giving too many haircuts as I think she will overplay and her game will be up in smoke pretty quickly. I also think she will be responsible for a lot of early drama in the house. She actually might connect with Arlie as I believe both will try to do too much too soon. It would be very amusing if they aligned with each other. I think Sabrina will be Pre-Jury.



Sarah Miller

Hometown: Osgoode, ON (currently living in Langley, BC)

Occupation: Mortgage Broker

Big Brother Canada 1 Equivalent: Jillian MacLaughlin

If Sarah won Big Brother Canada 2, I wouldn’t really be surprised. She seems like a cool person and as a young mother, she definitely is used to dealing with annoying toddlers (Kyle anyone?). I think she will go to the end, but at least based on pre-season biographies, it’s hard for me to root for her because she seems so normal! I think Sarah will be Jury.

So there you have it. As for the mystery houseguest, I was a big believer that it was going to be Gary. I thought that the entire Sideshow might have been a ruse because it didn’t make sense to me to have three hosts (Gary, Peter, Arisa), a potential guest from the U.S. and that week’s evictee. That’s five potential people on stage! With that said, I no longer believe this is the case. It has to be some type of public vote. Perhaps the public gets a vote at every eviction? As the game has already started and will have gone on for a week prior to Wednesday’s premiere, I think it wouldn’t be fair to have someone enter the house now. As a result, I do not think it is a person (sorry to those who thought it was Talla’s sister or Andrew’s twin).

Don’t forget to check out my Big Brother Canada 2 preview show with casting director Robyn Kass on Monday March 3 at 1 PM EST at TheMurtzShow.com

Big Brother Canada 2 debuts this Wednesday at 9 p.m. on Slice & Global


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