Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers…the place where voracious reading habits are not only okay but ENCOURAGED!
With the summer sun boiling down (on most of us anyway), our thoughts tend to slip away to relaxing days spent lounging with a cool drink in one hand and a good read in the other. Of course, summer is also the time for “beach reads” and “guilty pleasures”; you know, those ones that have a little romance to whisk your cares away. Ah yes, well those of you that follow my site already know that while I can be a hopeless romantic, I like a good story as well. None of this all “action” no attraction B.S. I am a reader that wants it all…and guess what? I know an author who in my experiences thus far, DELIVERS! Now grant it, my scope of experience is limited to TWO so far, but hey…you’ve got to start somewhere and BOTH reads have been wonderful; unbeknownst to me (initially), they also happen to be part of the SAME SERIES. *gasp* *SHOCK* *awe*
Yeah, color be surprised when I was looking at the cover about to embark on this read and discovered the Blue Heron series marker in small print. I remembered the first one (The Best Man), realized I missed out on the second one (The Perfect Match)…something I’ll be remedying soon, and jumped right into this one without a worry or care if I’d miss anything. Guess what guys? I was right! It works perfect as a stand alone but allows you to visit with the characters and couples you’ve met previously and…oh, wait. I’m rambling aren’t I. *ahem* Allow me to introduce today’s book of choice….
Waiting on You
(Book 3 in the Blue Heron series)
Kristan Higgins
Harlequin HQN
About the book….
Is your first love worth a second chance…?
Colleen O'Rourke is in love with love…just not when it comes to herself. Most nights, she can be found behind the bar at the Manningsport, New York, tavern she owns with her twin brother, doling out romantic advice to the lovelorn, mixing martinis and staying more or less happily single. See, ten years ago, Lucas Campbell broke her heart…an experience Colleen doesn't want to have again, thanks. Since then, she's been happy with a fling here and there, some elite-level flirting and playing matchmaker to her friends.
But a family emergency has brought Lucas back to town, handsome as ever and still the only man who's ever been able to crack her defenses. Seems like maybe they've got some unfinished business waiting for them—but to find out, Colleen has to let her guard down, or risk losing a second chance with the only man she's ever loved.
Okay, so back to my rambling, but I promise to reign it in a little. ^_^
It’s a Contemporary Romance but it reads like the best romantic comedy movie you’ve ever seen. True story! I could not stop laughing, smiling, and in general sharing bits of what was happening with whomever happened to be around me at the time. I’d be all…hahahahahaHA! So she’s trying to make dinner for him and bites off more than she can chew…but then she tries to be all kitten-esque and REALLY sets things ablaze! No with actual fire! It’s HI-larious with a capital everything…trust me, you just have to read it. *giggles* Anywho….
The characters are FANTASTIC! Colleen is a riot but with a good head on her shoulders (except maybe where Lucas is concerned [and even then she really tries] but can you really blame her? No, no you can’t…) and a heart of GOLD. As the town matchmaker, her acquaintance or friend status with everyone there serves her well, as does her bar owning/tending roles. I loved her relationship with her twin brother though some real life siblings may beg to differ (not me, only child). How she got on with her mother and dealt with her father was funny, tragic, and real all at once. Her connection with her half-sister Savannah was so sweet and a definite “be yourself” message for all. She even gets the “girl power” going when working with Paulie on her love interest. She’s got a natural charisma that comes across fantastically…but where there’s charisma, there’s definitely without a doubt got to be Lucas.
If you were going to swoon ladies, here’s your chance. Whether it be his looks (*le sigh*), his smarts (would have been a lawyer if not for a fork in his life path), or his heart (whether objection of adoration or friend, he’s got your back), you’ve got the complete package here…with but one downfall…expressing himself. He’s great with the action and the reaction but when it comes to just laying all his cards on the table and letting what be, well…be…he runs into a few road blocks. The plus side, when you know the why behind it all, it not only makes sense but shows you he really was only trying to do what he thought would be best for all; limiting the hurt and protecting those he cares for most. The down side…in those situations that he’d like it to work the most, it usually backfires leaving quite a path of destruction in its wake, usually in the form of a broken heart. (Poor Colleen!) Don’t worry ladies, not all roads end in heartbreak for our dreamy eyed leading man…you’ll see.
That my friends covers our leads but that’s really only a fraction of it all. Character wise we’ve still got Bryce, Gail the Tail (funny story there…sorta), and…you see where I’m going with this? Perhaps characters aren’t your bag though and it’s all about the story for you….no worries there my friend! We’ve got someone with advanced health issues nearing the end of their days. We’ve got a love match that could be if one party would try someone outside their usual box. We’ve got old flames reignited (not speaking of our leads here either!), new flames burning bright, the trials of childhood, doors that won’t open and those that should have a long time ago. But enough about my time in Manningsport, I’d say you’re long overdue for a trip….
In conclusion, a GREAT, WONDERFUL, ENGAGING and SATISFYING read that you simply must check out….I insist! If you’re a fan of this genre, the author, or just like a story that will make your heart melt and your tear ducts run dry, this is definitely a book that should be on your “to read” list. Recommended for older teens through adults.
About the author…
Kristan lives with her family in a small Connecticut town that boasts a wonderful library, a great agricultural fair, a really good ice cream stand and not much else. She is the mother of two lovely kids and the wife of a brave firefighter who is, perhaps more importantly, a fantastic cook. Pets include a cheerful Lab mutt, two cats and the occasional, short-lived beta fish.
Previously a copywriter, Kristan began writing fiction when her children graced her life with simultaneous afternoon naps. Writing, she found, was infinitely more satisfying than folding laundry, and so began her first novel. Kristan holds a BA in English from the College of the Holy Cross, which enables her to identify dangling participles and quote many great novels.
Kristan and her crew spend as much time as possible at the family home on Cape Cod, where they shiver in the Atlantic, ride bikes, swat horseflies and don't catch any fish.
Special thanks to the fabulous folks at Harlequin for the review copy and always keeping us up to date on the latest and greatest. (THANKS!) For more information on this title as well as their growing catalog, be sure to stop by the official site, like them onFacebook, follow them on Twitter, or pin them on Pinterest. This book was released April 2014, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf near you. Oh and for all you fellow Blue Heron fans out there (*jumps up and down while raising BOTH hands*), you’ll be pleased to know that there will be a FOURTH title joining this series this October entitled, In Your Dreams (at least at the time of this post)! Did anyone else’s wish list just grow because MINE SURE DID. ^_^
Until next time…happy reading!