

Why “Gun Control” Isn’t Working

Drew Magary says it’s time to rethink the most important argument we’re having right now:

If you’ve ever fired a gun, you know that it’s fun. And if you’ve never fired a gun, well, then I suggest you get your ass to the local shooting range, because you’re missing out. I went to a bachelor party once and we went to a gun club and threw down $100 each (while shitfaced) to fire four different machine guns and a Desert Eagle, which is the biggest, clumsiest handgun in the universe. The Desert Eagle is so dangerous that the instructor has to warn you to lift it as you’re firing so that the recoil doesn’t send the butt of the gun back into your skull. You don’t even need to be shot by the thing to be killed by it. Regardless, when my friend took that gun in his hands and fired it, causing all of us to say, in unison, HOLY FUCK!, we weren’t exactly voicing our disapproval of this nation’s handgun culture. It was a blast, and I’d happily do it again if offered because this is America and you can do such things. If it all suddenly went away tomorrow due to new gun laws, I don’t think I’d bat an eyelash. But since it’s all still perfectly legal, I’m happy to indulge.

I suspect that most gun lovers in this country are using the Second Amendment and their supposed fear of an encroaching government as a cheap front. I think it’s a more effective way of staving off gun control laws than by expressing their true feelings, and I think their true feelings are this: I enjoy shooting shit too much to let you get rid of guns.

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