
This may be Nathan Elvery, or someone who looks very much like him

Croydon’s deputy chief executive, Jedward lookalike Nathan Elvery, is looking for bright ideas.

Or at least he was.

Inside Croydon has obtained an email Elvery sent last October to the staff in his Corporate Resources and Customer Services department. Seems that the CRCS “editorial team” had not received enough (any?) bright ideas, and so the boss had to send out an email to staff, extending the deadline and encouraging them to help out.

According to another internal council email, the Bright Ideas competition “is open to all staff in the Corporate Resources and Customer Services department and offers you the chance to put forward your ideas to improve the way we work through ensuring greater value for money of the work of your business unit, division or even the whole department.

“The winner will be rewarded with a prize paid for by the departmental management team and you will also be involved in making sure your idea is brought to life.

“The first Bright Ideas competition was a success but we want this year to be even bigger, better and deliver greater efficiencies.

“Remember all ideas are welcome – big or small.”

Elvery is the man who once claimed that “efficiency is in our DNA” at Croydon Council. He might need some help organising his email program more efficiently: the list of addressees runs to almost one side of A4, as we demonstrate below. Maybe one “bright idea” would be to show Elvery how to use a group contact function?

From: Elvery, Nathan

Sent: 31 October 2011 10:22

To: RCS Editorial Team; Alaei, Nahid; Balogun, Tanwa; Bastow, Anna; Bhanot, Vikas; Campbell, Gail; Carey, Vicky; Clark, Graham; Claydon, David; Collis, James; Cordery, Andrea; Cox, Lisa; Davies, Malcolm; Davies, Paul; De Ville, Margaret; Dickson, Michelle; Ellender, Martin; Fallon, Edmund; Fisher, Marsha; Fowler, Sarah; Freshwater, Stuart; Gamble, Peter; ‘Gamblen, Tim’; ‘Gardner, Lindsey’; Godley, Clare; Gore, Belinda; Guascone,Valerie; Harris, Debbie; Hogan, David; ‘Hogan, Michelle’; ‘Ikezogwo, Purity’; Jenner, Deborah; Jiggens, Amy; Johnston, Pauline; ‘Jones, Natalie’; Khalid, Rizwan; Lazaro, Kevin; MaCauley, Calum; Maddocks, Simon; Melbourne, Ian; Nolan, Eniko; ‘Nyandoro, Farai’; Oram, Linda; Pawley, Marilyn; Reynolds, Halina; Risby,Sarah; Sabir, Seema; Seed, Gary; Shalash, Rasheid; Snook, Tony; Stevenson, David; Stewart, Maureen; ‘Storey, Peter’; ‘Thomas, Evelyn’; Underwood, Sarah; Watson, Yvonne; White,Natalie; Whitehorne, Genine; Wilson, Helen; Wright, Josephine; Cadle, Graham; Ireland, Sarah; McManus, Aiden; Simpson, Richard; Spriggs, Ginette; Irving, Elizabeth; Treeby, Hilary; Cox, Lisa; Belton, Fiona; Davies, Jackie; Peddie, Steve; Herbert, Trish; Dixon, John; Taylor, John; Allison, Stephen; Barrett, Rosie; Brown, Robin J; Buggy, Christopher; Chaloner, Suzanne; Cooper, Jorn; Dartnell, James; De La