
-148 Accurately Fulfilled                 -102 Not Yet Fulfilled;

These are the Prophecies that The LORD God Almighty, The LORD Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit Has Revealed to me (Your Brother in Christ Jesus, and a Shepherd of The LORD; Prophet Kevin Mirasi) for the last 5 years (since 2011), when He started Speaking to me and Revealing to me the Mysteries of this Hour, through Supernatural Dreams and Visions. By The Grace of God, I have been Raised and Trained by The Holy Spirit, for The Glory and Honour of The Mighty Name of The LORD; for These are the Days of The Holy Spirit, The Days of the Visitation of The LORD, The Days of the Servants of The LORD. The Days that Joel, The Prophet of The LORD foresaw coming to the earth “afterwards” (this particular Present Point in Time). Remember, The LORD summarizes it very Powerfully through His Servant Amos, The Prophet of The LORD: ‘“Surely the LORD God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.”’


Below are Summaries of the 148 Accurately Fulfilled Prophecies of The LORD, and The 102 Not Yet Fulfilled Prophecies of The LORD.

For Detailed outlay of All these, you can check in the Links at the End of All of these Postings.


148-A Powerful Earthquake Near Lake Victoria, Shakes East Africa Countries; Fulfilling The Words of the Prophecy of The LORD 6 Months Later: (Prophesied on 1st March 2016, Fulfilled 6 Months later on 10th September 2016).

147-Shock as The Prophecy of Global Terrorists Using BuiBui Clad Women to Try to Launch Terror Attacks Rapidly Fulfilled in Mombasa, Kenya and Paris, France. (Prophesied on 5th September 2016, Fulfilled on 8th September 2016 and 11th September 2016).

146-The Fulfillment of the Prophecy of “Innocent” Children Being Lured to Carry Out Terror Attacks, as a 12-Year-old Boy explodes in a Suicide Terror Attack in Turkey, killing over 50 people at a Wedding: (Prophesied on 14th January 2016, Fulfilled 7 months Later on 21st August 2016).

145-Israeli Government in A State of Confusion, Tension and Political Crisis, With Threats to Topple the Government, As Rail Construction & Repair Causes Crisis; Fulfilling The Words of the Prophecy of The LORD: (Prophesied on 19th August 2016, Fulfilled 2 weeks later on 4th September 2016).

144-R.F.I.D Micro-Chip in Rio, Brazil 2016 Olympics, As Athletes (Including Swimmers; Particularly U.S.A Swimmers) Incorporated to Launch, Test & Publicize Micro-Chip Fitted Products; Fulfilling The Words of the Prophecy of The LORD 3 Years Later: (Prophesied on 21st August 2013, Fulfilled in August 2016).

143-A Shopping Center (A Mall) Hit in A Deadly “Terror Attack” In Munich City, Germany, Europe; Fulfilling The Words of the Prophecy of The LORD: (Prophesied on 1st May 2016, Fulfilled 2 months & 3 weeks later on 22nd July 2016).

142-France Horrific Terror Attack, As Yet Another Major City of Europe Hit by “An Increased Terror Attack”, Fulfilling The Words of the Prophecy of The LORD 2 Months Later: (Prophesied on 1st May 2016, Fulfilled on 14th July 2016).

141-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Very Serious Racial Tension and Distress Coming to The United States of America, leading to Violent Confrontations: (Prophesied on 14th May 2015, Fulfilled One Year & 2 Months Later on 5th July 2016).

140-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Very Heavy Rain of Ice (Snow) Coming to Malaysia, As A Heavy Rain of Ice Hits Malaysia Leading to Ice-Particles Being Scooped: (Prophesied on 8th March 2015 Fulfilled One Year & 3 Months later on 3rd June 2016).

139-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Kenyan Government and The Kenyan Opposition Striking A “Deal” (A "Peace Agreement”) On Electoral Commission Stand-Off: (Prophesied on 9th May 2016, Fulfilled 3 weeks later on 31st May 2016).

138-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Very Massive and A Raging Historic Flooding Coming to The Nation of Kenya, Destroying Crops and Hitting the Roads, As A Very Massive Flooding Hits the Nation of Kenya, Even Bringing Down a Six-Storey Building. (Prophesied on 11th February 2016, Fulfilled 3 months later on 28th April 2016).

137-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Surprise Terrorist Attack Coming to Israel, As A Fiery Bus Explosion Occurs in Jerusalem in A Terror Attack. (Prophesied on 16th November 2015, Fulfilled 6 Months later on 18th April 2016).

