Andrea Bullard
Play-to-Win Luxury Business Retreat
3 Day Live Event in Newport, RI
March 27, 28 & 29, 2015
Speaking & Sponsorship Opportunities
For more information
At the Play-to-Win Luxury Business Retreat you will learn how you can transform your business with profitable, time-efficient systems and strategies that remove the stress and strain from your workday schedule. You’ll reconnect with the business you dreamed of having — a business that works for YOU (not the other way round) and finally have the knowledge you need to make it happen! This event is like nothing you’ve ever seen or done before. I am taking my very best strategies from the last 20 years, and combining them into three fantastic, content-rich days so you get the business you want, with more time and income to spend with those you love most.
At the Play-to-Win Luxury Business Retreat you’ll learn how to:
Create an efficient business model with systems and strategies that serve YOU (rather than OWN you)
Escape the icy grip of overwhelm for good – and begin enjoying your business again
Stop wasting HOURS and HOURS of your life on the ‘busy-work’… Learn what works for YOU, so you can focus on what brings the most success in the least amount of time
Feel confident about hiring great staff who will support you, stick with you and proactively help you grow your business
Enjoy more money and free time… with a healthy balance of work and play
Play-to-Win Luxury Business Retreat
March 27, 28 & 29, 2015
About Andrea …
Andrea K. Bullard is an Executive Coach from Sudbury, Massachusetts. She earned a Bachelor and a Master of Science Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 1994 she used her experiences to create Andrea Bullard & Company, a national executive coaching organization.
Her national coaching roster includes Managing Partners of insurance and investment agencies and their management staff, CEO’s, attorneys and Financial Reps and entrepreneurs. Because the majority of her clients dramatically increase their business each year, her coaching business has grown solely through client referrals. The scope of her practice includes Consulting Services (training and development programs, leadership development); Coaching Services; and, on-site Seminars.
She is a frequent speaker and lecturer for numerous professional and business associations, including invitations as a keynote speaker at national conventions for Fortune™ 500 companies and several leading Insurance Companies. In July 2007 she spoke at the Northwestern Mutual 150th Annual Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She is presently an elite faculty member of the Hoopis University Performance Network Practice Management speakers group (Chicago, IL).
Her first book, The Turn-Key Office System for Financial Reps©, is widely known as THE go-to blueprint for systems specific to that industry. And, in 2014 she was selected as a U.S. author to write a chapter for the international book entitled Woman Power, on the topic of women and leadership.
For more information on her specific programs, books, products and testimonials visit her website at
Kristin Thompson
I’ve gone in and pulled a full training from the training archives inside The Rock Your Talk & Biz Coaching Club …to help you ROCK YOUR PIPELINE with NEW LEADS.
Learn 20 different ways to reach new peeps
15 easy-to-use lead magnet ideas
The top mistake you want to avoid when offering a FREE “lead magnet”
And how to Start Making Money too
NOTE: We’ve even given you a PDF WORKSHEET to download along with the ep! You’ll find that right in the show notes below the episode!
Listen to Rock Your Pipeline Now! And Enjoy!
About Kristin …
Kristin Thompson is a straight-talking, super rocking, wise-cracking speaker and coach, the Founder of host of the Rock Your Biz & Life Podcast on iTunes & Creator of popular programs like Command Any Room, Event Profit Machine and your host of The Rise Live Event. Kristin has built a 6-figure biz rocking out only 3 days a week & spending the other four with her family.
Her simple, one-hour talks have generated $10K, $30K even $50K paydays, and her first live event generated multiple Six-Figures. She will share her simple strategies with you so you can rock your personality, your talk and your biz into multiple six figures too. Get ready to RISE UP … ladies and gentlemen!