Croix, Penereth; Dodson, Eileen; Ezekiel, Dave; Forbes, Clington; Garnett, Paul; Gayle, Rosemarie; Gore, Andrew P.; Grant, Jonathan; Hamlin, Tony; Hart, Pat; Hawkins, Tracey; Hayward, Katie; Henderson-Smith, Stuart; Henry, Donna; Holah, Dianne; Hussain, Nusrat; Idle, Lesley; Jupp, Amanda; Kabunga, Evarlin; Kellard, Tara; Kichenside, Edward; Lourenco, Linda; Mandefield, Marie; Marshall, Audrey; Maslanka, Peter; Mccarthy, Beryl; Mccready, Lorna; Moorghen, Natalie; Murphy, Tracey; Pratt, Keith; Rawbone, Asti; Rees, Donna; Reynolds, Graham; Richardson, Victoria; Shah, Hasmukh; Stevens, Rachael; Stuart, Neil; Sutton, Ernest; Tanner, Georgina; Twiddy, Susan; Ward, Neil; White, Althea; Wooller, David; Barnett, Diane; Barrett, Deborah; Bassett, Louise; Bebington, James; Bellinfantie, Joanne; Bernard, Barbara; Bolding, Lyn; Brigden, Patricia; Brown, Roy; Cairns, Ian; Charles, Naomi; Collingwood, Linda; Dighton, Louella; Ead, Jackie; Edwards-Daley, Natasha; Eusebe, Cecilia; Gerli, Martyn; Grossett, Vanessa; Harvey, Helen; Haspel, Simon; Haynes, Rebecca; Hopkins, Louise; Hyde, Cornell-Andre; Keeler, Sarah; Kessebeh, Petan; Kichenside, Bonnie; Lartey, Karl; Lee, Daniel; Lukiza, Duncan; Martins de Barros, Sandra; Mason, Rosaleen; Mavadia, Sheela; Mead, Nicola; Message, Pamela; Morley Ruth; Morris, Tony; Murphy, Sandy; North, Joanne; Osborne, John; Palmer, Claudia; Passman, Susan; Ravenhill, Philip; Richards, Pauline; Ring, Lindsey; Samuels, June; Sexton, Kevin; Shukla, Natalie; Simpson, Ann; Small, Jill; Smith, Janet; Tanner, David; Waite, Claudine; Wakeling, Judi; Walsh, Marie; Winship, Samantha; Adams, Barbara; Ahmed, Sahra; Ammendola, Antonella; Andersson, Pamela; Bain, Tabitha; Bandoo, Christopher; Barrett, Keira; Basith, Mohammed; Beswick, Tracey; Black, Nichol; Blanden, Robert; Bryant, Sarah; Burrell, Lorraine; Challoner, Janice; Champion, Tina; Choudhury, Sumayya; Clarke, Marcia; Cohen, Paul; Davey, Ann; Davis, Phillippa; D’Cruze, Christine; Donaldson, Christine; Ebrahim, Mariam; Egan, Joseph; Emuze, Stephanie; Ervisa Canaj; Ford, Roual; Fosberry, Theresa; Furrie, Glen; Garey, Rogers; Glean, Philippa; Gleave, Denise; Goodman, Klee; Grazier, Dean; Green, Andrew; Greenidge-Minott, Sharon; Guerrini, Carlo; Gurney, Pamela; Hanley, Kelly; Hiley, Kellee; Holness, Keisha; Hudson, Anne-Marie; Innes, Stacy; Jenkins, Rachel; King, Paul; Kirby-Walker, Lee; Lea, Zoey; Lee, Lorraine; Leek, Michelle; Lewis, Anne; Lindsay, Joel; Louise, Josie; Marshall, Percy J; Marston, Christine; McCreeth, Leah; Miller, Valerie; Moir, Graham; Morris, Mererid; Muir, Sarah; Murray, Darren; Nevin, Simon; Nyeko, Lucy; O’Connor, Kevin; Oguntona, Fola; Parrianen, Savy; Parris, Selina; Parsons, Julie; Patel, Rina; Phillips, Louise; Pick, Simon; Pollard, Sandra; Pollastrone, Giovanni; Pothecary, Yasmin; Realls, Katy; Riaz, Ahtisham; Richards, Margaret; Robinson, Natalie; Ruddock, Jennifer; Sadiq, Abdul-Rasheed; Sayers, Maryann; Seal, Christine; Selwood, Courtney; Shaw, Helen; Smith, Ben; Smith, Heidi; Smith, Nadine; South, Rebecca; Spooner, Christine; Stott, Anne; Sumaria, Raksha; Tyson, Natalie; Vosper, Jennifer; Waymouth, Sarah; Whiddett, Joyce; Williams, Christine; Wilson, Anna; Wiltshire-Bridon, Karl; Woodroffe, Gregory; Bacchus, Diane; Bell, Jon; Bhuwanee, Viz; Blinks, Vicky; Dunn, Hayley; Fay, Lynda; Hillarby, Sandra; Leigh, Marion; Lewis, Hayley; Monk, Jody; Saich, Terri; Shuster, Darren; Sonny, Sharon; Spurgeon, Jacqui A.; Tanriverdi, Christine; Ward, Pete; Watson,Cherilee; Andy Martin; Casandra Elbourne; Hadley, Simon; Kate Pozzo; Marie Ried; Murrell, Angela; Rob Lis; Jones, Jackie; Steel, Tom; Sweeting, Daniel; Walker, Amelia; Abdurahman, Nadia; Adams, Hayley; Adkins, Peter; Aggett, Linda; Alex Brown; Ali, Afshan; Ali, Mukthadir; Anderson, Valerie; Arenyeka, Esimaje; Arthur-Bossoh, Agatha; Bagg, Carrie; Banfield, Carla; Banks, Sue; Barnes, Ann; Barnes, Samantha; Bedwell, Alison; Bobb, Shelley; Brady, Stacey; Broderick, Kathleen; Broota, Sunny; Bull, Serena; Burrows, Susan; Carter, Pauline; Charles, Hyacinth; Christie, Georene; Clarke, Ruth; Clunie, Deborah; Conneely, Patricia; Cooper, Amanda; Corion-Bakshi, Carol; Corrigan, Deborah; Coutinho, Caroline; Cuaresma, Dilla; Cull, Susan; Davies, John; Denloye, Joyce; Dering, Richard; Donovan, Janet; Dowding, Rowena; Downes, Donna; Downes, Terri Ann; Downes, Tina; Ducasse, Charlotte; Edwards, Benisha; Edwards, Patricia; Edwards, Simone; Enright, Kevin; Ezekiel, Alison; Farrow, Helen; Ferris, Janet; Flemming, Nikki; Fowler, Mark; Gaff, Gerald; Gent, Amanda; Georgina Clark; Ghandili, Michelle; Gilbert, Lisa; Gilkes, Diane; Godley, Clare; Gold, Gemma; Gonzales, Okito; Gorton, Mark; Gregory, Keith; Grizzell, Carol; Hall, Lloyd; Hemment, Claire; Henry, Deneise; Hickman, Linda; Higgins, Gabrielle; Hoare,Nicholas; Holder, Deborah; Howes, Sue; Howlett, David; Hustwayte, Rebecca; Irving, Vi; James, Jacqueline; Jones, Maureen; Jones, Pauline; Jordan, Ann; Jordan, Ian; Kakad, Kaushalya; Kelly, Lynn; Kelly, Nicole; Kirby, Sue; Klein, Marie; Knowles, Neil; Knox, Linda; Lagaillarde, Eric; Lai Fong Lam, Lisa; Lawes, Andrew; Lawrence, Simon; Ledingham, Elaine; Lee, Louise; Leedham, Michelle; Lemrani, Omar; Lewis, Caroline; Lewis, Donald; Lewis, Sandra; LIguori, Daniel; Lowey, Geraldine; Lynch, Christian; Mukusha, Michelle; Paula Golledge; Shirley Crook; Yvonne Anne Day; Day, Kerry; Dellaway, Amanda; Ezekiel, Luke; Harkness, Stuart; Henry, Merries; Mabadeje, Olushola; March, Loreen; Martin, Paul; Mckenzie, Melanie; McKnight, Latoya; Mclean, Bruce; Meggiolaro, Justin; Migliore, Susannah; Mitchell, Jennifer; Mohammed, Atika; Mohammed, Faisal; Money, Tina; Morbin, Janet; Moreno-Garcia, Carmen; Musk, Carly; Musk, Glenda; Myers, David; Nosike, Frances; Ogunbunmi, Kabir; Orchard, Chris; Palmer, Graham; Palmer, Lucy; Patel, Kiran; Peacock, Linda; Pearce, Ryan; Perrott, Andrew; Petler, Dave; Pettit, Caroline; Pettit, Michelle; Pirdue, Geraldine; Pook, Janet; Probert, Dennize; Reeve, Stuart; Richards, Kieron; Richardson, Anna; Roach, Nathan; Rogers, Sue; Rosemeyer, Denise; Row, James; Rowberry, Neil; Rowe, Delroy; Rowson, Eileen; Rozario, Gillian; Rupinska, Sylwia; Salvesen, Gavin; Samasuwo, Ketsia; Savage, Greg; Seaton, Paula; Seery, Kaye; Shah, Chandra; Siddons, Sarah; Silcock, Alan; Smalley, Richard; Smith, Christine; Smith, Diane; Smith2, Laura; Snagg, Leigh; Sommers, Liz; Stagg, Beverley; Stagg, Wanda; Stammers, Jolene; Stephens, Iteen; Still, Jane; Swift, Sheila; Tagg, Stephen; Taylor, Patrick; Thapar, Khush; Thomas, Louise; Thompson, Ann; Thompson, Tessa; Titmuss, Stephen; Vargerson, Joyce; Wadher, Dax; Walaszkowski, Jan; Walker, Antoinnette; Walker, Ashina; Walker, Sharon; Wallhead, Angela; Ward, Jackie; Ware, Denise; Warmisham, Julia; Wells, Mary; Westrip, Wendy; Wheatley, Lisa; Williams, Gary; Wilson, Donald; Wilson, Pernell; Wright, Maureen; Wunder, Thomas; Young, Bob; Avery, Claire; Turner, Alison; Bownas, John; Brierley, Danny J.; Gibbs, Richard; Hall, Fred; Howell, Paula; Adams-Priest, Fatmatta; Adkins, Philip; Ali, Maqsooda; Archibald, Bob; Ashworth, Neil; Bain, Robbie; Belletty, Cathryn; Bennett, Cheryl; Bernthal, Charlotte; Blazquez, Isabel; Bliss, Barbara; Braithwaite, Adrian; Bristow, Tony; Brown, Jayne; Campbell, Phil; Carn, Sasha; Cassaretto, Liz; Cawley, Graham; Chou, Christina(ICT) (9:00am-1:00pm); Christopher Jordan; Corbett, Claire; Day, Andrew; Densley, Bob; Deraniyagala, Eileen; Dokku, Srinivas; Dyke, Ursula; Egboche, Geraldine; Ellis, Adrian; Ellis, Michelle; Fake, Mike; Feast, Paul; Fenton, Jenny; Forrester, Paul; Fraser, Martin; Gibson, Vernon; Gladman, John; Harris, Carole; Hawkes, Christine; Hyden, Sean; Illsley, Kenneth G.; Johnston, Janine; Juma, Mo; Kaddu, Rose; Kanetti, George; Kennedy, Paul; Knights, Pearl E.; Lee, Nick; Leedham, Colin; Lewis, Marianne; Lilja, Peter; Lloyd, Allyson; Lockey, Brian; Mackey, Keith; Magala, Godfrey; March, Ben.J; Mellor, Jon; Mitra, Sham; Murray, Finbarr; Myles, Dean; Nicholls, Sarah; Nichols, Paul; Ovenden, Lawrence; Paddon, Kiff; Palmer, Roilen; Papior, Bob; Philip-Bayliss, Paul; Qu, Salina; Rainey, Victoria; Drinkwater, Rebecca; Roach, Jennie; Roe, Kirsteen; Salmon, Kirsty; Santhirakumar, Chandru; Schwartz, Stephen; Seegobin, Dinesh; Shah, Arpita; Sloman, Judi; Smith, Mark W.; Smith, Paul; Spivey, Phil; Stewart, Paul; Strong, Roger; Tantwala, Anis; Thomas, Nigel; van Luipen , Jason; Weaver, Monika; Westwood, Helen; Whitehead, Richard; Wicks, David; Woodley, Kerraley; Young, Gerry; Young, Tim; Zirkel, Tony; Adam, Sarah; Adjei, Bridget; Akinfenwa, Bamidele; Allen, Russell; Amer, April; Anderton, Nigel; Armour, Stephen; Arnopp, Lynn; Arthur, Graham; Auguste, Ingrid; Bala, Dhana; Barnett, Anne; Barrett, Andrea; Beltran, Rachelle; Bolt, Robin; Boswell, Andrew; Boyce, Gregory; Bradburn, Gail; Bradshaw, David; Bradshaw, Louise; Brewster, Pam; Butler, Lisa; Butler, Martin; Chapman, John; Chris