
If you want to experience more joy and happiness in your marriage, then you will have to take some time to nurture your relationship. It’s plain and simple as that. If you want a happy marriage, you have to work for it.

The National Healthy Marriage Institute says:

“..relationships are like plants. You can only neglect them for so long before they begin to die. The longer you neglect plants and relationships, the more time and effort it takes to revive them.”

In the work that we do for this site and our movies, we hear people complaining about their marriages all of the time. And immediately after their complaint, they provide us with various excuses as to why they have not or will not do anything to change their current circumstances. And most of those problems (excuses) can be easily resolved.

See the weak excuses why people don’t get help for their marriages, then let us know if we’ve missed any!.

#1. My spouse is not going to change.

That may be true. Your spouse may never change. But that should not stop you from making changes. Focus on yourself and what you can do to make improvements in your marriage. Any improvements that I make for myself always benefit my marriage.

#2. I don’t like marriage counseling.

Well you’re in luck! There are so many other options out there. Try a marriage coach, a marriage ministry, a marriage conference, a marriage retreat, find marriage mentors, or read a marriage book together. The list goes on and on. But please don’t let me hear I don’t like counseling anymore!!

#3. We’re good.

But good can always be better. All marriages experience storms. Investing in your marriage now will help you build a strong foundation and will give you the tools to survive any storm that comes your way.

#4. We don’t have the time.

If you have time to watch TV (ahh hum..you know you’re watching those shows we talk about on this site), or play golf, or volunteer for an organization, then you have time for your marriage. It is about prioritization and sacrifice. And maybe some of those things need to be put on hold if your marriage is not right. Sit down with your spouse and go through all of your daily/weekly activities. Then determine if some or all of those activities can be sacrificed so that you can use that time to strengthen your marriage.

6. My spouse will not attend with me.

Then you go! The two of you doing nothing is a 100% guarantee that nothing will change. Conversely, even if only one of you takes the first step, you will see some changes in your marriage.

Source: BMWK

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