136-Chase Bank of Kenya and The National Bank of Kenya in Very Serious Financial Crisis and Economic Distress, As The Banking Sector in Kenya Tremendously Shaken. (Prophesied on 5th January 2016, Fulfilled 3 Months later on 7th April 2016).

135-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Release of Kenya’s Deputy President William Ruto from I.C.C. (Prophesied on 23rd December 2015, Fulfilled 4 Months later on 5th April 2016).

134-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Very Serious Military Confrontation Between Israel and Russia. (Prophesied on 1st December 2015, Fulfilled 4 Months later on 26th March 2016).

133-Ugly Confrontation Between Tanzania and Kenya, As Tanzania Border Officials Block Kenya Government Delegation from Entry and Confiscate Their Passports. (Prophesied on 20th March 2016, Fulfilled 3 days later on 23rd March 2016).

132-A New Sexually Transmitted Disease Comes to The Earth, originating from South America, As Zika Virus Disease Officially Confirmed to Be Sexually Transmitted. (Prophesied in 31st October 2013, Fulfilled 3 Years later in 2016).

131- Fulfillment of the Prophecy of an Economic Crisis Hitting the Republic of South Africa, leading to a Significant Loss in Value of the South African Rand, and even Leading to Political Brinkmanship and a Campaign Agenda. As the Rand fell the biggest in a Single Day, later on an Attempt to Impeach Jacob Zuma followed in April 2016 (Prophesied on 27th September 2015, Fulfilled as from 11th January 2016).

130-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Very Massive Flooding Connected to Lake Victoria Coming to Kenya. (Prophesied on 7th September 2015, Fulfilled 2 Months later as from 18th November 2015).

129-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Military Fighter Jets Pursuing Each other In A Post-Red Blood Moon War Confrontation, As Turkish Military Jets Pursue and Shoot Down a Russian Military Jet, even as Russian Military Jets Sent to the Syrian War(Prophesied on 20th January 2015, Fulfilled 10 Months later as from 24th November 2015).

128-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Paris Terror Attack, Which Has Been Described as an “Act of War” And Has Involved and Drawn Many Nations into It, Including Sweden and The European Union: (Prophesied on 27th October 2015 Fulfilled 18 Days Later on 14th November 2015).

127-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Huge Grey Rocky Object with Deep Valleys On Its Surface Moving Close to The Earth, As A “Skull-Shaped” Grey “Dead Comet” Passes Through the Sky. (Prophesied on 3rd August 2013, Fulfilled 2 Years and 3 months later on 31st October 2015).

126-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Boko Haram Leader Mocking Nigerian Leader and Military Force in A Video, And Also the Escalation of War Pitting Nations Governmental Military Forces Against Islamist Jihadists Boko Haram in West Africa and Indeed The I.S.I.S in Middle East, As U.S.A Sends Troops to West Africa to Tackle Boko Haram, While Russia Sends Troops to Syria to Battle I.S.I.S. (Prophesied on 14th January 2015, Fulfilled 9 Months later on 14th October 2015).

125-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Historic Raging Fires Coming to Cause Havoc in Australia, As “Unseasonal” And “Unexpected” Bush-Fire Causes Havoc in Victoria, South Australia. With More Historic Raging Fires Still Coming to Australia. (Prophesied on 24th August 2015, Fulfilled One Month Later on 1st October 2015).

124-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Huge Sinkholes Increasingly Coming to The Earth to A Grand-Scale, As Huge Sinkholes Open Up On the Earth from Australia to England to The United States of America to China (Prophesied on 3rd June 2015, Fulfilled 4 Months Later as from October 2015).

123-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Press, A Media and A Journalism Distress Coming To Israel, As I.D.F Soldiers Attack And Assault AFP Journalists During A West Bank Demonstration, Destroying Their Press And Recording Equipment. (Prophesied on 11th February 2015, Fulfilled 7 months later on 25th September 2015).

122-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indeed the Nation of Russia in A Very Serious Diplomatic and Military Controversy with The Nation of Israel & Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (Prophesied on 30th July 2015, fulfilled less than 2 months later as from 10th September 2015).

121-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Historical Distress and Fight Coming Over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel. (Prophesied on 1st March 2015, fulfilled 6 months later as from 13th September 2015).

120-Accurate Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Mega Earthquake Coming to The Earth as A Judgement of The LORD, As A Mega 8.3 Earthquake Rattles Chile and Touches and Shakes Other Nations. (Prophesied on 2nd October 2014, Fulfilled 11 months later on 16th September 2015).

