
Kallie Myers was inside her home when she saw a coyote come out of the woods surrounding her Oxford Township home. She says the animal walked right up to the edge of her back patio and stared at her house.

The animal spooked her so much she grabbed her camera and took a picture in case no one believed her. Myers states that this coyote did not look like any coyote she had ever seen before, because it was much bigger than a normal.

Myers also wanted proof because she had been repeatedly told she didn’t need to worry about coyotes coming close to her home, especially since she had five dogs, reports the Detroit Free Press.

Myers neighbors; however say they didn’t need Myers to prove anything to them.

“I saw two really healthy coyotes going right through my backyard. My German shepherd is 70 pounds and they were at least that size or bigger. Usually you hear them if they’re packed up and they get an animal — they all go crazy and start yipping. It’s very noisy,” explained 68-year-old Sally Stevenson who lives less than miles from Myers.

A couple weeks prior to Myers sighting Jake Losin, who was visiting his sister that lives across the road from Myers, saw a pack of eight coyotes.

“The very first one I saw I thought it was a deer. I looked at it and it was huge,” Losin stated.

Losin says that he stayed outside and watched several other packs move through.

Myers claims that over the last few years all of her ducks and geese have been killed. She also says that the foxes, opossums, raccoons and rabbits in the area have disappeared as well.

Last weekend in broad daylight on Saturday afternoon Myers says that one of her horses was attacked. The horse was mauled so badly it sadly had to be put down. Meyers says she knows that the coyote pack attacked her horse, but the Michigan Department of Natural resources states her claims are untrue, reports MLive.com.

Both Myers and her husband are part of the Lapeer County Sheriff’s Mounted Division.

On Saturday Meyers fed her oldest horse, 22-year-old K.O. Carmen. While the horse ate she drove down the road to a neighbor. Her sons were home and they would put Carmen back in the stable once she was finished.

A friend of her sons came up there driveway just as the horse went down. He ran in the house in a panic. Myers sons and their dogs rushed outside. The dogs ran ahead. By the time the boys caught up they found the horse down and the dogs standing around her. Several of their dogs had puncture marks from fighting off the predator that attacked the horse.

Myers rushed home to find the horse on the ground, bleeding in the snow. The horse’s hair was scattered around him in clumps. Her tale had been stripped raw and her back was shredded by deep cuts and tears.

Myers cradled the horses head in her lap. She was too injured to stand or survive. Myers called the vet and 15 minutes later he gave the horse an injection to put the animal to sleep.

Two days after the attack the Michigan DNR sent to officers to Myers home. She showed them the photo she took and the place where the attack took place. Though the officers were sympathetic they told the teary eyed Myers that coyotes do not take down horses.

Myers told them that the coyotes she and her neighbors had seen weighed at least 60 pounds. She even showed them a photo of an extremely large coyote that her neighbor had killed. The pair shook their heads and again told her she was mistaken.

“I want to make it clear that we’re not calling anybody a liar,” the conservation officer said, though he admitted that he found coyote tracks in the tree line around the house.

Myers says she now believes that these animals are hybrids, the result of wolves breeding with coyotes.

Despite their doubts the DNR officers state that they are still investigating the attack.

Photo courtesy of Santa Fe Scoop.

Michigan Woman says Unusually Large Coyotes Were Responsible For Attack And Death Of Police Horse, But DNR Says No Way is an article from: The Inquisitr News

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