
Big Brother 16 has come to a close and all of the big money has been awarded. Nicole Franzel may not have won the big cash prizes, but she did come in as one of the top three vote recipients in the contest for “America’s Favorite Houseguest.” After the BB16 finale Nicole chatted with Jeff Schroeder during the backyard interviews and revealed some great tidbits that fans won’t want to miss.

Though Nicole had plenty to say in her chat with Jeff, all BB16 fans really wanted to know about was the status of what’s going on with fellow houseguest Hayden Voss. YouTube user Big Brother Super Fan uploaded Nicole Franzel’s backyard interview with Jeff Schroeder and this houseguest had some big news to share. Nicole and Hayden are officially dating, but there’s even bigger news in the works.

Franzel told Schroeder that all she and Voss did in the jury house was kiss, but there was clearly a lot of talking going on too. As CBS notes, it seems that Hayden and Nicole are talking about both moving to Chicago to be together. It doesn’t sound as if it’s a definite quite yet, but clearly serious discussions were held. Nicole says that obviously having one of them in California and the other in Michigan won’t work and they both seem willing to give Chicago a try. Could they be the next Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd?

What else came up in Nicole Franzel’s Big Brother 16 interview with Jeff Schroeder? She says that she thinks it’s the “coolest thing ever” that she was in the top three for “American’s Favorite Houseguest” and she had no idea fans were enjoying her on the show so much. She was surprised by Team America and she was also shocked to learn that BB16 winner Derrick Levasseur is a police officer. While Donny Thompson revealed that he always knew there was something fishy about Derrick, Nicole had no idea.

Franzel also said that even though Derrick had been stabbing her in the back throughout the BB16 game, she was “super happy” to see him win and felt he deserved it. Nicole’s favorite moment of the game was giving Zach Rance a wedgie, and it seems despite not winning she loves that she had the chance to play the game.

Stay tuned for updates on Nicole Franzel and Hayden Voss’ romance as the two Big Brother 16 stars transition into life outside the BB16 house. Do you think they’ll last?

[Image via Shaw Media]

Nicole Franzel’s ‘Big Brother 16’ Backyard Interview: Love And Change In The Air, Star Reveals is an article from: The Inquisitr News

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