119-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Historical “Rain of Sand” Coming to The Earth, As A Massive, Unprecedented, Unseasonal, Disruptive, Widespread and Deadly Sandstorm Hits the Middle East Nations of Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Cyprus. (Prophesied on 19th November 2014, Fulfilled 10 months later on 8th September 2015).

118-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Historical Influx of Refugees Following Military Event(s) In The Wider Middle East Region, As A Historical Migration Crisis and Refugee Crisis Hits European Nations, Other Middle East Nations and Also Other Global Nations. (Prophesied on 9th December 2012, Fulfilled 3 years later as from September 2015).

117-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of an Economic Deal Between the Nation of Kenya and The Nation of Uganda; A Deal That Leads to an Outcry in Kenya Over a Possible Consequent Corruption and Economic & Financial Mismanagement. (Prophesied on 1st May 2014, Fulfilled One year and 3 months later in mid-August 2015).

116-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of an Increase and an Escalation of Controversy Between USA President Barack Obama and Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, As The Iran Nuclear Deal Leads to Renewed Controversial Exposition Between the Two Leaders. (Prophesied on 12th July 2015, Fulfilled 2 days later on 14th July 2015).

115-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Very Major Hacking Coming to The Earth, As A Leading Global Cyber Security Firm Known as “Hacking Team” Is Itself Hacked and Very Sensitive, Internal and Controversial Documents Exposed Globally. (Prophesied on 1st July 2015, fulfilled 4 days later on 5th July 2015).

114-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Distress Coming to The Earth Involving a Military Air Force Plane, As Indonesian Military Air Force Plane Crashes onto Buildings and Busts into Flames, Unfortunately Killing More Than 140 People Both in The Air and On the Ground. (Prophesied on 29th June 2015, Fulfilled 24 hours later on 30th June 2015).

113-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Distress Coming to The United States of America in The Form of Violent Hate Crime, With Dead Bodies All Over, As A Gunman Shoots at A South Carolina Church Killing Nine People. (Prophesied on 2nd February 2015, Fulfilled 4 months later on 17th June 2015).

112-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of an Outbreak of a Most Fearsome and A Very Infectious Disease, As MERS Disease Outbreak Causes Deaths, Fear, Panic, Confusion and Crisis in South Korea, As Many Other Neighbouring Nations Declare “Serious Alert” Concerning The Spread of The MERS Disease as They Take Protective Measures. (Prophesied on 12th December 2014, Fulfilled 6 months later as from 20th May 2015).

111- Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Judgment of The LORD Coming to Touch the Nation of Malaysia in A Misty, A Foggy and A Smoky Place, As The LORD Touches the Nation of Malaysia Near the Misty, Foggy and Smoky Mount Kinabalu with A Strong Earthquake That Has Rattled the Land and Caused Distress in The Land. (Prophesied on 8th March 2015, Fulfilled 2 months later on 5th June 2015).

110-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Horrific Judgment of The LORD Coming to Touch the North America Region Including Mexico, As A Historical and A Deadly Storm Touches Mexico and The United States of America Bringing Unprecedented Flooding and Tornadoes. (Prophesied on 4th November 2014, Fulfilled 7 months later on 24th May 2015).

109-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Massive Shaking in The Form of an Earthquake Coming to England, As England Shaken and Rattled by an Earthquake. (Prophesied on 17th April 2015, Fulfilled 35 days later on 22nd May 2015).

108-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of The United States of America Using a Very Sophisticated Military Camera Sniper Against Islamist Militants to Pinpoint Their Target Persons, As USA Special Forces Are Involved In A Rare Successful Raid Inside Syria As They Kill The I.S.I.S Chief Finance Operation Leader. (Prophesied on 14th January 2015, Fulfilled 4 months later on 15th May 2015).

107-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Very Intense Lobbying and Jostling for Ministerial Positions in The Nation of Israel After the Israeli Elections, And Also the Formation of a Strictly Right-Wing Government. (Prophesied on 17th March 2015, Fulfilled almost 2 months later on 7th May 2015).

106-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Mega Historical Earthquake Coming to Hit the India Region, Including The Nation of India, As A 7.8 Mega Earthquake Shakes India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Tibet. (Prophesied on 9th June 2014, Fulfilled 10 months later on 25th April 2015).