Armstrong; Clark, Pat; Clarkson, Ruth; Cliftlands, Paul; Cole, Malcolm; Cook, Nigel; Critchley, Alison; Crompton, Martin; Cross, Shirley; Dalchow, Philippa; Daniel Depeiza; De Ville, Brett; Deved, Shetal; Dickinson, Brian; Dilling, David; Doig, Lalita; Eberhart, Katharine; Edwards, Paul; Ejim, Onyemaechi; Fennell, John; Fernandes, Derick; Fisher, Donna; Fisher, Sam; Flood,Tim; Friend, Mandy; Frith, Jane; Geary, Ian; Gibbs, Stella; Green, Mirella; Greetham, Sue; Griffiths, Julie; Guarnori, Orlagh; Hau, Philip; Hedges, Jason; Hemani, Raisa; Henry-Hercules, Maiyani; Herbs, Michelle; Heynes, Paul; Himpfen, Jenny; Horne, Catherine; Ikezogwo, Purity; Ikobayo, Anne; Jeerooburkhan, Nooreza; Jiwa, Jabin; Jones, Darrell; Taylor, Lisa; Ellender, Dianne; Ennis, Petrina; Kellond, David; Kempton, Allister; Kirk, Anne; Ladega, Vera; Lancaster,Louise; Langston, Vicki; Lazaro, Bruce; Legister, Celda; Lewis, Tracey T.; Mahmood, Faisal; Martin, Damien; Mawanda, Jude; Morris, David; Morton, Vicky; Mustapha. Fatmata; Namiiro, Rachael; Nardone, Irena; Nelson, Gillian; Newton, Vanessa; Nolan, Eniko; Norris, Andrew; Oliso, Margaret; Olufowobi, Tope; Oosthuizen, Leslie; Oshin, Kay; O’Sullivan, Michael; Oyetade, Helen; Parker, Christopher; Patman, Kathryn; Patterson, Simone; Pearce, Sarah; Pearce, Stephanie; Pearson, Tracey; Quaye, Charles; Robbins, Keith; Sach, Helen; Shah, Alpa; Shaw, Ronita; Simpson, Louise; Simpson, Richard; Sinclaire, Yvonne; Streeter, Philip; Taylor, Susan; Thomas, Charmaine; Toulou, Costas; Townsend, Freda M.; Underwood, Sarah; Vrondis, Julie; Walusimbi, Rose; Webster, Anne; Weekes, Dionne; Weller, Amy; Weller, Sue; Wells, Craig; Were, Thomas; Whyte, Diane; Williams, Henrietta; Williams, Norma; Wilson-Cole, Dennis; Wood, Fraser; Wright, Jackie S.

Subject: RE: CRCS Bright Ideas – Deadline extended until 11 November 2011

Dear All

Can I encourage you all to put forward your Bright Ideas, all of the ideas from last year have been hugely beneficial to the organisation.

Many thanks in advance for all the ideas which will come forward.


Nathan Elvery

Deputy chief executive

Executive director corporate resources and customer services

Corporate resources and customer services department

Of course, if Inside Croydon‘s loyal reader has a bright idea, they might want to submit it to the official email address for what our council calls its “Bright Ideas Team” (even Private Eye couldn’t make this up): Brightideas@croydon.gov.uk .

“Remember”, as those that haven’t already been made redundant at Taberner House cheerily say, “all ideas are welcome – big or small”.

Inside Croydon: A news source about Croydon that is not based in Redhill. Do you have an event or business in or around Croydon? Tell us about it by emailing us at inside.croydon@btinternet.com

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