
Skip the lines at the coffee shop and make your own special coffee at home for a fraction of the cost.  This Rocky Road Latte is an easy and delicious drink to have while enjoying some quiet time.

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Do you hear that?  That is the sound of nothing.  No noise, no voices, no music…just silence.  Well, other than the clanking of some pans and silverware in the kitchen from my hubby making breakfast.

Yesterday was the first day of school here.  Our kids were ready to go.  After a few months of doing nothing but sleeping in and doing chores around the house, they start to get that school itch about halfway through July.

As a work at home mom, I start to get that itch for quiet and routine about the same time.  The first few weeks are great.  We love the lazy days of randomly doing nothing and making whatever for dinner whenever.  But that gets old after a while.  I start to crave that routine of gym, school, work, practice, dinner, homework, and bedtime.  So hooray for routine being back in place…it definitely makes me happier.

And hooray for making coffee drinks at home and saving money. Because after new school supplies and school clothes, we all need to pinch some pennies somewhere, right?

A few months ago I we stopped at a coffee shop, and I saw they had some new latte flavors.  This always gets me interested because 1. I love trying new flavors and 2. it inspires me to make them at home.  Of course I ordered one and boy, was it good.  You could really taste the chocolate, peanut butter, and marshmallow along with the coffee.  It totally became my new go to drink whenever we stopped there.

Of course, this new flavor went on my to make list right away.  Only right away became a few months later.  One the first day of school…aka mom’s first day of quiet…it seemed like the right thing to do.

I’ve mentioned before how much I love my Aerolatte . It is seriously my favorite kitchen toy.  Making fun drinks like a coconut nutella latte or a salted caramel mocha latte can happen in minutes.

Heat the milk and syrups in a pan until they are warm, but do not let them boil.  Then place in your aerolatte and whisk for about a minute.  The milk will froth and double in size.  Pour that in your cup with some coffee, top it with extra goodness if you desire, and then sit and enjoy the quiet.

Yesterday as I sat doing my Bible reading and enjoying my coffee, I started to think about how much I enjoy the quiet and the time spent just praying and listening.  This got me thinking about how busy I tend to let myself become, and how easy it is to put off my quiet time.  I like to think, “oh, I’ll get to it later.”, but that never really happens.

Then I started to think about my kids being back in school and how another summer has come and gone and did I spend it wisely?  How many times did I say, “just a minute” or “let me finish this project” or the killer…”I’ll play with you a little later.”

And of course I did play games with them later or sit and watch a show with them…but they are only little once.  Most of the time I stayed up later trying to get my work done while they were sleeping, but I know that I still was distracted and busy more than I should have been during the day.

Then I started to think, “Holy crap! Our oldest is a junior this year. How did that happen?”  Seriously it feels like just yesterday we dropped him off for Kindergarten, and now he is almost grown and has 2 years left of school. 2 years!!!  That’s all the time we have as parents to make sure we fix all those mistakes we made along the way. Don’t get me wrong!  He is an awesome kid.  So kind, respectful, and conscience of others, but I know there are areas we need to fine tune before he graduates.

So don’t mind me, I’m just a teary-eyed mess over here.  Too much quiet time and reflection will do that to you.  God is working in my heart to make some changes in how I do life.  I know I need to let go of control in some areas and allow Him control to do what He sees fit.  Along with that I need to be content with how that looks.  I know it may not be what I picture, but that is part of the process of letting Him have full control. So many times I have said that I have let go, only to grab that control back and do it my way.

I have been reading the book The Prayer of Jabez, and I was reminded of the verse, “You can’t force these things. They only come about through my Spirit, says God of the Angel armies.” Zechariah 4:6 MSG.

What an eye opener!  How many times do I try to do it by myself and make things happen?!?! My goal for this school year is to really let go of things and let God work in every area of my life.  I know it won’t be easy, but I know I need to do it.

And my other goal is to make a lot of fun lattes over the next year. I mean saving money and drinking coffee drinks in jammies is very appealing, right?

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Rocky Road Latte

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Yield: 1 drink

Coffee drinks are easy to make at home. Chocolate, peanut butter, and marshmallow add a fun taste to this latte.


1 cup milk (I use fat free)

2 Tablespoons marshmallow cream

2 Tablespoons chocolate syrup, divided

2 Tablespoons creamy peanut butter, divided

1/2 cup strong brewed coffee

1/4 cup Cool Whip

mini marshmallow bits


Heat the milk, marshmallow cream, 1 Tablespoon peanut butter, and 1 Tablespoon chocolate syrup in a small saucepan over medium heat. Do not let it boil. Remove and froth. (You can use a blender or frothing tool.)

Pour the coffee in a cup and pour the frothed milk on top.

Heat 1 Tablespoon of peanut butter in the microwave until warm.

Top the coffee with Cool Whip. Drizzle with the melted peanut butter, chocolate syrup, and marshmallow bits. Makes 1 drink.


Copyright Inside BruCrew Life

More fun latte recipes to enjoy making in the comfort of your home:

S’mores Latte

Thin Mint Latte

Peanut Butter Chocolate Latte

*This post contains affiliate links.  We do receive a small percentage when sales are made through these links.  Thank you so much for letting us share products we love.

The post Rocky Road Latte appeared first on Inside BruCrew Life.

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