105-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Diplomatic and A Military Controversy Coming to The Earth Between the Nations of Australia and The U.S.A, As Australia and Iran Agree to Share Military Intelligence Information, While U.S.A Says It Won’t Do So and Asks Australia for More Details On Her Agreement with Iran. (Prophesied on 26th February 2015, Fulfilled 2 months later on 19th April 2015).

104-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Very Massive Earthquake Coming to Hit the Nation of Taiwan, As A Massive Temblor Shakes Taiwan. (Prophesied on 25th July 2014, Fulfilled 9 months later on 20th April 2015).

103-Fulfillment of The Prophecy of Distress Coming To The Nation of Kenya Necessitating Heightened and Increased Security Checks and “Advanced“ High Tech Screening For Entrance To Complexes, As Al Shabbab Terrorists Cause Massacre At A Kenyan University, Unfortunately Killing 147 Students. (Prophesied on 25th March 2015, Fulfilled 8 days later on 2nd April 2015).

102- Fulfillment of the Prophecy of World Leaders Agreeing to an International Deal, As Iran and World Powers Agree On the Framework for A Nuclear Deal. (Prophesied on 10th March 2015, Fulfilled 3 weeks later on 2nd April 2015).

101-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Shopped and Purchased House Items and Electronic Gadgets Able to Watch Their Users and Buyers, As Samsung Smart TV Is Officially Reported to Be Able to Hear, Record and Transmit the Data About the Owners' Conversations. (Prophesied on 6th November 2014, Fulfilled 3 months later as from 9th February 2015).

100-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Very Massive Terrorist Attack in The Form of a Terrorist Hostage Crisis on a Building Having Dignitaries and Foreign Nationalities, as ISIS Terrorists Attack Tunisian Museum Building Holding People in Hostage and Unfortunately Causing Many Fatalities (Prophesied on 10th March 2015, fulfilled 8 days later on 18th March 2015).

99-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Re-Election of Benjamin Netanyahu as Israel Prime Minister, As Netanyahu Shockingly and Surprising Retains His Seat "Against All Odds"(Prophesied on 3rd January 2015, fulfilled Two and a half months later on 17th March 2015).

98-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Historic Low Moment and A Change In Relations Between USA and Israel Leading To a Soar Relations and Reversal of The Attitude of The United States of America Towards Israel, With Feelings and Calls of A Betrayal (Prophesied on 8th November 2014, fulfilled 5 months later as from 25th February 2015 and Continues after The Re-election of Benjamin Netanyahu on 17th March 2015).

97-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of an Earthquake Coming to Shake Australia, as “A Rare and A Historical” Earthquake Shakes Queensland, Australia (Prophesied on 14th October 2013, fulfilled One Year, 4 months later on 15th February 2015).

96-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Onset of the Use of The RFID Micro-Chip (The Mark of the Beast) In The Human Resources Management of Organizations, as A Swedish Organization Historically Inserts The RFID Micro-Chip Under the Skin of the Hands of Its Staff (Prophesied on 29th December 2014, fulfilled One month later on 30th January 2015).

95-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Distress Coming to The Nation of Kenya Involving ODM Senatorial Candidate Moses Kajwang’, as Moses Kajwang’ Is Attacked and Hit with a Stone on His Head Causing a Grievous and a Very Serious Injury On His HeadLeading to Him Losing a Lot of Blood and Even Being Hospitalized and Bandaged (Prophesied on 26th January 2015, fulfilled 4 days later on 30th January 2015).

94-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Formation of a Multinational Force (International Military Police) To Fight and Tackle Boko Haram in West Africa, After A Historical Escalation of the Boko Haram Attack Even into Bordering Countries(Prophesied on 2nd December 2014, fulfilled 45 days later on 20th January 2015).

93-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Persecution of Jews (Israelites) Staying in Other Nations Out of Their Homeland of Israel Through Terrorist Attacks, As Jews Community Targeted in Paris, France Terrorist Attack Leading to Fatalities and Injuries Amongst the Jews and Also in Copenhagen, Denmark (Prophesied on 14th August 2014, fulfilled 5 months later on 7th January 2015 and also 6 months later on 14th February 2015 in Copenhagen, Denmark).

92-Fulfillment of the Prophecy (Vision) of Distress and a Judgment of The LORD Coming to France, as A Fatal Historical Terrorist Attack Occurs in France Leading to World Leaders and Huge Crowds Demonstrate in French Cities (Prophesied on 27th August 2014, fulfilled 4 months later on 7th January 2015).

