
An amazing video that was just released of a recent Real Madrid training session shows Sergio Ramos scoring an impossible goal. In the video, Ramos lines the ball up behind the goal line and kicks it in such a way that it curves right into the goal.

While the feat is rather impressive, the shot is said to have no practical use in an official game.

Sergio Ramos Garcia was born in Spain and is a professional European soccer player for the Real Madrid sports team. He was brought on as a central defender and right back. He quickly rose through the ranks, starting out as a player on the Spanish National Team when he was only 18 years old.

Ramos has played in two World Cups and two European Championships. With his team, he won the World Cup championship in 2010 and both European Championships, one in 2008 and the other in 2012.

Although Ramos is generally a fan favorite, he is notorious for his “tendency to pick up red cards” during games.

Real Madrid held a training session at the Allianz Arena on Monday to practice for their Champions League semi-final second leg with Bayern Munich on Tuesday evening, which is when Ramos performed his mind-bending kicking technique. The 28 year old soccer player took to Twitter and YouTube to boast about his feat:

‘I’ll leave you this move in the Allianz. With good vibrations on this special eve for all of madridism. Hala Madrid,’ Ramos tweeted yesterday evening.

Following the practice, Gareth Bale, who was signed to Real Madrid for an astonishing 86 million GBP, was quoted as saying, ‘We’re confident we can win the Champions League.’

Real Madrid Training: Sergio Ramos Scores Impossible Goal is a post from: The Inquisitr News

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