91-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Collapse of a Huge Storey Building in Nairobi, Kenya, as an Eight Storey Building Collapses in Nairobi, Kenya. Also A Continued Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Historical Labour Strikes Coming to Kenya, As Teachers in Kenya Engage in A Biting Strike Effectively Paralyzing Learning in Kenya at The Start of Schools Calendar Year (Prophesied on 26th December 2014, fulfilled 10 days later on 4th January 2015. The Labour strikes having been prophesied on 11th November 2014 and continued to be fulfilled on 5th January 2015).

90-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Distress and a Judgment of The LORD Coming to The Home (Family) of Raila Odinga in The Nation of Kenya, as Raila’s Eldest Son Fidel Odinga Shockingly Dies Under Mysterious Circumstances After a Night Out in Nairobi, Kenya (Prophesied on 28th July 2014, fulfilled 5 months later on 4th January 2015).

89-Fulfillment of the Vision (Prophecy) of A Very Serious Controversy Coming to The Nation of Kenya Involving a Section of Media and an End–Time Messenger of The LORD, as a Social Media (Facebook) Conman Is Arrested for Impersonating the Said Servant of The LORD and Soliciting and Conning People Out of Their Money. Also a Continued Controversy, albeit to a Different Dimension and A Different Form Continued to Ensue in The Nation of Kenya Whereupon a Very “Twisted” Reporting by The Media Regarding a Just Concluded End of the Year Revival Meeting of The LORD Coordinated by The Said Servant of The LORD. (Prophesied on 23rd November 2014, fulfilled One months later on 28th December 2014 and 1st January 2015).

88-Fulfillment of The Prophecy of a most distressing Judgment of The LORD coming to Hit Hollywood (Sony Pictures) leading to leakage and exposure of “embarrassing emails and personal details of some of the world’s biggest movie stars(Prophesied on 23rd October 2014, fulfilled One Month later on 22nd November 2014).

87-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Financial and an economic Crisis Coming to Britain, as A Massive £142 Billion shockingly wiped off the Britain’s Leading Companies and thus threatening The Briton’s Pension Fund (Prophesied on 22nd November 2014, fulfilled 3 weeks later on 12th December 2014).

86-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of an Airplane Distress Coming to Denmark Involving a Danish Passenger Plane from Copenhagen Airport in Denmark, as A Danish Airplane Nearly Hit by A Russian Military Jet (Prophesied on 27th October 2014, fulfilled 2 and a half months later on 13th December 2014).

85-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of an Economic and a Financial Crisis Coming to The Earth affecting even World Currencies, as Oil Price shockingly falls over 45% And Thereby Tremendously Leading to A Global Financial and an Economic distress in terms of Loss of Value of some World Currencies, Global stocks Stumbling and Sharp decline in Very Essential Economic Revenue and Earnings (Prophesied on 3rd April 2014, Fulfilled 8 months later in December 2014).

84-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Very Heavy and A Historical Storm to Hit California, USA as A Mega Historical Storm Devastates California, USA as A Precursor and A Warning of a Mega Historical Earthquake Coming to Hit California Very Very Soon (Prophesied on 14th December 2012, Fulfilled 2 years later on 11th December 2014).

83-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of an Attempted Very Massive Terror Attack on Israel by Palestinian Terrorists Including on Their Modes of Transportation, As Israel Reports That It Broke Up Hamas Terror Plot to Attack Jerusalem’s Light Railway, Roads, Cars, Traffics and The Sports Stadium e.t.c (Prophesied on 22nd November 2014, fulfilled 5 days later on 27th November 2014).

82-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Historical and A distressing Labour strikes and Labour Relations Coming to The Nation of Kenya and Thus Gripping the Kenya Government and The Nation of Kenya, as 6 Labour Unions Calls Upon Government Employees to Leave Terror Prone North Eastern Province Following Al Shabbab Terror Attack That Led to Massacre of over 60 Kenyans (Prophesied on 11th November 2014, fulfilled 11 days later on 22nd November 2014).

81-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Very Serious Confrontation with a Racial Undertone Coming to The United States of America, As Violence and Ugly Confrontations Breaks Out in many Cities of The USA Following Grand Jury Decision of NO Indictment on Ferguson, Missouri Shooting (Prophesied on 13th April 2014, fulfilled 7 months later on 25th November 2014).

80-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Continued Distress on The Japanese Economy, As A Fulfillment of the Prophecy of More Judgments of The LORD Coming to Touch the Japanese Economy as Japan Slips into A Surprise Recession (Prophesied on 25th December 2013, fulfilled 11 months later on 17th November 2014).

79-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Very Great Earthquake Coming to Hit the Nation of Indonesia as A Powerful 7.3 Earthquake Shakes Indonesia Even Causing a Small Tsunami (Prophesied on 16th July 2014, fulfilled 4 months later on 15th November 2014).

78-Fulfillment of The Prophecy of a Very Serious Contestation Coming Over the Holy Land of Israel Including a Contestation Over the Ownership of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem with Different Groups Claiming Ownership, As The Jews and Muslims Fight Over the Site Where the Temple Mount and Also a Mosque (The Dome of Rock) Are Situated (Prophesied on 5th August 2014, fulfilled 3 months later on 29th October 2014).

77-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Exposure of Falsehood at The Altar Perpetuated by False Prophets as The LORD Moves to Restore His Altar; with A Kenyan Fraudster and Fake, False Prominent Televangelist “Prophet" Victor Kanyari Is Exposed(Prophesied on 10th October 2014, fulfilled 3 weeks later on 2nd November 2014).

76- Fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Wrath of The LORD God Almighty Falling in West Africa Leading to Regime Change Occurring in West Africa, As Burkina Faso President Blaise Compaore Is Removed Out of Power (Prophesied on 6th September 2014, fulfilled 2 months later on 31st October 2014).

75-Fulfillment of The Prophecy of a Huge Loaded Man-made Object Looking Like an Airplane, falling from The Sky and Hitting the Earth causing Huge Explosions and Fire and Even Shaking Buildings, As A U.S.A NASA Contracted Supply Rocket Explodes After Liftoff and Busts into Flames as It Falls to The Ground Exploding into Fire and Causing Extreme Shaking On the Ground and On Buildings (Prophesied on 14th July 2012, fulfilled 2 years and 3 months later on 29th October 2014).

74-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of “The Great Blood Plague Disease” Coming to The Earth, As The Hemorrhagic Ebola Causes Havoc in West Africa as It Now Spreads Worldwide Touching Europe and North America So Far (Prophesied on 6th December 2012, fulfilled in 2014).

73-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Corporate Entities in Kenya Laying off Their Staff Due to an Economic and A Financial Crisis, As Eveready Battery Company Shuts Down After 47 Years in Operation and Lays Off 100 Employees and Cadbury Kenya Ltd Also to Shut Down with 300 Employees Losing Their Jobs (Prophesied on 24th September 2014, fulfilled 5 days later on 29th September 2014).

72-Fulfillment of The Prophecy of Civil Chaos, Social Disorder and social dissatisfaction coming to West Africa, As A Result of the Ebola Outbreak as Deadly Attacks by Villagers Occur in Guinea and A Burial Team Also Gets Attacked in Sierra Leone During a Nationwide Lockdown (Prophesied on 6th September 2014, fulfilled two weeks later on 20th September 2014).

71-Fulfillment of The Prophecy of a Mysterious Explosive Fire Coming to The Earth Culminating into Very Dark Smoke Very Deep into The Sky, As A Historic and an Explosive Fire (“King Fire”) Rips Through California, USA Pluming Very Long and Thick Smoke Deep into The Sky (Prophesied on 3rd September 2014, fulfilled 10 days later on 13th September 2014).

70-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Very Serious Military Confrontation Between the Nation of Iran and The Nation of Israel with Iran Detecting a Very Sophisticated Military Weapon Used by Israel, As Iran Detects and Shoots Down an Israeli Stealth Drone Moving Towards Its Central Nuclear Facility (Prophesied on 9th September 2013, fulfilled 11 and a half months later on 24th August 2014).

69-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of a Very Great Famine (Food Crisis) Coming to The Nation of Kenya and The Eastern Africa Region (Prophesied on 1st June 2014, fulfilled 2 months later on 27th July 2014 and further news on the same on 8th August 2014).

68-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Nation of Israel Facing a Very Explosive Encounter and Facing a Potentially Catastrophic Moment and Impending tough Times as Hamas and Israel engage in a Catastrophic War (Prophesied on 1st April 2014, fulfilled 3 months later on 8th Jul 2014).

67- Fulfillment of The Prophecy of Security Distress Coming to The nation of Kenya During a Political Rally, as Chaos breaks out during Saba Saba rally (Prophesied on 15th June 2014, fulfilled on 7th July 2014).

66-Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Deterioration of Security Situation in The Nation of Uganda, As Militias Attack Police Posts and Military Barracks in The Nation of Uganda Leading to More Than 60 People Dead (Prophesied on 14th April 2014, fulfilled 2 months later on 6th July 2014).

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